Showing posts with label Mokak. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mokak. Show all posts

Monday 7 October 2024





Reluctantly Chenko Haken had sojourned (remained). Seated at the solitary chair by the table opposite to her being seated at the edge of her bed, he’d then slowly unfolded a short narration of his experiences that had eventually led him to the foreboding mountain:

Then one day meeting disaster and on the brink of death he’d been found by the monks scavenging for rare herbs and brought to this sanctuary. When he’d recovered from his wounds and regained his strength, he’d in time, appreciating the unsophisticated, artless, unsullied way of life here, resigned himself to being a monk for the rest of his life. He’d already taken his wows, but now seeing her again, and being assured that it was her, he’d already asked permission from divine (his holiness) Abbot Koe to be allowed to communicate with her. He’d received indefinite leave of absence from his religious duties, as he was after all under prior obligation, having sworn to protect and serve her to his dying day. As she was not suited to this austere life and having anticipated her inner wish, he would therefore depart with her when the time was ripe and when she had regained her full strength.

She was overjoyed at finding him safe and sound, and reluctantly admitted that he was right. This lifestyle, however interesting was still too restrictive. Having fulfilled her obligations to her mother’s soul already, she was now at liberty, confident of his protection; to see the rest of the world and experience all that life had to offer.

Curiously enough, all thought of Mokak had escaped her mind. Reminded of that later still, she had told Chenko Haken at length of her experiences with him; as well, her certain unease of Mokak. But as Mokak was already in recluse and therefore could not be reached; the two decided on postponing dealing with that subject at later time. One thing was certain, despite her innate feelings, as she owed Mokak a debt of gratitude for looking after her all this time, she could not simply up and leave Mokak without an appropriate explanation and fond farewells.

Subsequently, in the privacy of her chambers, they had talked endlessly night after night, this, so as not to disturb or distract the peaceful religious cohabitants of the place. They laughed and jested, having a lot of fun reminiscing, toying or in earnest drawing up plans for the promising future. In time all social barriers melting away- for Chenko Haken needed to be convinced- they had become quite close, almost inseparable. It was then that one night; he’d timidly and so endearingly confessed his secret undying love for her and begged her for an embrace or another tender kiss. In her emotional state she’d succumbed to this desire but withdrew quickly when he wanted more. She felt and said as much, that it would be most inappropriate, refusing to defile the sanctity of this holy place with such base human urges. Chenko Haken was of different opinion and with his persuasive argument, he almost won her over. Almost, but not quite! She did not know why, but she felt there was something different, a different sensation about the esteemed young man she’d once so fondly upheld (considered).  And so, in the end he’d left the premise in a dejected mood, looking so injurious and hurt to the core.

He remained absent for a couple of days and in her reluctance, however hard she’d searched, no one knew his whereabouts.

Had he left the sanctuary? She was contemplating going to the Abbot with this concern, but dared not disturb the pious priest with her personal affairs. 

Then quite unexpectedly one night, in small hours she’d been startled from her sleep (stupor) and found Chenko Haken standing with a thoughtful gaze, right over her. Having snuck into her private quarters in the dead of night, distraught Chenko Haken falling on his knees, had then begged her to release him from his torment, this eternal, damnable, and searing pain! He’d tried so hard, he wanted to do the right thing, even vowed to Heaven to uphold her chastity, but he was at the mercy of his accursed passionate yearnings. Clutching her hands and looking searchingly into her eyes, he’d whimpered his earnest request (please) to be allowed to show her the depth of his affections, since once they’d found a suitable place to stay, they’d be eventually committing themselves in matrimony anyhow. Unless, she’d had a change of heart now and wanted no part of him. If so, to speak to him bluntly to his face and not cruelly tantalize him. He would go away forever from her life and never darken her doorstep, if that was her will.

In her heart of hearts Teuquob did have true affections for Chenko Haken, she had been attracted to him from the start; of late missing him terribly, she had even entertained the notion of matrimonial union with him in some future date, when they were finally settled down in some quiet corner of this world. She wanted him in her life indefinitely, she could think of no one else more suited than him in making her happy and told him as much.

He was overjoyed and hugged her intently. Unfortunately, their tender make-up kisses, again leading him astray, he became too passionate and with the red-hot blood coursing through his veins, he again strove to take certain liberties. He implored her to quench his yearning, to just this once, ease his torment, by the simple, pure act of uniting with him in body. But despite her loving, compassionate heart, her morality again stood in the way of her compliance. She was sorry but it did not feel right. As fond as she was of him, she was reluctant to bending the rules. Besides, in this religious sanctuary, such an act could be construed as sacrilege; how could he, a virtuous, upstanding, irreproachable young man that she knew him to be, would even consider such a disdainful thing? She worried about offending the chaste Abbot Koe that had been so kind to them both.

