Showing posts with label assassins. Show all posts
Showing posts with label assassins. Show all posts

Thursday, 27 February 2025



Brandishing his sword as he stood in ready stance, Alec bellowed, “I am Heng Erling, the only surviving son of Marshal Gustav Erling and I have waited all my life for this day of vengeance!”

“I should have known you were (false) duplicitous right through” Nevetsecnuac fumed.

“A leopard doesn’t change its spots!”

 “Call it what you will, “Heng Erling laughed. “Brace yourself, for you shall be the first to perish at my hand, and that cursed Lord Asger isn’t going anywhere, either.  He forsook his own flesh and blood son Ivar Marrog Zhon, in place of you and, while you grew up in relative safety and comfort in that mountain cabin, his son from infancy has been languishing in a dark, foul dungeon beneath the Capital, never knowing a day without torture.”

“Hah, you think him a noble Lord, but in all these years, he never strove or mustered able men to rescue his own flesh and blood; instead, he cowered like a spineless fiend, biding his time and nourishing dreams of glorious return on your coattails, in that mountain retreat?”

“I’ve heard enough out of you. How dare you malign uncle, a noble Lord with your false, delusions; is there no end to your treachery?”  Nevetsecnuac brandishing his sword, raced towards him with the ferocity of a tiger.

All during the ensued fight Nevetsecnuac tried desperately to repute Heng Erling’s shocking revelations (disclosed facts) about Lord Asger’s forsaken son; unbidden however, certain facts too swiftly rushed to mind validating some of it, such as the seemingly benign incident in the “Heaven’s Gate Spiritual Temple”. Nevetsecnuac recalled all too vividly, Asger’s (Stark’s) accidental inclusion of the name “Ivar Marrog Zhon” in the list, before his quickly erasing it. And recently still, when at the stables Alec, rather Heng, had made the mention of Asger’s son, Nevetsecnuac recalled, how he was curtly stopped. Nevetsecnuac’s conscience thus troubled him as he fought two wars within and without; therefore, for a time Nevetsecnuac’s prowess had been hampered while he fended off Heng’s repetitive, fierce offensives.

Heng with his physiological warfare, thus, once or twice had almost got the upper hand and very nearly vanquished Nevetsecnuac. On one instance, Nevetsecnuac back flipped to escape the brunt of the blade that instead, cut a razor slice across his chest.  Rebounding quickly however, for Nevetsecnuac’s admiration and love for his uncle, Lord Asger was infinite; he had again picked up the momentum and very nearly bested Heng.

Equally resilient Heng withstood these offensives with his remarkable strength, skill and agility; meanwhile, encouraged by the prior result, again he strove to further disarm Nevetsecnuac.

“Some say Ivar Marrog Zhon has been kept alive, barely, as a ruse to draw the traitor from his secretive lair, but our Sovereign could not have known the heartlessness of this Lord,”

Heng spat the word Asger, as he continued with his deadly strikes.

“Some hero; he ran away in the heat of the battle, while his castle, his lands were being besieged, forsook his obligation to his father’s bloodline, for the likes of you? Answer me this, does Lord Asger hold aspirations of grandeur, thinking of the day of your being reinstated to power?  Fool, as if that would ever happen!”

“You know nothing of the truth.” Nevetsecnuac could not help but bellowed back, even though grasping Heng’s sly strategy, he had already resolved to maintain inner composure while concentrating an all-out effort at defeating this very dangerous, and cunning   adversary.

  “As for your beautiful wife, when I’m done with you both, she'll make a fine present for His Royal Highness Zakhertan Yozdek to defile and torture.  Eunuch Egil Viggoaries can (devour) chew on the bones of your twins afterwards!"  Undeterred, Heng threw his head back in a monstrous laugh.

Despite his doggedness, Nevetsecnuac felt as though ice water had been poured all over his steaming body.  At the same time inexplicable sorrow had seeped into his heart as he, a recent dad, grasped the full implications of Lord Asger’s supreme sacrifice.

Fiery contempt for Heng flamed in Nevetsecnuac’s chest and filled his spleen with rage.  Grinding his teeth, he reviled Heng, and at lightning   speed he again powerfully struck the other.  They clashed, weapons thrusting, flailing against each other.  During this deadly exchange (skirmish) Nevetsecnuac suddenly realized that Heng had concealed his true abilities at all prior confrontations; in fact, his fighting skills were most formidable, far more formidable than Duan’s.  With the added advantages of incorporating Nevetsecnuac's fighting style alongside his, he had now become a most fierce (challenging) adversary, a virtually invincible opponent.

