Showing posts with label Teuquob. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Teuquob. Show all posts

Wednesday, 1 January 2025




From his hiding place Brandt’s eyes had avidly followed Duan’s progress, only losing sight of him once or twice, but then, the full moon obligingly re-emerged as the last passing cloud drifted away to the north illuminating the grounds once more.

Brandt just then recalling to mind, the stipulated task which he presently had neglected, he at once fetched the remainder of the foul-smelling bundle that had been set aside and quickly smeared the contents of it on the well tethered mounts. It would effectively mask the horses’ scent from any predators for two to three days hence, even though thankfully after a bout, the overwhelming pungent stench dissipated, leaving only a slight residue of pong.

Hmm, why not? Brandt   shrugged, glancing at the remainder then quickly patted it on parts of his clothes and hair. For a spell, typically, his nose wrinkled up and then he was immune. As he had every intention of joining   the fight, he grinned mischievously imagining   this to be an effective repellent not just to beasts but to man.

When the moon once more took refuge behind some dense clouds, Brandt   defiantly left his post and stealthily drew close to the cabin. His searching gaze again spotted Duan, whose swift advance had abruptly stayed (halted, arrested), by the unexpected loud disturbance arising from within the stable.

No chance of using hay from the barn to stack up against the cabin now. Flushing them out through fire, bah! It was a stupid idea anyhow. Brandt   scoffed then grinned pondering, what other bright ideas Duan had up his sleeves.

The mount presently again, was heard neighing, prancing, and stamping his hooves on the ground, overall raising quite a ruckus to give fair warning   to his master.

Unnerved, Brandt   abandoned his stealthy advance and hastily took cover behind a cluster (group) of trees.

 “Now where in blazes is he?” Brandt   grumbled under his breath as his eyes sought Duan, for Duan had entirely disappeared from his view, and this time for good. He did not have to wait long however, when suddenly a fierce fight erupted on the rooftop of the main dwelling. Aside from the thunderous sounds of hand-to-hand combat, swords clashed repeatedly and violently, sending sparks into the night air.

You shall not rob me of glory! Brandt, hugging the shadows, darted towards the cabin. He paused only for a spell to consider the more prudent course, a sure tactical advantage that seemingly lay ahead. But it was a trap, that of which he recognized just in time, therefore escaping a certain ghastly end.

Dodging similar traps, he relentlessly pushed on and finally got within proximity to the Cabin’s doorstep (porch). Grinding his teeth and brandishing his sword, he made ready to (in rapid strides) fly over the stairs and burst inside and deal a swift deathblow to those within. But at that precise moment the cabin door flung open and the other they had sought, the one-armed fiend emerging, brandishing his sword in a single jump, landed just before Brandt   to bar (block) his way.

 “Where do you think you’re going?” He shouted at Brandt, his attention at once drawn to Brandt’s sword, as he at the same time wildly hacked at him. Brandt ’s eyes blazed seeing the ancestor sword in other’s hand; rage swelling within his chest and with equal equanimity he fended subsequent nimble strikes and delivered his own deadly assaults on Stark.

Back on the icy rooftop a superb fighting had ensued between Svein and Duan, as the latter repeatedly whirled his sword like the fearsome wind and brought it down on Svein with a forceful blow. But Svein in lightning   speed each instance (case) escaped the course of the blade (the sword's path) and instead, dealt the assailant numerous damaging blows of his own.

 All the while Duan had also targeted the chimney, trying to dismantle or destroy stone/brick structure, in effort to suffocate (smoke out) those within the cabin, but this also were ably thwarted (foiled) by Svein.

At one point after parrying Duan’s sword, Svein then with lightning   speed landed Duan a most powerful punch on the jaw that sent Duan faltering backwards on his feet to the periphery (fringe, edge) of the (snow covered) roof. He halted only just, with his heels dangling in midair as the dislodged flecks of ice cascaded down.

No worse for wear however, in a flash Duan not only steadied himself on his toes, but in an agile move, with a swift summersault going right over Svein, he landed squarely on his feet behind Svein and lunged.

Quick maneuver on Svein’s part blocked this deadly aim and the subsequent lightening charges, thrusts, and stabs.

Duan, now in a more solid stand laughed aloud and shouted: “Not bad, not bad at all kid!! But these rooftop engagements are tiresome, don’t you think?” Then quick as the wind, he somersaulted down onto the solid icy ground and this time engaged Svein in so fierce a combat that even though the full moonlight bathed the premise, all that was discernable (visible) to the naked eye, was a whirling, streaking (whizzing) blur.

 Brandt   also caught (occupied) in a fierce battle with Stark, at one point had nevertheless drawn close enough to Svein to note in a side-glance, the features of the young man.

Why that is, what was his name again? Brandt   could barely contain his shock and surprise. That’s right… Audun Colden. Blast!!!  Brandt’s astute (shrewd, incisive) mind had at once pieced it together. Brandt, seething in anger now for being (duped) played the fool, he cursed Audun (Svein) under his breath and redoubled his strikes against Stark.

Once this foe was bested, Brandt next aim would be Audun; however, Brandt had pegged (gaged, judged) that one wrong as well, for despite Stark’s wounds, his consummate skill, and the intensity of the combat, was so swift and outstanding (remarkable) that it robbed Brandt any chance of besting him.

“Fool, all you are is an impediment!!” Duan furiously bellowed at Brandt, when at one point Brandt   got in his way.

Duan’s subsequent lightning   strikes in quick succession hacked and thrust at Svein's ribs and other body parts, but in each instance, incredibly, Svein with his nimble maneuvers (bend, twists, or turns), repeatedly averted and deflected the deadly course of the blade. Maddeningly still, in all that time Duan’s invincible deadly strikes had barely grazed Svein’s clothes.

Brandt   had witnessed Duan vanquishing whole contingents in the blinking of an eye. Yet thus far Duan with his indomitable fighting style and prowess had failed to gain the singular advantage over Audun Colden (Svein).

The villain (fiend) Duan had finally met his match! Adroit Brandt’s blood boiled with fury, doubting hence, his and Duan’s prior, anticipated victory.

From the start, Stark and Svein had pegged Brandt as not being a serious contender within that fighting group and quickly relegated him to lateral combat. It still took all Brandt’s skill and might, nevertheless, to parry or fend off Stark’ sporadic (intermittent) assaults. Stark’s key focus directed at Duan, whenever he could, he had landed a helping hand to Svein. Nor could Brandt   get away now, to assault those in the cabin's interior, as a diversion, presumably (likely) the weak point of these two invincible warriors.

The intense combat, occasionally, with the three combatants Duan, Stark and Audun (Svein) interlocked in fierce struggle had, meanwhile, lasted indefinitely for Brandt. They had paid little heed to Brandt, who fought futilely on the flank. Jealousy gnawing his innards. Brandt regretted now having played his part all too well, Duan despised him and so it was far too late for an effective, coordinated strike against the foes; meanwhile, the adversaries’ combined force was invincible.

Brandt, as he fought on, with his astute observations, had irrefutably (undeniably) now, grasped the full scope of their impossible situation. In all the years of fighting, (even when based on sheer force, stamina, and skill) he had seen nothing remotely, akin to it.

How best to survive (outlast) this sure forfeiture?