His persistent appeals had the opposite effect on Teuquob, as she now doubted the integrity of the young man she’d once held in such high regards. Frustratingly still after Chenko Haken’s angry departure, when she’d finally laid her head in exhaustive, fitful sleep, she’d dreamt of Yoansu’s forceful almost brutal advances on her as he tried time and again, to seduce her. Chenko Haken had kept his distance from then on, but subsequent nights, this nightmare, punishment of sorts, had (returned) been repeated; each time however just before the initial act of rape, she would wake up with a start, all drenched in sweat. Though she needed some spiritual counseling, she could not bring herself to broach this delicate, private concern with resident unsullied monks or the ever-devout Abbot Koe. Soon the sleepless nights had worn her out; constantly subjected to this type of harassment, she became erratic in speech and easily destructed or frightened.

Thankfully however, when Mokak came out of his period of seclusion (absolution), learning of her troubles he’d actively sought out Chenko Haken to confront him. But by then, regretful and shamed, Chenko Haken had cowardly (vanished,) sought to disappear from the sanctuary-without taking his proper leave of the Abbot or her. 

Mokak meanwhile, now a changed man, had provided her with the sound logical explanations for her persistent nightmares, till it had altogether ceased.

 Born out of this pain, however, there had come about an unexpected consequence despite all outward appearances. Bit by bit overriding the prior optimisms, she’d become a hard-core pessimist. Her character had evolved but not in the entirely boon (beneficial, blessed) direction; now being more expectant of all variants, deviant acts of humanity.  Mokak paid no credence to these modifications appearing seemingly impervious to these conversions in her. He outwardly acted and behaved much in the same congenial, attentive way as her protective companion. Gradually hence, he’d won her gratitude and deep affections, becoming a most valued friend, when he’d with sensitivity and patience mended the deep wounds and disappointments (marred) etched by Chenko Haken’s despicable acts of infidelity.

Before long, his good demeanor, handsome, rugged looks coupled with virtuous, heroic feats had furthermore elevated him to a most venerable standing.  

Gradually she deemed him most appealing and more irresistible; aside from the fact that is, his mounting possessiveness. That always set her heart in irrevocable fright, acting as the only sobering tonic that on the point of surrender invoked that good old sensibility in her.

Meanwhile, inadvertently Mokak’s own well-crafted trap had ensnared him. He became aware too late of the curious, intoxicating sensation of lust, the binding affection for her.

In truth, he detested and despised all humans with their deemed obvious shortcomings. Mankind was far inferior to an entity. Yet since his transference into this mortal form he’d experienced many unexpected boons.

Consequently, as the intensity of his desires (yearning) mounted, the slow progress, her stubborn resistance, her inner strength had long ceased to be a challenge and had gradually begun to even grade on his nerves. The resurgence of doubt and her mounting suspicion at the point of conquest, the endless questionnaires had eventually brought him to the brink of rebellion. She was after all, expandable. He’d invested, fruitlessly, far too much time on her.

And when on that day, quite unexpectedly, she’d confided in him her inner desire to now become a nun…. Well, that did it!

Application of force therefore now became an option, if not a desired, apex course of retribution at this crucial juncture (point in time).

So be it. He would wait no longer! He would have his way with her, then move on to find another, perhaps less resistant prey.

He burst into her room, startling her from her deep sleep into a seating position. The savage, ravenous looks of his eyes liken to that of a predator frightened her.

He was about to show his hand, by pouncing on her, expose his true, feral nature when suddenly a violent gust and a dreadful seismic tremble knocked him flat off his feet. That very instant the sanctuary ceased to exist. Cast into open space, the air and the entire mountain became deathly still.

Mokak with a grumble picked himself off the floor and dusted his clothes, in a desperate attempt to arrest his resurgent dread. With a forlorn, dejected (sunken) heart he then glanced at the frozen figure of Teuquob.

Well, what’s he waiting for? Let’s have fire and brimstone!

“You dare be so brazen?” Suddenly a fierce being with fiery hair, appearing out of thin air, let out a great big angry roar.

Mokak did his best to keep his balance as the earth violently trembled beneath his feet. “Go on be done with it!” He hissed his defiance. “It was still well worth it.”

“You’ll change your tune, by the time I’m through with you!” The immortal barked.

This sent icy chills and rippling shivers down Mokak’s spine. Despite his resolve, he became acutely aware of his heart palpitating wildly with fright.

He’s evolving much too quickly! The immortal was both surprised and amused. “You’ve given me quite a chase,” his stern voice again threatened Mokak. “I shall hence take stronger measures to curtail your wayward wondering! Blundering fool, did you ever once, consider the ramifications of your action? By your reckless transgression, you very nearly altered her destiny, and on this sanctified mountain too! For that infraction alone you should be punished most severely!”