 Lord Asger would be disappointed in me and appalled, all with good reason. Nevetsecnuac bowed his head in shame. How could I, with all my years of training, allow myself to be so completely duped? Fueled by this added indignation and ire, with his unleashed innate (inherent) survival instincts Nevetsecnuac was instantaneously transformed into an intrepid, more indomitable warrior. 

Presently, with such ardent, livid antagonists, the earth shook (trembled) from the ferocity of their combat. Limbs of trees fractured or splintered, surrounding foliage and the like were all pulverized or destroyed, rocks, boulders were smashed to bits, split apart or uprooted, as the intense conflict ceaselessly continued.

Lasting all night, after countless rounds of pitched battle, still neither of them could gain the upper hand.  Each time Nevetsecnuac lunged at Heng his thrust was nimbly parried and each blow of Heng's was warded off with little room to spare.

Finally, Heng made an ill-timed thrust at Nevetsecnuac's heart and Nevetsecnuac, with incredible dexterity, spun around it and, twisting his opponent's sword hand, forced Heng to tumble to the ground, dropping his weapon.  Heng rolled then somersaulted to avoid the assault that followed, at the same time retrieving (grabbing) his weapon and landing back on his feet to immediately hack back at Nevetsecnuac.  Again, each attack was parried, each blow warded off, till the force and lightening   rapidity of the strikes barely managed, took its toll on Heng and at one point having lost his grip, his sword flew off his hand aching across the sky to land, rather, be buried in the midst of the nearby lake.

 Heng stood, defenseless, glaring at Nevetsecnuac.

"Ask for mercy", Nevetsecnuac shouted, "and I'll spare your life."

"I'll see you in hell, first!"  Heng swore and darted towards his horse. 

"Stop your running   and fight, you cowardly fiend!" Nevetsecnuac had raced after Heng.

Heng’s stallion spooked by this sudden charge however, had bolted and neighing wildly, nearly trampled Heng under his hooves. But not before had Heng retrieved something he’d needed from the secret compartment of the saddle.

As Heng fell back he quickly tugged the items under his waist wrap; he grumbled a curse on his breath while his eyes briefly trailed his horse galloping into the distance.

Heng swerved (veered) and looked askance at the other but knew better than to try approaching Fiery Comet; resigned to his fate, perfectly composed, he then turned to face Nevetsecnuac.

Now all this had transpired in the blinking of an eye.

 "Cowardly?  Who's the coward here? I dare you to fight without your precious sword!" Heng at this point, defiantly hollered back.

As it was, Nevetsecnuac's code of honor constrained him from striking an unarmed man.  "That suits me fine.” he tossed the sword aside and rushed to engage Heng in hand-to-hand combat.

They fought seemingly endlessly, with such force, such adroitness, the like of which was unseen in any mortal man.  Again, the surrounding area became the casualty of this intense battle. Perfectly matched, the hand-to-hand combat would have lasted forever and ever, but Heng was fast nearing his patience, and sought to bring a quick resolution to this obvious impasse.

And so, after his deadly strike, in an unexpected maneuver, Heng turned tail and fled, as he ran, he withdrew handful of tiny razor-sharp metal spikes with poisoned tips, from beneath his waist wrap, then while still running   he half turned and hurled them with lightning   speed at Nevetsecnuac.

 With incredible agility, Nevetsecnuac dodged the deadly spikes’ course, and the metal spikes continued, flew by and buried their heads in the same ancient tree that his sword had once sliced.

 “Blast!!”  Heng cursed under his breath, as he same time, taking advantage of Nevetsecnuac's momentary distraction, in lightning speed, retrieved the other concealed poisoned stiletto from his high leather boot.

First, he allowed Nevetsecnuac to catch up then, whirling, Heng swiftly (longlined it) thrust the blade into Nevetsecnuac’s chest, having held no qualms at all about killing an unarmed foe.

Failing in this, for Nevetsecnuac’s quick action hurled it from his hand and buried it into the midst of thick, thorny bush, Heng somersaulted, shot through the air and dove right into the frigid waters of the lake. He was gone from view only for a spell, emerging shortly after brandishing the blade in his hand; he landed squarely in front of Nevetsecnuac who was rushing to retrieve his discarded sword.  Unarmed Nevetsecnuac with sure proficiency fended of the deadly assault then swiftly arriving at the spot where he had discarded his sword earlier, he nimbly kicked it to waist height with his toe, grabbed it without breaking stride and turned to parry Heng's murderous slash.