Presently, with the two striking at Duan simultaneously at once, Brandt, knowing it was only a matter of time before Duan was (bested) vanquished- inwardly tallied (weighed, deliberated on) his scarcest options, and wracked his brains, till he reached an apt resolution.


At one point in time, Duan ceasing a rare opportunity, in lightning speed struck Svein, then in a whirl, hacked at Stark’s back, only to find his blade in both instances simultaneously blocked, sending fiery sparks into the night air.

This for a spell, demoralized Duan, for good as Stark was the youth who fought only with ordinary sword, still wielded the blade with such consummate, deadly effect, furthermore, his unfaltering speed and agility were unlike any Duan had ever encountered (engaged in). This was far beyond any human skill; it must be…. Duan inwardly nodded, remembering his fortunate findings from the supposed cryptic chronicles (private journals) of the Abbot Boqast Tizanzenn’s in that vault.

Inwardly, Duan could not help but admire the youth’s super-human competence (thankfully, not fully realized yet,) that still far exceeded any proficient mortal martial arts’ expert, such as the one-armed foe.

Anyone else would have long ago perished by my blade (wielding of sword). So young, yet he possesses such consummate, invincible power. Hmm, Duan, presently demurred while keeping up the intense combat. The elder, despite his wounds and obvious handicap is also to be admired: a pity that I must slay such fine warriors.

 Svein and Stark, meanwhile, for an immeasurable time had kept up with their coordinated maneuvers, and presently, still effectively stayed both Duan and Brandt’s (assailants’) recharged deadly offensives.

Be that as it may, despite all seeming appearances, the unremitting intensity of combat combined   with the effects of the medicine Stark had ingested earlier, had in fact by degrees begun taking its toll on Stark; yet with tenacious vigor, he’d obstinately, persistently pushed to ward off Duan’s fresh unfaltering swift strikes, ignoring Svein's repeated urgings for him to withdraw from the circle of combat. 

"Please get back to safety, Uncle. I can manage them both.” Svein again urged Stark, before he swung with full force at Duan's chest then intercepted Brandt’s thrust by tripping him face down to the ground.

“Nothing doing” Came Stark’s stern response; however, just then seeing Teuquob armed and about to emerge from the cabin, both Duan and Brandt   shot through the air in an incredible speed, in a straight beeline towards her. It was all Stark and Svein could do to block their intent; and as Svein kept them both effectively at bay, Stark catapulted, swift as the sudden gust to land just before her.

“I told you to stay within! Outside is no place for you to be. Now get back in and bolt the door!”  His stern command, command of a general forced Teuquob to abort her aim at once and quickly withdraw inside.

 “Stubborn girl,” Stark shook his head, as he turned and rushed back to join the fray.

Teuquob with certain foreboding had bolted the door and stamped her feet, and then angrily casting the sword aside, went to look in on the just then squabbling twins.

 The sounds of the intense combat outside picking up momentum stirred her heart anew with further misgivings and she hugged her children as she bit her lip to stop the urge to scream in sheer frustration. Why wasn’t she allowed to fight? She was competent enough; was all her training for nothing but a show!

As she had squeezed them tighter still, the twins, very much surprised, ceased their rumpus (crying) and with confused expressions only a mother could tell, stared back at their mom.

“I should be out there, fighting alongside them. I am capable enough!”  She found herself explaining   to those staring, innocent faces. “In here I feel so utterly useless; there must be something I can do?”

Presently, she would pray for their salvation; then, she would defiantly, join in with the fight outside.

Subsequently, with the twins at close by, she prostrated herself before the altar of the mountain god, Rognar, (resting) set up over an ornate mahogany table in the private corner of the living area. There, with a heart-rending plea she entreated the God, till such time she participated in the fight, to be merciful and aid her beloved husband and esteemed uncle.  Furthermore, to bequeath her, Svein and Stark, utmost power, strength, and endurance, so that they may jointly, easily subdue the (assailants) enemy.






Monday, 16 December 2024





From his hiding place Brandt’s eyes had avidly followed Duan’s progress, only losing sight of him once or twice, but then, the full moon obligingly re-emerged as the last passing cloud drifted away to the north illuminating the grounds once more.

Brandt just then recalling to mind, the stipulated task which he presently had neglected, he at once fetched the remainder of the foul-smelling bundle that had been set aside and quickly smeared the contents of it on the well tethered mounts. It would effectively mask the horses’ scent from any predators for two to three days hence, even though thankfully after a bout, the overwhelming pungent stench dissipated, leaving only a slight residue of pong.

Hmm, why not? Brandt   shrugged, glancing at the remainder then quickly patted it on parts of his clothes and hair. For a spell, typically, his nose wrinkled up and then he was immune. As he had every intention of joining   the fight, he grinned mischievously imagining   this to be an effective repellent not just to beasts but to man.

When the moon once more took refuge behind some dense clouds, Brandt   defiantly left his post and stealthily drew close to the cabin. His searching gaze again spotted Duan, whose swift advance had abruptly stayed (halted, arrested), by the unexpected loud disturbance arising from within the stable.

No chance of using hay from the barn to stack up against the cabin now. Flushing them out through fire, bah! It was a stupid idea anyhow. Brandt   scoffed then grinned pondering, what other bright ideas Duan had up his sleeves.

The mount presently again, was heard neighing, prancing, and stamping his hooves on the ground, overall raising quite a ruckus to give fair warning   to his master.

Unnerved, Brandt   abandoned his stealthy advance and hastily took cover behind a cluster (group) of trees.

 “Now where in blazes is he?” Brandt   grumbled under his breath as his eyes sought Duan, for Duan had entirely disappeared from his view, and this time for good. He did not have to wait long however, when suddenly a fierce fight erupted on the rooftop of the main dwelling. Aside from the thunderous sounds of hand-to-hand combat, swords clashed repeatedly and violently, sending sparks into the night air.

You shall not rob me of glory! Brandt, hugging the shadows, darted towards the cabin. He paused only for a spell to consider the more prudent course, a sure tactical advantage that seemingly lay ahead. But it was a trap, that of which he recognized just in time, therefore escaping a certain ghastly end.

Dodging similar traps, he relentlessly pushed on and finally got within proximity to the Cabin’s doorstep (porch). Grinding his teeth and brandishing his sword, he made ready to (in rapid strides) fly over the stairs and burst inside and deal a swift deathblow to those within. But at that precise moment the cabin door flung open and the other they had sought, the one-armed fiend emerging, brandishing his sword in a single jump, landed just before Brandt   to bar (block) his way.

 “Where do you think you’re going?” He shouted at Brandt, his attention at once drawn to Brandt’s sword, as he at the same time wildly hacked at him. Brandt ’s eyes blazed seeing the ancestor sword in other’s hand; rage swelling within his chest and with equal equanimity he fended subsequent nimble strikes and delivered his own deadly assaults on Stark.

Back on the icy rooftop a superb fighting had ensued between Svein and Duan, as the latter repeatedly whirled his sword like the fearsome wind and brought it down on Svein with a forceful blow. But Svein in lightning   speed each instance (case) escaped the course of the blade (the sword's path) and instead, dealt the assailant numerous damaging blows of his own.

 All the while Duan had also targeted the chimney, trying to dismantle or destroy stone/brick structure, in effort to suffocate (smoke out) those within the cabin, but this also were ably thwarted (foiled) by Svein.