And this is coming from a renegade immortal; oh, I’m shaking with fear!  Mokak, getting a grip on his terror (fright), in a last-ditch effort tried to transform himself to escape his inevitable, abhorred fate; but a great big hand reached forward (extended far) to grip him by the back of the neck.

“Forgive me master!” He clamored to say, now with his feet dangling in the air. “But I had good reasons for my breach…”

“Yes, I know too well your reasons. Save your breath disobedient wretch, for this time you’ve gone too far!” The (earth shaking) thundering, angry tone reverberated all the way up to Heavens.

The immortal had simply pointed his index finger at him, the incantation now evoked, Mokak’s cringed and distorted shrunken figure instantly got sucked into the crystal amulet that immortal was holding. Mokak was now imprisoned indefinitely. 

The (verbal) ritual recitation of a spell manifested (produced) a charmed chain out of the thin air, that of which the immortal carefully treaded the top part of the amulet.

“Let’s see you escape this.” With a wry grimace the immortal quietly then placed the fastened amulet around his neck. With an undecipherable mumble on his lips, his outstretched index finger pointed at the sky overhead brandished a curious diagram in the air. Just as it dissipated, the gathering flotilla of clouds on the spot shrouded the Mountain and Earth in pitch darkness. After a momentary lapse it had dissipated, allowing anew the life-giving light to once more grace the Earth.

All became as before, with two exceptions; however, Teuquob had been allowed to keep the phantom clothing and two, Teuquob’s memory had suffered a purposeful lapse on the existence of Mokak.  His entire existence now permanently erased from her memory; she’d become somewhat disquieted in heart, when she’d suddenly found herself amidst the thick foliage of an apparent mountain, with no mount. Try as she might, she could not account for the unfamiliar but quite comfortable outfit and footwear, the missing facts of her apparent ordeal or even recollect the memory of how she’d got there. Furthermore, without the mount she felt far more vulnerable and ever lonesome. Fear gripped her heart in a vice as her gaze perused the treacherous (hazardous) surroundings.

How can she be expected to survive the prevalent dangers? Clearly, now more than ever, her future hung in the balance and looked most bleak. Still, who can accurately predict the mysterious ways of fate?  With this line of reasoning, she picked up her courage anew, and guided only by her intuition, she willed her legs to go on.





Sunday 6 October 2024





 The scene of devastation next morning outside of the cave that greeted their eyes, when they’d emerged from the cavern, took Teuquob’s breath away. Mokak inwardly laughed at her naiveté and anticipated surprise; outwardly however, he played along, expressing similar shock and even dismay.

The protective spell being overused of late had started having lapses in its effectiveness. On one such instance, they’d happened on a pack of wolves encircling, devouring chunks of the fresh carcass, a recent kill.

For Mokak, it was an exhilarating sight to behold: the giant canine teeth dripping with blood savagely tearing at the flesh, some of the wolves ripping off huge chunks of the raw meat from the unfortunate prey while others gorging on the bones with such gusto and fervor!  How thrilling! 

However, during this sporadic lapse, just then being detectable (visible), the Alpha Wolf had suddenly stopped, though only for a spell, looked straight at them with intense glaring eyes, showed his blood dripping fangs and (snarled) growled his dire warning to keep away or else (lest) they would be next on the menu.

“You can’t have her, she’s mine!”  Teuquob was stunned (shocked) at hearing Mokak’s barely audible words grumbled between the gnashing of his teeth, and growling.

But when she looked up, her questioning gaze was met with his wry, disarming smile, leading her to believe in the end that she’d imagined hearing it.

Of course, Mokak could have easily met the challenge of the Alpha Wolf and his entire pack, it might have even been a sport of fun, but not wishing to show his hand too prematurely, he’d responded the only way a typical human would and, albeit reluctantly, forwent the fight in supposed consideration for her safety.



Days passing in swift succession, by and by their considerably long arduous trek had eventually led them to a densely forested, far steeper gradient (incline, slope) of the foothills. In due course Mokak’s unnatural unease, his clear apprehension of the water - whether it be threat of an impending rain, or an encounter with a cascading fall, a brook or a stream- indubitably became manifest. Those instances his anxiety had been so pronounced in fact that the procurement of water from thence became Teuquob’s sole responsibility.

As he clearly never bathed but was nevertheless always immaculate in body and free from any objectionable bodily odors; curiosity getting the better of her, she’d delicately broached the subject of hygiene with him. But his response had been to simply glare at her with an icy, almost hateful scorn.

He had other means of cleansing himself; water was not the only alternative source.

Later still, having thought better of it, he’d tried to make amends, but his explanation had fallen far short of any credible excuse. Especially since she’d now become acutely aware of, despite the resolute guise, his total lack of intake of water. Subsequently, his erratic temperament, compounding other such inconsistencies, had once more raised her innate suspicions.

This setback infuriated Mokak and he became more adamant in implementing sly steps for the speedier execution of this frustratingly resistant yet delectable conquest. 