Again, they fought for another twenty to thirty rounds but this time, despite his prowess, Heng, chilled to the bone, began to falter.  In contrast, Nevetsecnuac maintained his speed and agility and wielded his weapon with such consummate skill that, in the end, he cut a three-inch-deep swath under Heng's ribs.

Heng froze in mid-parry then collapsed to the ground in a swelling pool of crimson.  Blood and curses spat from Heng's lips, each breath making him writhe in agony as he muttered bitter recriminations against his own impatience, arrogance and folly in underestimating Nevetsecnuac's competence.

"If only I had waited for the reinforcements and been content letting the axman take your head.  I've failed miserably.  My life's ambition has been frustrated."  Hot tears mixed with the blood on Heng's cheeks.

"My doomed father, forgive me.  I've condemned you to an eternity of torment, wearing the chains of ignominy, in the underworld!  My beloved ill-fated mother, Lingrace, forgive me, oh how I have failed you both!”

 Heng swallowed hard, thinking the rest.

Oh mother, you forsook your virtue and bore such shame during all those years you suffered the lustful, lecherous pawing of Zakhertan Yozdek.  You debased yourself as attendant at his wife's feet, just so I could live and avenge my father's death. Please mother, don’t curse me forever; find it in your heart to forgive, to absolve me of my failings for I’ve done my best, always have; unfortunately, the fiendish foes are backed by powerful demons. With Heaven forsaking the good, I was doomed to fail.

This was the only version Heng had desperately clanged to, always believing in his heart of hearts that his supposed angelic, saintly mother had been forced into that compromising situation, in order that her son's life was spared and also that the scant hope was kept alive, the prospect and the sole aspiration of avenging her husband’s untimely, ignominious death! 

Ensuing years of her coercion Zakhertan  Yozdek had been, by degrees, spared from any and all blame; instead, intense hatred and animosity had been fueled and then deferred to that vilified Lord Asger Thuxur Marrog Zhon and Prince Nevetsecnuac.

 In blind faith Heng envisioned his mother, to his dying breath, as a self-sacrificing, tragic, victimized and molested heroine, rather than the deceitful, conniving and ambitious woman that she was. 

How could Heng face the ugly truth and keep intact his sanity?  How could his tormented mind surmise, the underlying, contemptible sole reason, that he had been spared for the horrific, sickeningly gruesome demises of his elder siblings, all because his mother had, long before the usurpation, covertly had intimate liaison with Zakhertan  Yozdek. And that suspicion, the question of Heng's paternity, was what had excluded him from the executioner’s block (gallows) or fate worse than death.

 How could Heng have guessed at the root of deceit that ran so deep in his mother that, on this day, when he was sacrificing his own life not to avenge his father's death, but rather to further her underhanded, selfish desire to ingratiate herself back into Zakhertan's good graces.  And that was the sole reason she had hired covertly this assassin Duan and constrained him to take her son Heng along for the ride.

 In the meantime, despite the treachery, contempt and duplicity all that had passed between them, Nevetsecnuac, had felt certain compassion for this dying man, curled up in excruciating pain on the ground. And so, he leaned over to ask, “Can I do anything to ease your pain?"

"You can rot in hell; whelp!"  Heng's face contorted in pain at the effort it took to curse.

"I suppose there is no rebellion either,” Nevetsecnuac grumbled as he looked away, understanding the full scope of his deception.

"Haa, ha, haak!," blood welling up in Heng's throat cut short his sarcastic laugh.

 He spat it out at Nevetsecnuac and gritted his teeth in contempt. 

“That’s right, fool.  There are no rebels, no battles. The Generals lead an army of the dead.  Ha, ha, ugghh!" 

Pain again cut short his laughter as he uttered his last words with regret, “Pity that I should be the one to die, not you.  Heaven is not just."

Nevetsecnuac looked away to hide his surging emotions because he had been dealt with a crushing blow.  The lack of rebellion was not the cause of his turmoil, his deep dismay; however, rather, it was the knowledge of Lord Asger’s forsaken son.  So much had happened during these last few months. With those entire facts in a streamline racing through his mind, he plumped his seat down listlessly beside the lifeless body of Heng.

A great deal of reality had altered. He was not the person he thought he was, neither was his uncle. He’d grown up with, albeit necessary deception. As the past life in quick succession once more flashed before his mind’s eye, it resolved all that mystery he’d grown up with; so much more made sense now.

In one fell swoop many of his life’s queries had been answered.  But worst of it was the knowledge, how his beloved uncle, Lord Asger had sacrificed and endured such hardships and pain all on his behalf.