At one point after parrying Duan’s sword, Svein then with lightning   speed landed Duan a most powerful punch on the jaw that sent Duan faltering backwards on his feet to the periphery (fringe, edge) of the (snow covered) roof. He halted only just, with his heels dangling in midair as the dislodged flecks of ice cascaded down.

No worse for wear however, in a flash Duan not only steadied himself on his toes, but in an agile move, with a swift summersault going right over Svein, he landed squarely on his feet behind Svein and lunged.

Quick maneuver on Svein’s part blocked this deadly aim and the subsequent lightening charges, thrusts, and stabs.

Duan, now in a more solid stand laughed aloud and shouted: “Not bad, not bad at all kid!! But these rooftop engagements are tiresome, don’t you think?” Then quick as the wind, he somersaulted down onto the solid icy ground and this time engaged Svein in so fierce a combat that even though the full moonlight bathed the premise, all that was discernable (visible) to the naked eye, was a whirling, streaking (whizzing) blur.

 Brandt   also caught (occupied) in a fierce battle with Stark, at one point had nevertheless drawn close enough to Svein to note in a side-glance, the features of the young man.

Why that is, what was his name again? Brandt   could barely contain his shock and surprise. That’s right… Audun Colden. Blast!!!  Brandt’s astute (shrewd, incisive) mind had at once pieced it together. Brandt, seething in anger now for being (duped) played the fool, he cursed Audun (Svein) under his breath and redoubled his strikes against Stark.

Once this foe was bested, Brandt next aim would be Audun; however, Brandt had pegged (gaged, judged) that one wrong as well, for despite Stark’s wounds, his consummate skill, and the intensity of the combat, was so swift and outstanding (remarkable) that it robbed Brandt any chance of besting him.

“Fool, all you are is an impediment!!” Duan furiously bellowed at Brandt, when at one point Brandt   got in his way.

Duan’s subsequent lightning   strikes in quick succession hacked and thrust at Svein's ribs and other body parts, but in each instance, incredibly, Svein with his nimble maneuvers (bend, twists, or turns), repeatedly averted and deflected the deadly course of the blade. Maddeningly still, in all that time Duan’s invincible deadly strikes had barely grazed Svein’s clothes.

Brandt   had witnessed Duan vanquishing whole contingents in the blinking of an eye. Yet thus far Duan with his indomitable fighting style and prowess had failed to gain the singular advantage over Audun Colden (Svein).

The villain (fiend) Duan had finally met his match! Adroit Brandt’s blood boiled with fury, doubting hence, his and Duan’s prior, anticipated victory.

From the start, Stark and Svein had pegged Brandt as not being a serious contender within that fighting group and quickly relegated him to lateral combat. It still took all Brandt’s skill and might, nevertheless, to parry or fend off Stark’ sporadic (intermittent) assaults. Stark’s key focus directed at Duan, whenever he could, he had landed a helping hand to Svein. Nor could Brandt   get away now, to assault those in the cabin's interior, as a diversion, presumably (likely) the weak point of these two invincible warriors.

The intense combat, occasionally, with the three combatants Duan, Stark and Audun (Svein) interlocked in fierce struggle had, meanwhile, lasted indefinitely for Brandt. They had paid little heed to Brandt, who fought futilely on the flank. Jealousy gnawing his innards. Brandt regretted now having played his part all too well, Duan despised him and so it was far too late for an effective, coordinated strike against the foes; meanwhile, the adversaries’ combined force was invincible.

Brandt, as he fought on, with his astute observations, had irrefutably (undeniably) now, grasped the full scope of their impossible situation. In all the years of fighting, (even when based on sheer force, stamina, and skill) he had seen nothing remotely, akin to it.

How best to survive (outlast) this sure forfeiture?

Presently, with the two striking at Duan simultaneously at once, Brandt, knowing it was only a matter of time before Duan was (bested) vanquished- inwardly tallied (weighed, deliberated on) his scarcest options, and wracked his brains, till he reached an apt resolution.


At one point in time, Duan ceasing a rare opportunity, in lightning speed struck Svein, then in a whirl, hacked at Stark’s back, only to find his blade in both instances simultaneously blocked, sending fiery sparks into the night air.

This for a spell, demoralized Duan, for good as Stark was the youth who fought only with ordinary sword, still wielded the blade with such consummate, deadly effect, furthermore, his unfaltering speed and agility were unlike any Duan had ever encountered (engaged in). This was far beyond any human skill; it must be…. Duan inwardly nodded, remembering his fortunate findings from the supposed cryptic chronicles (private journals) of the Abbot Boqast Tizanzenn’s in that vault.

Inwardly, Duan could not help but admire the youth’s super-human competence (thankfully, not fully realized yet,) that still far exceeded any proficient mortal martial arts’ expert, such as the one-armed foe.

Anyone else would have long ago perished by my blade (wielding of sword). So young, yet he possesses such consummate, invincible power. Hmm, Duan, presently demurred while keeping up the intense combat. The elder, despite his wounds and obvious handicap is also to be admired: a pity that I must slay such fine warriors.


Svein and Stark, meanwhile, for an immeasurable time had kept up with their coordinated maneuvers, and presently, still effectively stayed both Duan and Brandt’s (assailants’) recharged deadly offensives.

Be that as it may, despite all seeming appearances, the unremitting intensity of combat combined   with the effects of the medicine Stark had ingested earlier, had in fact by degrees begun taking its toll on Stark; yet with tenacious vigor, he’d obstinately, persistently pushed to ward off Duan’s fresh unfaltering swift strikes, ignoring Svein's repeated urgings for him to withdraw from the circle of combat. 

"Please get back to safety, Uncle. I can manage them both.” Svein again urged Stark, before he swung with full force at Duan's chest then intercepted Brandt’s thrust by tripping him face down to the ground.

“Nothing doing” Came Stark’s stern response; however, just then seeing Teuquob armed and about to emerge from the cabin, both Duan and Brandt   shot through the air in an incredible speed, in a straight beeline towards her. It was all Stark and Svein could do to block their intent; and as Svein kept them both effectively at bay, Stark catapulted, swift as the sudden gust to land just before her.

“I told you to stay within! Outside is no place for you to be. Now get back in and bolt the door!”  His stern command, command of a general forced Teuquob to abort her aim at once and quickly withdraw inside.

 “Stubborn girl,” Stark shook his head, as he turned and rushed back to join the fray.

Teuquob with certain foreboding had bolted the door and stamped her feet, and then angrily casting the sword aside, went to look in on the just then squabbling twins.

 The sounds of the intense combat outside picking up momentum stirred her heart anew with further misgivings and she hugged her children as she bit her lip to stop the urge to scream in sheer frustration. Why wasn’t she allowed to fight? She was competent enough; was all her training for nothing but a show!

As she had squeezed them tighter still, the twins, very much surprised, ceased their rumpus (crying) and with confused expressions only a mother could tell, stared back at their mom.

“I should be out there, fighting alongside them. I am capable enough!”  She found herself explaining   to those staring, innocent faces. “In here I feel so utterly useless; there must be something I can do?”

Presently, she would pray for their salvation; then, she would defiantly, join in with the fight outside.