At long last he’d thought he’d chosen a worthy mate that through the means of merging (encapsulation) could render him invulnerable and resistant to capture/enslavement. Truly this was the most desirable feat (option) – such as, her womb being used as a husk (pod) to allow his birth, a supposed human baby but one that would mature instantly. Maddeningly however, despite all his cunning judiciousness, she’d persisted in seeing him nothing more than a friend, a traveling companion… and loved him not, as a mate! He’d striven hard to break down her barriers, must he resort to force?

But then the blending of the two would not be as gratifying or as complete. Instead, with the lacking key ingredient, her free-willingness to submit to their union, soon after the coerced consummation or to put it bluntly, assault- instead of being pregnant, she would perish (be incinerated) and so would his implanted rudiment, much like before!

  Fortunately for her, he felt secure in this sanctified region and therefore could indulge in that rare trait, patience.

 His modified characteristics and forbearance were not to last however, for Mokak’s manifest irregularities before long, again, reinstated her innate misgivings. Mokak, now a broiling cauldron within, all the same strove hard to keep his temper in check. On the outset he maintained his placid composure and appeared most compliant. His marked sincerity, on many other feats as well, by degrees bore fruit and, he eventually succeeded in regaining her complete trust. Moreover, his constant, unstinting efforts to indulge her every whim, always making amends while employing charming, witty ways to lighten their mood, his altruistic, solicitous behavior, slowly, methodically in due course endeared him to Teuquob.




They continued to hike each day covering immeasurable terrain; despite the traversed distance however, Teuquob soon become acutely aware that they had been, figuratively speaking, traveling in circles. Notwithstanding this realization, on her insistence, guided by her intuition, they presently pressed on in an entirely new direction of her choosing; but akin to being caught in a treadmill, the subsequent days of tireless trek showing minimal result, had only brought them to the lower gradient (slopes) of the majestic mountain. The rampant foliage of the next plateau proved even more hazardous for Teuquob, for the rank, fetid air strained and, at times seriously encumbered (debilitated) her lungs. Each step taken with ever increasing difficulty, she now gasped for breath and frequently halted for that much needed respite.

It was hard to gage Mokak’s stamina; Teuquob could never be entirely certain of his physical traits (attributes, vigor).

 Fortunately for her, she did not easily succumb to vertigo and fall off the precarious trail that snaked along the narrow ridges that lined the high precipices, and so doing, succumbed to the perils of the deep.  For the gorges descended so far down that the darkened bottoms greeted the very gates of hell.  Adding to this danger was now the constant, all-pervasive clamor or roaring of the wild beasts. But as if they were invisible, and you can be sure that they were, not one winged predator or land-based carnivore came forth to endanger their life or devour them!

This afforded her scant relief from the heightened senses of preservation monopolized in war with this pseudo-reality. Meanwhile her mind had gradually become clouded as the manifest reality with meshed imagery receded into convoluted, deceptive state. Her head swooned and her focus often became erratic in clarity. As though cast under the spell of some miasmic world, she fought hard to bar (prevent, block, desist) intrusive bizarre thoughts, strong urges and the mesmerizing hallucinations.

Then one day, after rounding a steep hill, they had suddenly happened on an escalating number of stone steps etched into the mountain that were partially obscured by the overgrown wild vegetation. When pursued, it had eventually led to a tall structure encased in natural rock walls with its steeples raising behind it that looked to be of a religious nature, a sanctuary of sorts. Ascending the remainder steps swiftly as they could, they had eagerly used the door-clapper and pronto, after some inquiry and shuffling of feet to and for, they were politely led in by one of the senior young acolytes that’d been guarding the gate. 

The interior grounds were deceptively large, with well-groomed trees lining the snaking pathways, open courtyards with benches for reflecting on the displayed exquisite forms of rocks or the pockets of rare flowering plants and tiny brooks- the entire structure quite immaculate and rather serene. Shown to their respective rooms by an on-duty monk, they’d been succinctly provided with the necessary requirements of comfort, clothing and sustenance. After a restful period, she and Mokak had been ushered before the reserved, pious Abbot Koe, to state their individual requirements. Even though Teuquob had no preconceived ideas about the Abbot, contrasting sharply from the resident monks, with his elongated snow-white hair and beard, cloaked in pristine white garments, the abbot presented a most striking, saintly, dignified devout figure. And when he spoke, his enunciation of words was like symphony of melodious tones, putting all present, including Teuquob’s heart, instantaneously at ease.