He shuddered at the thought of another innocent being, sacrificed and forsaken, worst still, imprisoned at infancy, forced to endure such torment, all because of him.

Lord Asger Marrog Zhon had sent Nevetsecnuac on, albeit with some reserve, hoping against hope that there would be some truth to Heng’s claims.  Looking at his bloodied sword, Nevetsecnuac recollected the entirety of his oath to self and Lord Asger; so, he sat, eyes cast on the ground, staring aimlessly in silent, pained concentration. 

He’d sworn the oath not to return without exacting vengeance, on behalf of all those living or perished souls. Heng’s treachery aside, Nevetsecnuac could not dismiss the fact that, Lord Asger’s son to date languished in some dark dreary dungeon.

 With lowered head, Nevetsecnuac ground his teeth and clenched his fist as he seethed.

  If he were to return, Asger would never let him go on this perilous rescue mission.

Teuquob and his bellowed children, their dependence on him could sway his determination. But how could he last another day, knowingly perpetuating this unethical, immoral feat (act)?  Lord Asger had sacrificed so much… Least he could do, is try, try to rectify this grave injustice and reunite him with his flesh and blood son!

Suddenly he knew the action he must take to make all these wrongs right. He could only estimate the scope of difficulty, the unforeseen challenges of his chosen (decided) course, but same time he knew it was the only honorable thing to do.

Springing to his feet, he threw both arms into the air and let out an earth-shaking roar

“Heaven bear witness to my new vow (pledge), whatever the cost; I shall exact vengeance on the Usurper Zakhertan Yozdek for all the wrongdoings he’s committed and, reunite Lord Asger Thuxur Marrog Zhon with his son Ivar Marrog Zhon.”

Nevetsecnuac afterwards (next) with meticulous care buried Heng Erling’s corpse under some rocks, poured libation (offering the entirety of wine which Heng had kept in animal skin vessel/container, and used it sparingly, since the time he’d accompanied Duan) over his grave and said some prayers for his soul.       

 At that moment in time, the first light of day broke; Nevetsecnuac’s eyes beheld a phantasm dragon suddenly manifest in the crimson sky, which it then quickly sailed on by amidst red clouds, till it dissipated.  

Nevetsecnuac thoughtfully nodded, then unable to stand still a moment longer he, vaulting into Fiery Comet's saddle, galloped the steed in the direction of the morning sun.





Monday, 17 February 2025



Lord Asger had accepted the distinct possibility that Alec and Duan were but the advance guard of a squad of assassins waiting in the wings to launch the final assault. By preventing Alec from contacting his accomplices, Asger could be sealing their own fate. To determine the veracity (accuracy) of Alec’s claims, and perhaps in due course uncover any collaborators, Asger, with a heavy heart, had finally consented to Prince Nevetsecnuac’s departure at the earliest opportunity.

“He is a lot tougher and more cunning   than he lets on.”  Asger cautioned Nevetsecnuac, advising him to temper his own impatience, to remain vigilant and to be wise beyond his years. “The truth in due course will come to light.”

Asger had scant hope that the two (Nevetsecnuac and Alec) would join up with Lord Shonne Gulbrand and the amassed armies of General Kundrick Dufo, to realize that long awaited goal of purging the usurper Zakhertan  Yozdek.  What is more, he silently feared that he could be sending Nevetsecnuac into an elaborate trap.

Asger looked away to quickly dismiss these inhibitions, concentrating his thoughts instead on his innate, firm confidence in Nevetsecnuac’s prowess. Clinging on to the belief that his nephew would circumvent all danger, expunge all the villains, and return to them in safety armed with the facts.

Regardless, their security had been breached. Upon Nevetsecnuac’s safe return, they would have to, Asger, Nevetsecnuac , Teuquob and the twins, relocate elsewhere, till such a time as a grand action was warranted.


When Alec finally awoke late afternoon, he was allowed to wash up and shared some sustenance with Lord Asger and Svein (Prince Nevetsecnuac). During this modest repast, Alec was offered prompt apologies and a very plausible explanation for his prior incapacitation, which had been seen necessary so as to allow Alec this period to recover.

 Though infuriated (irked), at least he had been spared the indignity of being bound.

 Alec, understanding their reasons therefore, meekly played along with this charade and acceded to all their wishes, as well, of him being indefinitely (incarcerated) confined to the small area within the barn. Subsequently, when it was all said and done, Alec was quietly taken aside and re-introduced to Nevetsecnuac, as the prince he sought to find. Alec on his part, feigning   surprise, had promptly paid his homage to his supposed beloved Prince. Later still, Alec was duly informed of the intended time of their departure, possibly as early as the very next day, and so elated was he that from then on, he’d remained quite contented to let things be. 