Subsequently, with the twins at close by, she prostrated herself before the altar of the mountain god, Rognar, (resting) set up over an ornate mahogany table in the private corner of the living area. There, with a heart-rending plea she entreated the God, till such time she participated in the fight, to be merciful and aid her beloved husband and esteemed uncle.  Furthermore, to bequeath her, Svein and Stark, utmost power, strength, and endurance, so that they may jointly, easily subdue the (assailants) enemy.






Wednesday, 11 December 2024




 Rising before dawn as usual Stark and the rest had diligently worked to discharge their mundane allocated tasks in this remote mountain dwelling. It was a particularly crisp morning with only wisps of clouds, streaking across the sky and accompanying the emerging sun that promised to shed its golden rays for the entire day.  Yet something was amiss (intuitively wrong); Svein had noted Stark’s particularly distracted mood all during breakfast, and even afterwards when they practiced the routine martial exercises, but he abstained from posing a query. Stark was grateful for this tact; nevertheless, all through practice, amidst varied, intermittent threat (menace) from marauding, voracious predators, and even afterwards as he chopped wood, he could not shake the innate foreboding, that for some time now had doggedly robbed his peace.

There is no point in putting this off any longer, and the sooner the better. Finally heeding his intuition, he buried the blade of the axe firmly in the huge stump, and picking up the last of the kindling, went inside.  At noon he would embark on a mission of reconnaissance of the expanded perimeter, while Svein stayed behind to guard his wife and their infant identical twins, boy and a girl, whom were in fact quite a handful to manage.

Thinking of them as he later packed his gear, Stark could not help but smile. Oh, what a joy they’re to have around, even though they have often robbed their parents and me of a good night’s sleep. 

Their birth had been difficult, but Teuquob had survived the ordeal stoically in the end delivering not one but two blessings from Heaven.   Subsequent month, at the private naming ceremony, they had made the appropriate offerings to the mountain God Rognar and prayed to their ancestors. The twin boy infant’s personal name had been easy to pick; Stark had suggested Alric, and both had readily acquiesced to it as it was by all accounts a very good name. The twin girl’s name selection had been just as easy, as Teuquob had chosen to bestow her own mother’s name Lueling. It was not obligatory to register surnames at this point in time; barring (with the exception of) certain circumstances, it could be delayed till after the adolescence years and at the time of rite of passage.

"Uncle, it is customary, is it not for boys to have a second personal name also? “Svein had surprised Stark, just before the formal ceremony was to take place. “I therefore wish my son’s second name to be Stark."

Stark shook his head, “Though a great honor, it’s not proper….”

Please acquiesce to it uncle, Svein hastily interrupted.”  "I can think of no one more worthy; you have cared for me all these years, been my parent, mentor and protector. I am what I am because of your due diligence and unstinting care. I owe you a debt of gratitude; please allow me this trifling gesture to repay your kindness. I have talked this over with Teuquob and we are both in agreement with this. So please accede.” 

Though Stark was very touched by this gesture, he tried few other names for Svein to use in its stead. In the end he relented and had gratefully accepted this great honor.

Personal names of twins duly registered in a book, the three then had talked joyously and feasted the remainder of the day.



 At vast distance, alas, within that same mountain region (radius), Duan and Brandt   after a long grueling trek, had set up camp in a sheltered area late that afternoon to allow some well-earned respite for their mounts. Familiar with the routine, Brandt unloaded their gear and, wrinkling his nose, proceeded to smear the foul-smelling paste onto the horses, as an effective repellent to any veracious beasts. After which, he left the loosely tethered steeds grazing by a small brook where there was still some sturdy grass poking their heads through the icy ground and he began gathering dry kindling for the fire. Since their food reserves had all but gone, Brandt expected Duan to go on his usual hunt; but instead, he spotted him at some distance climbing to the apex of an ancient tree.

There with his eagle eyes Duan for some time scanned the perimeter.  Eventually he spotted at a far distance an isolated smoke neither growing nor lessening   in size curling up over the tips of a vast forest beyond the next incline.

 Descending swiftly, he then turned with an icy, scathing smile to announce that he had with measure of certainty now pinpointed (located) the prey, and that Brandt s plight was nearly over.

At least that is something! Brandt   turned his head to hide his elation and continued with his gathering of firewood (kindling, brushwood).


The ensuing number of days with renewed enthusiasm Brandt had relentlessly pushed on; however, in the mountains the distances were typically deceptive.  Moreover, as if to taunt Brandt’s endurance, Mother Nature repeatedly unleashed on the entire region countless fierce storms.  Day in and day out the biting winds arising from nowhere, with swirls of snow and debris flailing about, mercilessly (unmercifully) whipped (flayed) their faces. Bracing against this onslaught from the winds and the frigid temperatures, while being frequently blinded by the white veil of snow, hunching their backs and sheltering their eyes, they had relentlessly, with such dogged persistence still pressed on to cover an unbelievable distance. 

Then one day, discerning   that they were now closer in proximity to their objective, Duan drew near and patronizingly directed Brandt to from then on to remain vigilant, adding, “And no more fires; it would not do if we were to be discovered prematurely now!”

The very fact that he needed to say this irked Brandt.  He treats me like an imbecile!

Duan with his cold regard turned to squarely face him.  If the shoe fits!

After a few moments’ silence, however, Duan again dropped his pace and in a gentler voice now succinctly informed Brandt   of the tactical measures they would be adapting for their assured success.

 During that night’s rest (respite), another odd thing, they’d talked over a great many things. Distrustful of Duan’s motives, however, certain misgivings took permanent root in Brandt’s heart especially since he could not fathom the reason for Duan’s sudden civility.

Starting at first light they’d traveled for a few more days, then one afternoon Duan again scaled (climbed) an ancient tree and from the (vintage point at) top, looking this way and that, he at long last detected the certain, barely discernible dwelling in the far distance.

 Next three or four days taking great pains to cover their tracks, they had stealthily advanced in that very direction till late afternoon of the fifth day the certain clearing encircling a wooden structure came into view.

Unrelenting winds all during the day had chilled Brandt   to the very bone; presently looking up and seeing an opening   in the twilight’s azure sky as the clouds have been swept away, "Finally, luck seems to be on our side.” Brandt   optimistically whispered.  "Fate is lending us a hand."

Duan only scoffed and said nothing.

A brief time later, their presence swiftly hidden behind a huge boulder at the edge of dense forest, their mounts muzzled and tethered, they then hunkered down and waited for darkness to descend.

As darkness mantled the earth the partially cloudless sky now became speckled with stars. The reluctant, full moon, frequently took refuge behind the sparse clouds, refusing to give aid to these murderous men engaged in hasty preparations for the kill.

Howls of the distant gray wolves, roars of snow tigers and other such predatory beasts added to the drama and definite chill in the air. Like (same as) the beasts on the prowl, Duan and Brandt   lurked without the benefit of fire, as the biting cold air froze the tips of their noses and formed rime on their facial hair despite the grueling exertion.


Eventually all the lights in the cabin were, one by one extinguished, informing them that the unsuspecting prey had quietly retired beneath their warm quilts. This fact ascertained, Brandt   told to stay put and guard their mounts, with resentment filling his heart, he observed Duan akin to a nocturnal animal possessing a keen eyesight, stealthily advance towards the dwelling.


 In truth, beset by a lethal set of bizarre coincidences, this past week had been particularly a grueling one for the inhabitants of the log cabin.  Moreover, three days prior, Stark had been fiercely attacked by a large pack of ravenous wolves; an unlikely event in itself but judging by the severity of the winter storms this year it was to be expected. 