“No matter which path one takes, all religious denominations or ecclesiastical beliefs eventually lead to the same route”. Abbot Koe, a most understanding figure, after patiently listening to Teuquob, to her relief, nodded in the affirmative then without prejudice made certain arrangements to accommodate even her varied religious persuasions (beliefs). Subsequently, after few day’s preparations, spiritual cleansing and apt prayers, she’d been given the key opportunity to perform all the requisite sacrifices to her dearly departed mother. Furthermore, Abbot Koe, a most gracious host, had extended his invitation to her, despite the obvious absence of other female worshippers in the sanctum, to stay at the retreat as long as she wished. When she’d expressed her desire to stay for a while till, she’d regained her strength, Mokak’s expression had been unreadable. He’d for a time in silence with a blank face had simply stared at her, then turned and left without uttering a word. He was absent thereafter, but she hardly missed him as her assigned light duties kept her both interested and busy. She soon lost all track of time as this was the most beautiful, serene place, with an extensive library and a custodian elderly monk that was more than willing to educate her during her free hours.

Then one day, visited by Mokak, she was told of his private requirement. Seeking religious solitude, to fulfill his obligations, he would be enabled hence, to see or speak to her (remain in non-communication) for number of days. She was assured nevertheless, that she would be in good hands under the protective guidance of the Abbot Koe. She could be recruited into the ranks of acolytes or monks full time rather than temporary resident guest, if she so desired and from hence devote herself to religious studies. However, if this was not to her liking, she was at liberty to leave with him when he had fulfilled his religious obligations and undertook the next leg of the journey in life.

This gave her a lot to think about. As much as she liked it here, would she fit in permanently? Should she forsake her inherent (intrinsic, innate) need to see and experience what the rest of the world offered or remain here in safety and absolute bliss? For an apt decision she needed more time to consider all aspects. Meanwhile she would continue to partake in this austere nevertheless complacent religious lifestyle that combined prayers and ordinary chores regardless of one’s prior standing in life, for within the walls of sanctuary all was considered equal.


On the second night, however, shortly after all candle lights had been extinguished and everyone settled in a blissful sleep, she had had a visitor that proved to be Chenko Haken. She could hardly believe her eyes. For one thing he appeared so different with his short hair and austere plain garments of a monk. She’d stood there, quite dumbfounded, staring at his face till the true recognition set in.

Yes, it was Chenko Haken, the lush, wavy, resplendent hair that had made him so attractive was cut short (and tapered) but his handsome features, those beautiful eyes were the same.

“Oh, Chenko Haken, I’d missed you so. I thought you’d perished in the storm (swallowed by the sea). I feared I’d never see you again!” Her eyes brimming with joyful tears, her heart bursting with emotion, forgetting herself, she’d wrapped her arms around him in a tight squeeze.

She closed her eyes with blissful happiness absorbing the warmth of his body and listening to the familiar rhythmic beatings of his excited heart. For a time nothing mattered, as if the outside world had ceased to exist with all her hopes and dreams encapsulated in this loving, endearing embrace.

“Now that I’ve found you, I shall never, ever let you go.” His assertion echoed her sentiments and thoughts. “Yes, from hereon we shall never part.” She whispered her promise in return.

Cupping her cheeks, he pinned his loving gaze into hers and same time, it had happened quite voluntarily without thought, when his tender lips met hers.

“I’m sorry.” Reality taking hold, he abruptly stepped back. “I have no right to…”

“Hush!” She placed her fingers over his lips to silence him.

“No, this is no way to behave, I beg your pardon, please forgive this transgression.” He nevertheless insisted with those hurtful eyes, which clearly waged a private war of emotions torn between morality, duty and the natural instincts of a loving being. He lowered his head abjectly and turned on his heels next to leaving, but Teuquob barring his way pleaded with him to stay. Furthermore, she insisted on knowing how he’d survived the disaster at sea, how he happened to be here and why he hadn’t come forth earlier? 






Saturday 5 October 2024



 Mokak cringed at this point anticipating what was to come. Would he dare explore further? He’d better; if he was to find out how she came to be in her present predicament. So, bracing himself, he continued with his probing.

 Shortly after mid-morning, on Captains orders (his command), the storm warning to the passengers had been issued and they were bid to at once take shelter below deck.

“He can’t be serious?” Many of the merchants aired their disgruntled voices since there was not a trace of cloud in the sky; quite skeptical, few even poised to ignore this dictum. They instead watched with amusement the worried expressions on the sailors and the flurry of activity as they lowered the main sails and strapped down all loose articles above and below decks to brace the ship for the impending storm.  It wasn’t long however, when the sudden driving winds converged over their heads a bank of dark, ominous clouds, instantly turning day into night as they blotted out the rays of the rising sun.  Out of nowhere a strong gale whipped the remaining sails and thrashed the augmented waves with fury. The fearful merchants interned below decks, in accordance with the captain’s subsequent, explicit directives, had bound themselves with strong ropes to the beams and to other stationary objects to prevent being tossed about during the anticipated storm.