Long after they had taken their leave, Alec, unable to resist it, partook some more of the delectable morsels that had been left behind along with a pot of tea, for his at will consumption.

Overcome with sudden fatigue, too late he realized that yet again he had been duped; unable to fight the potent drug’s effects, he was rendered once more utterly dead to the world.




Teuquob in all this time had been directed (advise) to keep well out of sight of Alec. She had thus far complied with understanding their innate concerns, but on this evening   at dusk, her curiosity overriding any reason, she’d on some pretext getting away, snuck back into the barn. 

Guilt and unease accompanied her hesitant steps as she drew nearer and nearer to the stranger. Besides which, she inwardly asserted, she needed to assuage her fears and perhaps resolve some of those persistent, annoying inner queries, before her husband embarked on this presumably dangerous, at best risky venture. She was curious to know also why,

If Asger did not trust this stranger to have him inside the cabin or at the table, why not then dispose of him and be done with it; why (would Asger) allow her husband to accompany this purported foe on the doubtless, precarious escapade?

 As she cast her gaze on the shadowy, sleeping foe’s form, the reasons suddenly were made clear. She knew then that for them to do otherwise would have been far more hazardous. Inwardly she hoped now that Asger’s confidence in Nevetsecnuac would not be in vain or misplaced.

As she had neared still closer, to place a newly filled washbasin over at the small table by the fire, Alec with his strong survival instincts, detecting a presence had at once regained consciousness. He did not let on however, and despite his groggy, dazed state, still managed to discreetly observe her. Before, during the fierce combat, he hardly had the time to note, to scrutinize her features, let alone register her exceptional beauty. Then she had been an object, a key opportunity targeted for sole destruction. But now at this proximity as if seeing her for the first time, he was taken aback and got quite incensed by the existence of such an incredible, indescribable magnificence in this remote dwelling, matchless in grace and most bewitching in allure, presumably a companion, or a mate to the prince.  The prince certainly lacks for nothing! Such a cozy arrangement! No wonder they have me persistently drugged and incapacitated! Alec gnashed his teeth.

Soon however, once again the sleep had claimed him.


The morning   of the departure Nevetsecnuac awoke with a start after a restless sleep and straight away noted his wife’s moist and puffy eyes, despite her attempt to hide her face from his view.

"What's wrong?"  Nevetsecnuac sat up, concerned, "Have you been crying?"  Turning   away, she was about to spring out of bed, when he tugged at her sleeve to hold her back. "Oh, you mustn't worry about my leaving, my love. There really is no danger involved in this undertaking.” he then embracing her whispered reassuringly into her ear, guessing at her concern. "Our parting will be so brief you won't even have the chance to miss me."  He did not dare tell her more. Then accordingly, in an excited voice spoke of his duty and obligation to not only the living but those long dead. Then, for Teuquob's sake, he spoke of their hopeful future and his triumphant return to her and their son and daughter, how they would then live out their lives under better circumstances, in relative safety, in contentment and joy until their hairs turned gray, with justice, peace and prosperity restored to the land.  "You must look ahead and rejoice in that future happiness not shed tears. Unless, that is, you doubt my ability.” he gently admonished her.

"It's not that.” her lips quivered, and she once again turned her face away to evade his questioning eyes. Though she tried to resist, her heart was breaking so much that, in defiance, few tears fell, coursing (trickling) down her cheeks.

Nevetsecnuac again gently took Teuquob in his embrace and touched his lips to her tears. "Won’t you give me a big, bright smile?” softly, in a broken voice he implored her. "I want to go away remembering you such."

Concern for him gave her the will to stop. She wiped away the tears then, forcing a smile to her lips. Then in a whisper, stammered, "Please love, keep yourself safe and send for us with due speed. Lord Asger and I will not rest easily until we receive words from you."

"You left out the twins; they won’t miss me I suppose.” Nevetsecnuac jested with an exaggerated pout.

"Oh! You can be so exasperating sometimes!"  Teuquob mockingly punched his shoulder. The fiery radiance in her eyes melted his heart when she next raised her flashed face to look into his eyes. 

"Why must you tease me in this way?"  Teuquob pursing her lips turned her head away, then just as quickly, swiveled back with such a loving gaze that “Nevetsecnuac’s chest heaved with the intense emotion surging up within him. Laughing, he tenderly embraced his wife anew and showered her face with kisses. 