Earlier on that day Stark heeded his strong hunch, and on the point of discovering the intruders’ tracks, he’d encountered instead, a marauding (prowling) voracious mountain lion and had to fend for his dear life. He’d escaped the danger by the skin of his teeth, and as his wounds were grave, he had to swiftly retrace his steps back to the cabin to get patched up.

Stark’s injuries and all serious lacerations precipitously dealt with (tended to), on his insistence when it was feasible for him to do so, Svein had gone out few times to scan the immediate perimeter for any (telltale) signs of unusual activity and portended danger. The remainder of the day they had stayed on high alert even though there’d been insufficient finding to warrant this innate concern.

This very night Stark, concealing his apprehension and strong sense of foreboding from Teuquob, had discretely abstained from taking any but the minimal medicine in order to keep his vigil.  Teuquob and Svein meanwhile had their hands full with the very active twins, as they had been unusually more irritable and difficult to handle. With everyone feeling somewhat exhausted, all the co-habitants of the Cabin had retired early. 

Svein had just closed his eyes when a slight tap on the bedroom door made him jump up. Luckily Teuquob had been too worn out to awaken. Cautiously slipping out from under the quilts, he swiftly got dressed and left the room. There was no need to inquire; Stark’s grave expression told it all.

“Good, you are dressed.” Stark drawing close whispered his instructions to Svein.  Svein nodded and quietly fetching his overcoat and sword, went outside and climbed onto the roof.  He squatted by the chimney and waited for that certain danger to manifest.

Due consideration for the welfare of infants and of Teuquob’s had curtailed Stark’s pre-emptive action of letting the fire in the fireplace die out. Besides which, the lack of smoke would have alerted the approaching nemesis.

“What’s going on?” Teuquob’s face peeked out of the bedroom door, shortly after Svein had exited the premise.

 “I wish I could respond with the word nothing; but I am not going to (fib) lie to you my dear.” Stark hastened over with his explanation.  “We are all in grave danger!”

“What can I do to assist you, sir?  I wish to fight alongside you.  I am competent enough having benefited greatly from your instructions; let me fetch my sword.”

“Hold on.” Stark grasped her arm to halt her hasty retreat into the bedroom.

 Her courage and eagerness to fight made Stark smile, despite the gravity of the situation.

 What an endearing child! You are almost as bold and foolhardy as Svein, but in this case you are no match for the peril that is out there; and far from helping, you would be a serious impediment.  Despite the shortness of time however, he addressed her calmly and tactfully, “Better you stay inside, bolt the door and valiantly guard your children.  The structure is solid and will not be easily contravened (penetrated, broken into). The windows are too narrow for anyone to go through. Hmmm.”

After a brief consideration, he then added, “For now get dressed and be on the ready; hopefully it won’t come to that, but in the event of fire or breach, you and your children must be ready to flee to the safety of the cavern as we’ve discussed earlier.”






Tuesday, 26 November 2024


















In the small hours of the night when all were fast asleep and not a soul stirred, Duan quietly rose from his bed and stole into Souko Yeru’s room.  With contempt in his eyes, he severed the head with one merciless stroke, without waking Souko’s companion that shared his bed.  Instantly the pillow and the bedding were dyed crimson red.  With the coolness of the assassin, Duan wiped his sword’s blade clean on the quilt and then withdrew from the room, not disturbing the cat sleeping just outside their door.

Slipping back to his room, Duan began packing the supplies and some of his belongings; Brandt, fortunately a light sleeper, jumped from his bed with a start and very much afraid to be left behind, hastily followed suit.  Nothing untoward in Duan’s manner warned Brandt of the murder.  Since Duan never had breakfast, another hardship which Brandt was forced to bear; the two quickly and quietly descended the stairs and made their way to the stables in back.

Riding two fine chargers, one black and one red-brown, Brandt and Duan passed quickly through the deserted streets well before cock’s crow, as the day’s first light began breaking.  When they cleared the town’s gates, which were almost never closed or locked, they encountered a level stretch of wild fields stretching out into the distance where they changed into wavelets of low-lying hills, some decked with trees, some stripped bare to supply the town with fuel and building material.

“Look,” Brandt pointed (his riding crop) off into the hills, “another early riser; I wonder who he could be?”  After fixing his gaze on the back of the rider, he nodded his head and answered his own question.  “But of course, it’s that remarkable youth I conversed with at the tavern yesterday.  The one called Audun Colden, the false lead I told you about.” Frowning, he looked at his companion. But Duan, appearing somewhat distracted paid scant attention to the rest of Brandt’s words.  His eyes narrowed to slits, as he suspiciously followed the stranger’s advance in the far distance.  Inwardly he questioned a premonition, tinged with misgivings that had suddenly gripped his heart.  He vacillated on whether to pursue this Audun person or not, when just then Svein’s horse suddenly reared then galloped forward at lightning speed.  Within minutes both rider and horse had been reduced to a mere speck, leaving only a long trail of dust behind them. 

When the dust completely settled and their vision was no longer obscured, the lone horseman had totally disappeared.  Duan knew that there was a fork in the road up ahead, with each branch rounding the hills in different directions.  With the gale force winds fast sweeping away (obliterating) any existing tracks, they would doubtless squander unwarranted time before construing with measure of certainty the stranger’s path.  Better to follow this other, more tangible lead; than tracking this youth on the sole basis of a hunch.



With the incessant wind moaning in his ears and flailing away at his face, Svein had held tightly to the reins, anxious only about the security of the bundles.  After several hours of riding at this speed, however, his stomach threatened to discharge the breakfast the innkeeper had pressed on him.  When Fiery Comet finally slowed down, well after clearing the hills and the forest beyond them, Svein found himself once more in the wilderness, far removed from any civilization, not even a lonely woodcutter’s hut.

“Whoa… What brought this on?” Svein pulled on the reins and, presently, managed to halt the steed.  Then leaning over, he affectionately patted Fiery Comet’s neck and asked,

 “What was wrong, dear friend?  What made you hasten so, without my command?” 

But, lacking human speech, Fiery Comet neighed and whinnied, his hooves churning the ground twice to make him-self understood. He was already covered in pearls of perspiration and did not need this added exertion. 

As it were, Svein, with his keen senses, had already picked up the presence of the two riders in pursuit. Furthermore, he’d discerned the reason for the horse’s initiative; still, he could not resist teasing Fiery Comet.

 “Up to your old tricks, I see.” he smiled as he dismounted.

 “All right then, let us rest for a bit before having another go at it.”  Still chuckling, he led the horse to the fast-flowing river. 

Securing his footing, he squatted, cupped his hands, and started to drink the water and wash his face.  The wind puffed up his sleeves and flailed his loosened hair furiously against his wet face, obscuring his vision. 

He heard Fiery Comet’s approach but ignored it.

 The horse, annoyed at Svein’s earlier taunting, stopped quite close to Svein’s side but, instead of quenching his thirst, in one quick move he simply shoved Svein headlong into the river.


“What’s the matter with you?  Can’t you take a joke?”  Svein cuffed (smacked, thwacked) the water in pretend fury. Fortunately, Svein was an accomplished (proficient) swimmer and therefore well able to manage the deep, fast-flowing currents of the river.