Under the canopy of the dark mounting clouds and the barrage of pounding water, the angry roar of the winds and the churning sea sent all men’s souls into seizures of fright.  Huge hungry waves leaped to great heights and arched over the mast in crescents like gaping mouths ready to devour the whole ship in one gulp, while the smaller ones vied for the remaining crumbs.

This fair-sized vessel was picked up and tossed about as if it was but a paper toy by the enormous powers of nature.  Drenched to the skin, the exhausted sailors appeared to be nothing more than specks against the mountains of water arrayed against the vessel. Overpowered by a mightier master many were ripped away from their moorings as their binding ropes snapped in two.  Some were simply picked up and carried away, riding on the back of the wind, till they were dropped somewhere in the vast dark waters of the sea, never to be seen again.  Countless others perished under broken secondary masts, collapsed sails, and loose cargo catapulted at them by the waves and wind.  Their cries of anguish were drowned by the roaring mayhem created by the fierce storm.  The luckier ones, still alive, groaned with pain from the bruises, cuts, broken bones or crushed limbs they had suffered, and this was only the beginning stage of the deadly storm- the full (body) fury of it had not yet come.  The hull of the ship laboring under the exerting force (pressure) was strained to the point that it threatened to break in half.  If it were not for the good seamanship of the captain and the ability of his experienced crew, all would have perished at the start.  With their heroic efforts the ship was kept pointed into the wind to ride the waves, but it continued to be tossed about wildly for endless hours without let up, surmounting the danger to their endurance and ultimate survival.

The ship constantly rose and fell, pitching forward and back in the yaw of these giant waves, causing all above and below decks to become ill, with many passing out in their collective pools of vomit.  In the cabins the stench of this bodily discharge assailed all the senses.  Those luckier ones below secured tightly to the timbers sustained minimal injuries from the flying objects, but they still emerged from this adversity (hardship) with pale faces, reddened eyes, and hair standing on end, their clothes in complete disarray.  In this condition they already resembled ghosts.  The ones with stronger constitution wildly cursed their ill fate, while others mumbled prayers to the Sea God to show mercy, to spare their life, promising in return anything under the sun they could imagine.

The storm raged without letup for two days and two nights.  Then, with the same spontaneity as it’d started, all became perfectly still.  Not a whimper of the previously roaring wind remained.

In the hazy mist rising over the calm waters an eerie quiet now prevailed.

Many below deck were well past caring.  The few sturdy ones, rejoicing that the storm had ended, began untying their bonds.  Chenko Haken released himself from his ties, checked Teuquob’s vital signs, and then tried to revive her.

“All of you better keep still,” an elderly merchant warned, “till we are told the storm has passed.”

“Bah!  What need is there to be afraid of.” One scoffed, “Can’t you tell, old man, that the storm has passed already?”

The other shook his head in dismay and asked, “Has it?”

But his caution went unheeded.  Only a few, trusting the old man, remained as they were.  Seeing something in the old man’s words, Chenko Haken took the precaution of again securing Teuquob.  Half conscious, she blearily leaned her head back against the pole she was fastened (tied) to.

Mokak’s interest peaked. Despite his terrible fright, he could not stop now; he had to see it through to the end- if not, to savor just a bit more of these remarkably terrifying, yet exhilarating episodes of life, (brink of) death and destruction.

But first, anticipating more intrigue and decidedly more hazardous development, enterprise, betide above decks, he braced himself for that scenario.

Indubitably (to be sure), at the above decks, the atmosphere was far grimmer.  The experienced sailors and the captain of the ship showed intense fatigue, despair and worse- ultimate dread in their eyes.  Some already stationed in position, clasping their hands together, trembling, with lowered heads prayed to the merciful God Denizir to spare them from certain peril. 

All available hands had been summoned on deck and subsequently were cast into a still greater flurry of activity, as if racing against time itself, to prepare for what was yet to come.  The emerging passengers from below deck were shouted at abusively and told to get back below at once, that worse peril lay in the wake.  Some defiant souls were forcefully shoved or kicked down below.  As they tumbled down the length of the stairs, tempers flared, abuses were (exchanged furiously) hurled freely without reserve from both sides.

Chenko Haken had just finished securing himself to the pole when what they had most feared happened.  First there was a strange hum, then, before anyone had time to react, the most frightening, deafening roar that froze the very blood in men’s veins was heard throughout the sky.  The subsequent experience was still a more fantastic one to beheld, for many felt the ship in its entirety being lifted off the water and sucked into the void of the sky; suspended in mid-air for a second or two, suddenly, precipitately the ship began to twirl around and around with the fiercest force as they ascended, ship and all, still higher and higher, reaching unto the heavens.  The surreal ordeal was harder to bear, and this time around there remained very little for the ship’s captain or his crew to do to avert the impending disaster. Perhaps owing to Heaven’s infinite mercy, hurled right across the sky as if a piece of twig, eventually, for after what had seemed an eternity, the nearly intact ship had dropped back down, only to hit the surface of the sea with immeasurable force.