A gentle knock on the door just then interrupted this tender moment announcing Asger’s presence; somewhat reluctantly Nevetsecnuac got off the bed and greeted his uncle who simply said:

"Alec, in his eagerness, has already packed and is even now readying his steed for the journey. When you are dressed, I wish to have a private word with you in my room, please."

When Nevetsecnuac next saw Asger, his uncle was fully clad in white ceremonial garb and was in the act of pouring pure, chilly water from the melted snow over the swords. After the ablution, which drove out all evil influences from the forged steel, Asger held the twin swords high over his head, their blade catching the morning   light that streamed in from the window and said a votary (invocation) to the ancestors within. Once again reunited with the swords through this ceremony, Asger then held it out one of them, hilt first, to Nevetsecnuac.

To Asger the ancestor swords were objects of profound veneration. Forged at his birth amid many rites of purification and prayers to his ancestors, the pair had hung above his bed until his rite of passage into maturity and then had been given to him to learn their use.  It was believed by Asger, and by his ancestors, that such a pair of swords carried the mental, physical, and spiritual powers of their owner and his family.  Hence, on termination of Asger's life, he expected the right to be buried with them at his side.

Understanding the deep significance of such a gift, or rather a loan, Nevetsecnuac knelt to receive one of the ancestor swords of Lord Asger Thuxur Marrog Zhon.  When the sword passed into his hands Nevetsecnuac, with deep reverence, touched the base of the blade to his forehead and vowed to use it only in the cause of justice, righteousness, and mercy.

"I, Prince Nevetsecnuac Alric Therran Valamir, son of Prince Shon Alric Therran Valamir, and grandson of His Highness Zuronghan Alric Therran Valamir, hereby promise to avenge the wrongful deaths perpetrated by Zakhertan  Yozdek and his followers.  I further vow to restore order and peace to this land. These vows fulfilled, I shall return to your presence, Lord Asger Thuxur Marrog Zhon, to pay my respects and entrust this sword once more into your keeping."

Asger smiled in approval and uttered encouraging words to the prince, ending with, "May Heaven assists you in your fateful task, my Prince, and may the sword vanquish all enemies in your path."

After Nevetsecnuac’s farewells to his wife and his loving children he exchanged a few more private words with his uncle, at the end of which Asger patted his shoulder affectionately and said, “Rest assured, my Prince, all will be well here. I give you my solemn word that I shall take diligent care of Teuquob, Alric and Lueling. I will shield them from the least harm and safeguard them with my life. All I ask is that you return to us safely (safe and sound).  Now at the risk of being redundant, remember that once you leave here you must concentrate your thoughts only on the task at hand and nothing else. "

 At the moment of their final parting, despite her promise to herself that she would be strong, Teuquob’s defiant tears had come perilously close to gushing out and so she bit her lip and lowered her head, missing Nevetsecnuac’s one last look back.

 A sudden cry from one of the twins inside the cabin just then beckoned Teuquob. Lord Asger stance however did not change one iota as he, with a somber face, continued to gaze after Nevetsecnuac leading Fiery Comet down the steep path slightly ahead of Alec and his mount. 

Abruptly the air at that moment grew much colder, the strong rising winds that had just then herded dark clouds over the blue fields of the sky, turning day into night; icy chill presently pierced Asger to the marrow, causing an involuntary shiver to pass through him. Dancing flakes of white snow sprinkled his garments, turning   them silvery white with random sequins. Refusing to go inside he stood woodenly, staring at Nevetsecnuac’s diminishing figure until they had entirely passed from his view.




Wednesday, 11 December 2024




 Rising before dawn as usual Stark and the rest had diligently worked to discharge their mundane allocated tasks in this remote mountain dwelling. It was a particularly crisp morning with only wisps of clouds, streaking across the sky and accompanying the emerging sun that promised to shed its golden rays for the entire day.  Yet something was amiss (intuitively wrong); Svein had noted Stark’s particularly distracted mood all during breakfast, and even afterwards when they practiced the routine martial exercises, but he abstained from posing a query. Stark was grateful for this tact; nevertheless, all through practice, amidst varied, intermittent threat (menace) from marauding, voracious predators, and even afterwards as he chopped wood, he could not shake the innate foreboding, that for some time now had doggedly robbed his peace.

There is no point in putting this off any longer, and the sooner the better. Finally heeding his intuition, he buried the blade of the axe firmly in the huge stump, and picking up the last of the kindling, went inside.  At noon he would embark on a mission of reconnaissance of the expanded perimeter, while Svein stayed behind to guard his wife and their infant identical twins, boy and a girl, whom were in fact quite a handful to manage.