 Showing his teeth, Fiery Comet just whinnied in reply. 

“Oh well, you did me a favor.  I needed cooling off.”  Good naturedly forgiving the horse for his insolence, Svein then dove in and around and had an exhilarating few more laps of swim.

Fiery Comet quenched his thirst despite the interruptions when Svein drew near, expecting certain retaliation from him, then contentedly set to feeding on the lush green grass flanking the riverbank.  He had worked up quite an appetite from all that exertion.

At last, having cleared the sky of clouds, the wind died down and now with the midday sun blazing in all its glory, once more began to scorch the earth’s surface, sending all frolicking wild inhabitants of nature into the shade.  Emerging from the water by then chilled to the bone, Svein (shed) divested his wet clothes and hung them on the lower branches to dry, then spread out on the soft, already drooping grass for some warmth.  Soon the heat proved uncomfortable for him however, and he joined Fiery Comet for a well-earned respite under an ancient tree that had spread its generous shade to accommodate them both.



Svein’s sooner than anticipated safe return, delighted both Stark and Teuquob.  This short parting had endeared prospective couple still more to each other.  The bashful exchange between Svein and Teuquob barely contained the bursting affection and joy each carried in their heart for the other.  The great warmth and love that flooded the room gladdened Stark’s heart, but the air of contentment was overshadowed by Stark’s discernment that something unusual had transpired with Svein on this journey.  Nevertheless, Stark’s reserve constrained him, and forestalled his inquiry until the following morning when they could converse in private out of earshot of Teuquob.

At the conclusion of their routine martial practice, before Svein could find the words to broach his concern, Stark sat himself down quietly on a fallen tree trunk, and then motioned Svein to do the same, after which he acknowledged his perception and encouraged Svein to speak his mind without reserve.

“Uncle, does the name Brandt Dustin mean anything to you?” Svein burst forth with his question.  He did not expect Stark to know Brandt, but perhaps the family name Dustin could recall to Stark’s mind an old enemy.  Svein knew his uncle had an impeccable memory.

“No, I know no one by that name.” Stark obligingly replied then, affixing his questioning eyes on Svein, patiently waited for an explanation.

“Then, as I supposed, he must have given me a false name.” Svein muttered to himself then, mindful of his rude behavior, he quickly apologized and related the entire encounter with Brandt that night at the tavern.  As he did this, he kept his uncle under scrutiny, searching for the answers to his silent questions, but much to his disappointment, Stark’s expression underwent no change.

Just then, for a fleeting moment, Svein thought that he had detected and inkling of a grave look that had registered in his uncle’s eyes.  Encouraged by this, he pushed further to get results.  Falling on his knees before his uncle he, in an emotional outburst, implored Stark for enlightenment.  What measure of importance was Lord Asger Thuxur Marrog Zhon to him?  Was his uncle bound to this Lord by loyalty and respect, out of friendship or fealty?  Since, admittedly, the other of the twin swords was in Stark’s possession, how had Stark come by it?  Svein’s entreaties had erupted in a ceaseless flow of emotion, leaving Stark no word in edgewise.

Stark’s face flushed with anger as he sprung to his feet, freezing Svein’s next set of questions in his mouth.

“Such insolence, how dare you act so weak?” he stormed at Svein.  “Get up at once!”

In obedience Svein complied but an uninvited resentment flooded his heart.  Surely Uncle owes me some explanation.  Why must I abstain from raising these questions? Why is Uncle being so obstinate and closed-minded?  I’m old enough to be wed in two days’ time hence, can I not then be trusted to assimilate and then confront any situation, however grave, however shocking?

 Instead (of airing these however,) he apologized to his uncle for speaking out of turn.

Stark had anon (almost immediately after) regretted his outburst and now softened his disposition; he nodded his head and stroked his beard thoughtfully.  Then, after a momentary silence, which seemed more like an hour to Svein, he ejected in a more conciliatory voice, “Svein, it is with good reason that I must insist on you showing more restraint.”

 He again paused at length for emphasis.  “Please expend more effort to curtail your curiosity.  The knowledge you seek will be imparted to you at the proper time, when I shall be better disposed.”

“I will refrain from making such transgressions, Uncle.” Svein acquiesced in earnest.

“Good.  Let us now forget all about it and return without delay, there are a lot of details to be seen to before a proper marriage ceremony could transpire.”  So, saying, Stark started towards the bath cabin. 

As it happens, ever since Teuquob’d come to live with them, for the sake of modesty, certain routines had to be altered or entirely changed- one such was the fact that they no longer indulged in bathing in the nearby stream during the hot summer months.

As they washed beyond the partition Svein recalled Brandt’s reference to the Yukorskyi fighting style and briefly requested Stark to instruct him in it the next time they practiced, believing his uncle to be the master of all existing fighting styles.  In past, from bits of information received from his uncle during their casual conversations, he had concocted his own theories about his uncle’s past vocation, deeming him to be anything from a scholar with military prowess, to a military advisor, instructor, minister of war, field marshal or simply a general in the imperial army.  His uncle’s qualifications certainly attested to the validity of any of these titles.  The absence of response from Stark constrained Svein to remain silent and his thoughts once more reverted to Teuquob.

In truth, as Stark had emptied the buckets of cold water over his head letting the ripples course down his body, in uncharacteristic dissociation from the present, he’d begun seeing in his mind’s eye (envision) the unfolding pictures and scenes from the pages of his past. Subsequently, as he rubbed his body clean, he absentmindedly caressed the stump of his severed arm; at that juncture he was transported to the time of a singular incident that had changed his life forever.

He was on a tall, precipitous cliff, its summit crowned in frigid, feathered mists. At this high elevation, the thin atmosphere made one lightheaded. Still clad in his court gown, the child held in his arm and sword in hand, he was scattering his assailants to either side of him like petals in the wind.  Though he had always fought with two swords, being indisposed, the other rested in its sheath.

 He fought on foot for his horse had long been lost to him, brutally maimed then forced off the cliff into the abyss.  He was one against many, and their numbers could not be extinguished.

 With such odds stacked against him, despite his excellent prowess he was nevertheless forced into a defensive position, with his formidable foe, the one man who equaled, if not surpassed his own skill in swordsmanship, Grand Marshall Gustav Erling, close at his heels.

Brilliant tactician Stark had retreated up a narrow goat’s path that allowed only one man at a time to ascend; the Marshall’s army unable to flank Stark, fidgeted helplessly behind the Marshal like the long body of a serpent several miles in length, swords drawn, ready and anxious for a chance to fight. 

Grand Marshal Gustav Erling clashed swords so fiercely with Stark that cold, blue streaks of lightning cracked at every meeting of their blades.  Stark was again forced to retreat to still higher and higher ground to escape the Marshall’s deadly strikes, many of which were directed at the innocent child in Stark’s embrace.

“Why pursue this hopeless course. Unless you sprout wings and fly away, there is no place you can run to for safety.  Surrender now and I will show you mercy.”

“And the child, will you extend that mercy to the child?”

“I’m sure something can be arranged.”

“Not good enough!”

The life and death struggle thus had raged on ceaselessly for more than half a day on that ascending goat’s path. At times the trail was so tapered that Stark’s footing barely stable, dislodged rocks at the edge of the precipice and pieces of earthen debris, giving way, tumbled to the depths to be swallowed up in the fast-flowing river.