“Wow wee… that was incredible!”  Mokak could hardly contain his exhilaration. He shook his head in disbelief, mumbling to himself. “Was it sheer luck, or more likely, a testament to the ship’s sturdiness, that it had withstood the worst imaginable catastrophe? Ha hah! I knew it was too good to be believed.”  He grinned satisfactorily, for unfortunately water was now pouring into the cabins below from the holes, gaps and the cracks that had been created by this buffeting, threatening to drown them all.  Those that were still conscious presently shook with greater fear.

“We are finished! We’re all going to be drowned like rats here!” they screamed their forebodings in alarm.  Unfastening their bonds, cramming over each other, they pushed past anything in their way in their rush to get (to above deck) outside.

Having regained consciousness anew, Teuquob’s heartbeat (pounded) wildly with fear as she now realized that she might not survive her ordeal after all.  She grieved that she would not be able to fulfill her obligation to her mother.  “Are we going to die?” her eyes brimming with tears she asked Chenko Haken who was untying her bonds.

“Of course, not…  I won’t let that happen.”  Chenko Haken looked up with the most reassuring smile he could master (manage).

“Why are you so good to me, Chenko Haken?” she asked gratefully.  “I’ve done nothing to deserve it.  In fact, if it weren’t for me, you wouldn’t be in this terrible predicament. I’m so s…”

“Hush!”  Gently he placed his hand over her lips to silence her, and then   compassionately wiped the tears from her cheeks. 

   “Need any help?” He turned with a start to see Beko standing right over him.

   “We’ll be all right; thanks all the same.” His curt, dismissive words went unheeded by Beko who simply shook his head, responding. “You needn’t be so proud, I’m here to land a hand whether you want it or not.” 

Since she was unsteady on her feet Chenko Haken wrapped his arm around her supple waist and supported her up the stairs in tow of Beko who continuously and energetically cleared all the strewn debris barring their way. 

The moment they’d emerged outside they were swept away in the milling crowd. Two consecutive explosions from below deck just then- since some of the cargo stored in barrels was of combustible nature (substance) - had started a panic-stricken milieu, some rushing away, while others going towards it in their effort to contain or extinguish the raging flames before they became all too consuming.  But luck was against them as there were more explosions, this time trapping those that had rushed down and were desperately trying to douse, snuff or truncate (curtail) the flying missiles of the raging fire. Billows of smoke mushrooming upwards constricted Chenko Haken and Teuquob’s already taxed lungs while heart-rending cries and screams of those trapped in the searing flames below made those above deck frantic with fear.  As Chenko Haken tried to console her, a warning shout was suddenly heard from behind, “Look out!”

Seeing that the broken mast was about to fall on them, Chenko Haken quickly pushed Teuquob away from harms length; the mast crashed down, missing her and Chenko Haken only by a hair.  Others that were nearby weren’t so lucky, some dozen or so men, including Ytuke, were mercilessly pinned down beneath the enormous weight of the main mast; they lay there dying, crying in sheer agony from the pain of their pulverized flesh and bones.  Spotting Ytuke some ways off, Chenko Haken and Beko hastened at once to his side. Then with desperate frenzy they tried to pull him and some others out from under it to safety. “Push…Push!” Beko shouted his directive to Chenko Haken. But despite all their concerted exerted effort, the massive structure, the thickest part of the pole, had stubbornly refused to give (would not budge an inch).

“Leave me be, I’m done for!” Ytuke whimpered with trembling lips as blood oozed from the corner of his mouth.

“I won’t let you die like this, hang on!  Someone, help me!”  Looking up, Beko shouted to elicit more assistance from the other able-bodied men, but only a handful of stout sailors came to land a hand, and even those, shaking their heads soon after gave up, seeing the hopelessness of the situation. Clearly, Ytuke and few adjacent men pinned underneath were done for. They were beyond anyone’s help.

“Better try saving your own hides, for it is not over by a long shot, another passerby ominously advised the persistent duo Beko and Chenko Haken; meanwhile, Sunse had been repeatedly pushed aside and told by both Beko and Chenko Haken in turn not to get underfoot and to stay clear of the danger. With her limited strength and capacity, she was being more of a hindrance than help. She watched helplessly from the sidelines, her heart seared in dismay, the tremendous exertion of Beko and Chenko Haken, as they attempted to shift or maneuver the heavy object, both drenched in sweat, the droplets of perspiration on their faces mingling with the sprays of the rapacious sea. 