Thinking of them as he later packed his gear, Stark could not help but smile. Oh, what a joy they’re to have around, even though they have often robbed their parents and me of a good night’s sleep. 

Their birth had been difficult, but Teuquob had survived the ordeal stoically in the end delivering not one but two blessings from Heaven.   Subsequent month, at the private naming ceremony, they had made the appropriate offerings to the mountain God Rognar and prayed to their ancestors. The twin boy infant’s personal name had been easy to pick; Stark had suggested Alric, and both had readily acquiesced to it as it was by all accounts a very good name. The twin girl’s name selection had been just as easy, as Teuquob had chosen to bestow her own mother’s name Lueling. It was not obligatory to register surnames at this point in time; barring (with the exception of) certain circumstances, it could be delayed till after the adolescence years and at the time of rite of passage.

"Uncle, it is customary, is it not for boys to have a second personal name also? “Svein had surprised Stark, just before the formal ceremony was to take place. “I therefore wish my son’s second name to be Stark."

Stark shook his head, “Though a great honor, it’s not proper….”

Please acquiesce to it uncle, Svein hastily interrupted.”  "I can think of no one more worthy; you have cared for me all these years, been my parent, mentor and protector. I am what I am because of your due diligence and unstinting care. I owe you a debt of gratitude; please allow me this trifling gesture to repay your kindness. I have talked this over with Teuquob and we are both in agreement with this. So please accede.” 

Though Stark was very touched by this gesture, he tried few other names for Svein to use in its stead. In the end he relented and had gratefully accepted this great honor.

Personal names of twins duly registered in a book, the three then had talked joyously and feasted the remainder of the day.



 At vast distance, alas, within that same mountain region (radius), Duan and Brandt   after a long grueling trek, had set up camp in a sheltered area late that afternoon to allow some well-earned respite for their mounts. Familiar with the routine, Brandt unloaded their gear and, wrinkling his nose, proceeded to smear the foul-smelling paste onto the horses, as an effective repellent to any veracious beasts. After which, he left the loosely tethered steeds grazing by a small brook where there was still some sturdy grass poking their heads through the icy ground and he began gathering dry kindling for the fire. Since their food reserves had all but gone, Brandt expected Duan to go on his usual hunt; but instead, he spotted him at some distance climbing to the apex of an ancient tree.

There with his eagle eyes Duan for some time scanned the perimeter.  Eventually he spotted at a far distance an isolated smoke neither growing nor lessening   in size curling up over the tips of a vast forest beyond the next incline.

 Descending swiftly, he then turned with an icy, scathing smile to announce that he had with measure of certainty now pinpointed (located) the prey, and that Brandt s plight was nearly over.

At least that is something! Brandt   turned his head to hide his elation and continued with his gathering of firewood (kindling, brushwood).


The ensuing number of days with renewed enthusiasm Brandt had relentlessly pushed on; however, in the mountains the distances were typically deceptive.  Moreover, as if to taunt Brandt’s endurance, Mother Nature repeatedly unleashed on the entire region countless fierce storms.  Day in and day out the biting winds arising from nowhere, with swirls of snow and debris flailing about, mercilessly (unmercifully) whipped (flayed) their faces. Bracing against this onslaught from the winds and the frigid temperatures, while being frequently blinded by the white veil of snow, hunching their backs and sheltering their eyes, they had relentlessly, with such dogged persistence still pressed on to cover an unbelievable distance. 

Then one day, discerning   that they were now closer in proximity to their objective, Duan drew near and patronizingly directed Brandt to from then on to remain vigilant, adding, “And no more fires; it would not do if we were to be discovered prematurely now!”

The very fact that he needed to say this irked Brandt.  He treats me like an imbecile!

Duan with his cold regard turned to squarely face him.  If the shoe fits!

After a few moments’ silence, however, Duan again dropped his pace and in a gentler voice now succinctly informed Brandt   of the tactical measures they would be adapting for their assured success.

 During that night’s rest (respite), another odd thing, they’d talked over a great many things. Distrustful of Duan’s motives, however, certain misgivings took permanent root in Brandt’s heart especially since he could not fathom the reason for Duan’s sudden civility.

Starting at first light they’d traveled for a few more days, then one afternoon Duan again scaled (climbed) an ancient tree and from the (vintage point at) top, looking this way and that, he at long last detected the certain, barely discernible dwelling in the far distance.

 Next three or four days taking great pains to cover their tracks, they had stealthily advanced in that very direction till late afternoon of the fifth day the certain clearing encircling a wooden structure came into view.