Once more, Grand Marshall Gustav Erling made a lightning thrust and again Stark parried it with equal agility. Despite the expanded effort and the unwavering intensity neither of them seemed to be abating in strength or stamina. Neither of them would succumb to defeat or capitulate.

 In order to break the stalemate, the most renowned marksman, who had been led close to the front of the serpent, now took careful aim and loosed his arrow.  But Stark nimbly deflected it with his sword letting the shaft glance off the cliff, and then with incredible dexterity he intercepted every one of Gustav Erling’s subsequent strikes and lunges.

With agile sideways turn, Stark escaped the next lethal arrow, just in time to parry Marshall’s sword.  At that point a newly loosened shaft, taking flight, missed its mark and by providence, pierced Marshall’s arm instead, rendering his left side momentarily useless.

 As he cursed them, with his eyes riveted on Stark, at lightning speed he yanked the arrow out and continued with his attack; he would be damned if he let a little thing like this get in the way of capturing his nemesis. 

Interlocked in fierce combat with Grand Marshall Gustav Erling, Stark smiled wryly. Now at least they were equally matched. Moreover, this blunder would discourage the elite marksmen from discharging any more arrows, let along using poisoned arrows.

More time elapsed with the exchange of blows ensuing with all its ferocity. Then, as if fate had to (intercede) play its hand, the child squirmed and let out a sharp cry at the very instant more earth partially dislodged (gave way) under Stark’s feet.  Jumping to safety and steadying himself, with his attention temporarily distracted (sidetracked) by the child, he’d unavoidably presented a singular opportunity to his ardent foe.

In that fleeting moment, having failed to intercept Gustav Erling’s deadly strike, the Marshal’s blade sliced clean through bone and flesh severing Stark’s arm just below the elbow.

That scene– with the hand still gripping the hilt of the sword, arching over the cliff and spiraling downward into the depths- had played out in slow motion a hundred times since, in Stark’s mind.

At present, blood spurted from the stump dying his light blue garment a crimson red.  Pressing the child closer to his chest, he turned and fled towards the summit, as retreat now became his only viable option.

With roaring laughter, Marshall Gustav Erling pursued Stark, shouting his demands for Stark to cease his running and to surrender, with intermittent words of assurance that the child would not come to any serious harm.  But Stark was not swayed, for he knew only too well the cruelty of Marshall Gustav Erling, and how he could not be relied upon for mercy, despite any dispensed promises of amnesty.  His own salvation was of little consequence to Stark, but the child’s safety was paramount, and in keeping with that faith so many had sacrificed so much already, to afford this precious being a chance at life… How can he let all that be in vain?

  Reaching the end of the path, he halted, for sheer rocks rising ahead made any advance impossible.  Left defenseless, with nowhere else to retreat, Stark had to make a quick decision.

Though providence (destiny) presented this paltry chance, if any, of survival, it was still a preferable alternative to surrendering to that treacherous Gustav Erling, to in the end die ignominiously and by so doing, give satisfaction to that bloodthirsty usurper.

Determinedly thus, with the child clutched to his torso, and before Marshall Gustav Erling could reach him, he’d hurled himself and the child over the sheer cliff’s edge into space.

Gustav Erling had stamped his feet and cursed furiously in Stark’s imagination. 

And so it came to pass that both Stark and the child were airborne and with winds as their wings they floated in descent, providentially averting the jagged rock protrusions.

 The Gods were indeed merciful to them on that day and after some while (of flight) they plunged unscathed into the fast-flowing depths of the frigid river.

Quickly recovering from the shock of the cold, Stark still clinging to the child, using all his might had swum upwards to clear the surface of the water. But despite his resolute effort to swim towards the bank, both he and the child had been wildly tossed about and swept far, far away by the maddening, churning currents of the river. 

In danger of drowning himself, Stark (all during this ordeal) had held the child tightly against his upper torso, pressing the child’s cheek against his, as he tried with concentrated effort to keep both their heads above rushing water.

 Inwardly his heart had been laden with concern and unwanted dread, for the infant’s vital signs appeared so weak, his conscious state tentative and hardly a sound, not even a gurgle, had emerged in a long while from the poor thing. Just then however, the most welcome piercing cry both assured and comforted Stark.  In the interim, the tears of gratitude that flowed down his cheeks quickly got wiped away by the foamy waters flailing against it.

Despite the loss of blood, he strove hard not to lose consciousness and steer his body towards the weaker currents, the eddies where they would stand a better chance of escaping the enormous falls, whose sound now roared in his ears. 

Succeeding in this task, Stark let himself be swept away by the secondary currents, their heads from time to time bobbing in an out of the foamy turbulence.  Had Stark not been a champion swimmer, he and the infant would have surely perished in the torrent.

Subsequently, they were carried over the lesser falls, escaping the main cataract, and dumped into a basin from which the river meandered onto more level ground.  Further expended energy enabled Stark to pull himself and the child to safety on the muddy bank of the river.

At once Stark set to binding his severed arm with strips cut from his undergarments and stopped the incessant bleeding.  No sooner had he completed this task than, already pale and seeing stars before his eyes, he’d collapsed against his will into a state of deep unconsciousness.

When he revived (regained his senses), it was already twilight.  Cast onto this deserted embankment, the child’s bawling was the only sound that interrupted the enveloping silence of the surrounding air. The eerie atmosphere, in fact, was quite unnerving, foreshadowing the ominous future.  Quickly pressing the famished, bawling infant to his chest for warmth, he’d allowed him to suck on his finger as he rose to survey the surroundings.

Casting his eyes on the sky above him, he saw at once that a severe storm was brewing.  There was no time to waste; he had to secure some form of shelter. 

He could barely make out some thatched roofs among tall trees beyond the surrounding soaring bulrushes and reeds that flanked the river on both sides.  Without a moment’s hesitation he delved into the thick vegetation, the child now secured at his back, pushing his way towards the thatch cottage where he hoped to acquire some information as to his whereabouts and obtain proper sustenance for the baby.  Racing to the spot, mindful of the impending storm, he paid scant attention to the stabbing pain of his legs, compounded further by the thrashing, slashing of the sharp edged, thorny undergrowth.  But he had underestimated the distance, for halfway there came a loud ‘Crack’ as the ominous sky tore open with crashing thunder. Just then another bolt of lightning found its mark, this time only a few yards away, bringing down an ancient tree which barely missed them in its fall.

All the while mounting demented winds tossed and thrashed the willow branches and Stark alike, making Stark quite unsteady on his feet.  ‘Crack, Crack’, again and again the air was repeatedly split by the peals of thunder and lightning bolts.

 Once more they were drenched, this time by torrential rains which instantly turned the ground under Stark’s feet into streams of mud.  Slipping and sliding, Stark relentlessly pushed on.  Eventually the rain tapered off, but the night which cast the earth into pitch darkness, with the moon hidden behind some persistent clouds, presented yet another hindrance to Stark’s advance.  Blindly, in part groping about, he led himself in the general direction of the thatched hut.  When he stopped for a moment to catch his breath, something furry brushed against his leg and nibbled at his feet.  Fortunately, a swift kick was all that was needed to scare it away.                                                                 

 “Would you be much longer uncle?” Svein’s sudden query snapped Stark from his trance.