Unrelenting winds all during the day had chilled Brandt   to the very bone; presently looking up and seeing an opening   in the twilight’s azure sky as the clouds have been swept away, "Finally, luck seems to be on our side.” Brandt   optimistically whispered.  "Fate is lending us a hand."

Duan only scoffed and said nothing.

A brief time later, their presence swiftly hidden behind a huge boulder at the edge of dense forest, their mounts muzzled and tethered, they then hunkered down and waited for darkness to descend.

As darkness mantled the earth the partially cloudless sky now became speckled with stars. The reluctant, full moon, frequently took refuge behind the sparse clouds, refusing to give aid to these murderous men engaged in hasty preparations for the kill.

Howls of the distant gray wolves, roars of snow tigers and other such predatory beasts added to the drama and definite chill in the air. Like (same as) the beasts on the prowl, Duan and Brandt   lurked without the benefit of fire, as the biting cold air froze the tips of their noses and formed rime on their facial hair despite the grueling exertion.


Eventually all the lights in the cabin were, one by one extinguished, informing them that the unsuspecting prey had quietly retired beneath their warm quilts. This fact ascertained, Brandt   told to stay put and guard their mounts, with resentment filling his heart, he observed Duan akin to a nocturnal animal possessing a keen eyesight, stealthily advance towards the dwelling.


 In truth, beset by a lethal set of bizarre coincidences, this past week had been particularly a grueling one for the inhabitants of the log cabin.  Moreover, three days prior, Stark had been fiercely attacked by a large pack of ravenous wolves; an unlikely event in itself but judging by the severity of the winter storms this year it was to be expected. 

Earlier on that day Stark heeded his strong hunch, and on the point of discovering the intruders’ tracks, he’d encountered instead, a marauding (prowling) voracious mountain lion and had to fend for his dear life. He’d escaped the danger by the skin of his teeth, and as his wounds were grave, he had to swiftly retrace his steps back to the cabin to get patched up.

Stark’s injuries and all serious lacerations precipitously dealt with (tended to), on his insistence when it was feasible for him to do so, Svein had gone out few times to scan the immediate perimeter for any (telltale) signs of unusual activity and portended danger. The remainder of the day they had stayed on high alert even though there’d been insufficient finding to warrant this innate concern.

This very night Stark, concealing his apprehension and strong sense of foreboding from Teuquob, had discretely abstained from taking any but the minimal medicine in order to keep his vigil.  Teuquob and Svein meanwhile had their hands full with the very active twins, as they had been unusually more irritable and difficult to handle. With everyone feeling somewhat exhausted, all the co-habitants of the Cabin had retired early. 

Svein had just closed his eyes when a slight tap on the bedroom door made him jump up. Luckily Teuquob had been too worn out to awaken. Cautiously slipping out from under the quilts, he swiftly got dressed and left the room. There was no need to inquire; Stark’s grave expression told it all.

“Good, you are dressed.” Stark drawing close whispered his instructions to Svein.  Svein nodded and quietly fetching his overcoat and sword, went outside and climbed onto the roof.  He squatted by the chimney and waited for that certain danger to manifest.

Due consideration for the welfare of infants and of Teuquob’s had curtailed Stark’s pre-emptive action of letting the fire in the fireplace die out. Besides which, the lack of smoke would have alerted the approaching nemesis.

“What’s going on?” Teuquob’s face peeked out of the bedroom door, shortly after Svein had exited the premise.

 “I wish I could respond with the word nothing; but I am not going to (fib) lie to you my dear.” Stark hastened over with his explanation.  “We are all in grave danger!”

“What can I do to assist you, sir?  I wish to fight alongside you.  I am competent enough having benefited greatly from your instructions; let me fetch my sword.”

“Hold on.” Stark grasped her arm to halt her hasty retreat into the bedroom.

 Her courage and eagerness to fight made Stark smile, despite the gravity of the situation.

 What an endearing child! You are almost as bold and foolhardy as Svein, but in this case you are no match for the peril that is out there; and far from helping, you would be a serious impediment.  Despite the shortness of time however, he addressed her calmly and tactfully, “Better you stay inside, bolt the door and valiantly guard your children.  The structure is solid and will not be easily contravened (penetrated, broken into). The windows are too narrow for anyone to go through. Hmmm.”

After a brief consideration, he then added, “For now get dressed and be on the ready; hopefully it won’t come to that, but in the event of fire or breach, you and your children must be ready to flee to the safety of the cavern as we’ve discussed earlier.”