“What?  I’ve nearly finished,” Stark hastily responded.  “You go on ahead, Svein, I’ll be there presently.” 

As another bucket of water emptied over his head, Stark’s thoughts once more reverted to the past.

Overjoyed to learn that the region that the river had cast him out upon was near the border of one which rested under the authority of Lord Shonne Gulbrand, he had, from then on, pushed with renewed exuberance (zeal) towards the Lord’s country estate; this, after he had exchanged his rich garments with the local peasant’s in order to thwart any or undue suspicion along the way.

Now, as he slowly dressed, Stark’s thoughts succinctly trailed over the countless hardships and obstacles he had endured and overcame before finally reaching his destination.  Recalling his old friend’s warm greeting and the kindness and support he had received, at the risk to Lord Shonne Gulbrand’s own family’s wellbeing and security, Stark’s eyes became moist once more with tears of gratitude and longing. Wiping them away, he slipped on his footwear and hastened towards the main cabin where a hot breakfast now awaited him.


When the auspicious day finally arrived, in a proper wedding ceremony with Stark officiating as the master of ceremonies, Svein and Teuquob were duly married (enjoined).  After the newlyweds drank together from the paired goblet of matrimony, the three then sat down at the decorated table to partake of a kingly feast and rejoice together as one family.  That evening the cabin resounded with the cheerful sounds of laughter and merriment.

Now, Stark had never disclosed to Svein that Teuquob was of royal descent, lest Svein would feel unworthy of her and raise an objection to this union.  Teuquob, in accordance with Stark’s decision, had also maintained her silence.  Thus, it came about that it was long after this very night that Svein came to know of the truth, that on this very night he’d been wed to a beautiful princess.

At the appointed hour, on Stark’s discreet urging, the newly married couple blushingly withdrew to their specially prepared room to revel in matrimonial bliss, abandoning themselves to love and tender ecstasy. 

Stark had also retired shortly afterwards, carrying some wine with him to his room.  Enveloped in stillness he sat upon the bed, fully clothed, drinking without reserve with the peering moonlight falling through his windowsill, as his only company.

 For the first time in twenty years, he’d allowed himself the pleasure of letting go and falling into an inebriated stupor.  Gradually, however, as he emptied cup after cup, his happy state of mind gave way to one of loneliness, followed by one of deep despair.

 Unable to stop the welling tears, he wept as though his heart would break over Ivar Marrog Zhon ’s fate and the tragic loss of all those whom he had loved.

With his heart in the grip of this bitter desolation, his mind in desperation gave way to fantasy.

One by one they drifted before his mind’s eye; the lovely form of his beloved wife dressed in her favorite celadon laced brocade garment, carrying in her bosom their only son Ivar Marrog Zhon , a precious infant. How he’d loved him, how overjoyed he’d been at his birth!  He had such aspirations for Ivar Marrog Zhon.

Stark felt his heart would break into a million pieces. An enormous pain gripped his heart, such inexplicable sorrow surfaced anew to smother his conscience and soul. But he shook his head and determinedly checked his bursting emotions.   No, he must not grieve; to do so would infer that he regretted the actions he took!

Looking up, he asked forgiveness then, for his momentary lapsed sense, for his temporary weakness, and then uttered a silent heartfelt prayer for his son’s salvation and quick deliverance.

 After a time, to preserve his sanity, he strove to turn his thoughts to the joyful occasion at hand. He toasted to the newlywed’s wellbeing, whom he also loved very dearly and to their everlasting, blissful co-existence.

 But uninvited, (unsought,) once more his melancholy returned (resurfaced) and in his heart wrenching loneliness, now giving rein to fantasy, he envisioned his parents coming forth to greet him.

His beloved (adapted) sister Ingrit, (also known as Arnora) and her husband, 7th Prince Shon Alric Therran Valamir, and countless other relatives all, donning smiles and mouthing joyful rhetoric streamed in next, to extend their warm felicitations and congratulations to him.

They all came over in their ghostly form to visit him, filling the small room to the brim.  As they smiled and conversed gaily with him, echoing their familiar mannerisms, they appeared so real that, more than once, forgetting the truth, he’d stretch out his hand into the emptiness, to touch them. 

Then the steward, appearing at the doorway, announced the arrival of his closest friends, and the family withdrew under various pretexts, leaving him to greet his friends with unrestricted familiarity.

Just as it had been in the past with their happy gatherings, they chatted and drank merrily, as if these last twenty years had never happened, with servants shuffling in and out of the room carrying more drinks, cups and trays filled with all manner of exquisite, choice dishes to delight their palate.

Suddenly Stark was in his favorite pavilion, amidst the breathtaking scenery.  Built at the foot of a majestic mountain, the Azure pavilion looked out onto an emerald lake whose tranquil ripples were etched in brilliant moonlight.  The fragrance of the exquisite flowers carefully planted around the pavilion drifted to assail his and his friend’s noses.

  In this placid atmosphere they conversed happily as they consumed (downed, drunk) cup after cup, not stopping until Stark’s eyes drooped in tiredness.  Now no longer able to carry on a straight conversation, he stumbled over his words, causing his guests to break into waves of laughter and jest; yet they were in no better a state than he.  Together they roiled in laughter till they felt their sides were splitting.

“Enough… ha, ha, ha… that’s enough!  Stop jesting, I can’t bear it any longer!”  Kunig, the youngest of the bunch, pleaded with them to stop with their antics, while clutching his kidney as he rolled himself into a ball.

“Gentlemen,” at this point the conscientious Lord Shonne Gulbrand suddenly rose to his feet to announce, “the hour has grown rather late, and I fear we have overstayed our welcome.”

Then, pointing to Stark, “Look, our host is tired.  Let us take our leave now and allow him some respite (to gain some rest).  If providence allows it, we will meet again in the not-too-distant future.”

“I would like to invite all of you to my country estate in three days’ time.  That is, if it’s agreeable to all.” Chion suddenly suggested, also rising to his feet.

“Excellent.”, all, nodding their heads, voiced their assent.  Then, rising to their feet, one by one they came over to bid Stark their farewells.

“Please don’t go, I’m all right, really! “Stark, blushing with shame, cried out within. He strove so hard to rise up, to detain them a while longer but, as if stymied by an invisible force, try as he might, to his great consternation he could neither lift his head from his pillow, nor could he part his lips to utter a single nuance of plea for them to stay.

 It was as though he had been struck down, crushed under tons of earth; all he could manage instead was to shed tears of regret at their parting, bearing the knowledge in his heart that they would never meet in this earthly domain again.


When the sun’s burning rays reached his eyes from the small opening of the window it woke him with a start.  He was greatly surprised to learn the lateness of the hour.  Despite the great heat, however, his head rested on comfortable coolness.

 Odd, how did my pillow get so drenched? He mused as he rose to his feet, forgetting his previous night’s sorrow. 

He hastily washed his face and hands, combed his hair, put on a clean set of garments, and then went out to greet the newlyweds, donning a broad smile and a cheerful face. 

That late morning the joy that Svein and Teuquob’s beaming faces brought to him was boundless and renewed his hope for a promising future.


(This concludes The Legend of Nevetsecnuac, Book 5, The Wedding.  The epic story of The Legend of Nevetsecnuac continues in the next post, Book 6, The Assassins, Section 1)