Despite her bruised ego and hurt feelings, she could not just stand by and do nothing; hence, once more she called out to others to elicit much needed help from them, but everyone was too consumed by their own troubles to even care.  Just then the partial deck beside Chenko Haken gave way; barely missing him, as the hungry, searing flames underneath instantly devoured Ytuke and few others pinned underneath that they’d been so desperately trying to save. This cruel fate would have been Beko’s as well had it not been for Chenko Haken’s agile move. His strong body and hand (grasp) springing into action at that crucial moment had reached out and gripped Beko’s, as latter alongside the pockmarked merchant was about to be claimed by the fiery chasm. 

“I owe you one.” Beko responded by padding Chenko Haken on the shoulder, soon as he was hauled up and on safe footing. “Who would have guessed? You have quite a might (strength, power) and potency in those scrawny, thin arms of yours.” He chuckled trying to make light of his near-death experience; then rushed off to help rescue another known associate that was in dire difficulty (strain).

Wearied (fatigued) to begin with, all these near misses had enfeebled (drained) Teuquob’s already spent nerves. In her sudden fright of losing Chenko Haken, suffering from the shock, she’d started to tremble then all at once she let out a loud scream. Fearing disclosure, Chenko Haken rushed to her side and in haste held her in a tight embrace as the same time smothered her face by pressing her face to his chest in effort to drawn out her feminine voice until she’d regained her senses. “It’s all right, everything’s all right.” He then affectionately caressed her face and wiped away the tears cascading down her cheeks.

“You’re a girl!  I had suspected as much!” A solid piece of board struck Chenko Haken hard on the back of the head, rendering him unconscious, same time a burly hand reaching out grabbed hold of her and started forcefully pulling, dragging her towards the edge.  As she struggled to free herself from his clutches, the dastardly merchant’s lurid eyes flashed fire and he tightened his grip on her wrist. “Wretched girl, you’ve brought this calamitous curse on us all! You are going to pay and pay dearly for this disaster at sea!” Grabbing also her waist, he now tried to throw her overboard, into the foaming, churning sea.

“Please let me go!” she shrieked and struggled hard to break free from his murderous grasp.  “Someone, help me!  Help me!”  But her cries for help did not rise above the wailing and screams of those others also in peril for their lives.

    “Stop fighting me wench! Or I’ll tear you from limb from limb and throw the pieces into the sea!”  Angrily the merchant slapped her with the other hand right across her face, knocking her near senseless to the ground.  Still (seizing) clenching her wrist, with a murderous rage he was about to strike her again and again when his hand was halted by a forceful grip of another’s coming from behind. Beko’s powerful consecutive strikes of the fist onto the culprit’s face and torso then the limber kick, hurled the culprit clear across the deck.

“Beko watch out!” Her warning had come too late, for the friend of the assailant descending swiftly upon him just then, delivered a formidable blow to Beko’s back and head. He had in his hand an elongated solid piece of metal pipe which he’d used like a staff. Before he could deal with the next more deadly onslaught to finish Beko off, suddenly the deck underfoot had violently shifted then altogether gave way, swallowing both the culprit and Beko into the fiery (pit) grave below.  As they fell the culprit let out a hair-raising shrilling cry that hunted Teuquob’s soul, for the remainder of her existence. Presently she’d fallen on her knees and cupping her face, started to sob uncontrollably.

“You must get to safety.” Chenko Haken regaining consciousness by then had at once rushed to her side; ignoring the excruciating pain from the swelling and the deep wound (laceration) where which blood oozed at the back of his head, he helped her to her feet and steadied her. Anticipating the worse, he strove to spare her precious life. “We must find a strong, safe object to secure you with, before the worst comes” He mumbled as he led her away from the crumbling, perilous section of the deck. Despite her protestations, an appropriate measure was soon taken to ensure her survival. No sooner this was done, when just then a frightful noise set a new fear in everyone’s heart. 

The ship’s hull, despite the sturdy construction had already weakened to the point of no return; suddenly it buckled, snapping like a thin piece of dry wafer and dividing the ship instantly in two. By fate’s hand, another explosion that same instant some ways off had thrown the sturdy wooden object she’d been tied to, clear across the danger. As she’d lost consciousness, she did not see what happened to many unfortunates that’d found themselves caught in the middle, and were instantly lost to the dark, foamy waters.   The mighty roar of the sky and the sea drowned the desperate cries of those dying or hurt still clinging to the serrated edges of snapped planking.  The whirlpool that was created by the two sinking halves mercilessly sucked the remaining passengers and crew to their watery grave.

When she came to, she’d suddenly found herself in the middle of a vast ocean in pitch darkness riding the huge waves, fastened (secured) onto a sturdy wooden piece (empty chest, or door).  On the brink of death, slipping in and out of conscious state, exposed to harsh elements of sea, sun, cold, hunger and thirst, she drifted hence, aimlessly for many a day.

Oh, I can’t take much more of this. Mokak hastily withdrawing his hand fell back, his heart racing, palpitating wildly. His fright had been immeasurable. His body curled to a fetal position on the ground now, he laid there for a time, rocking his body back and forth, hugging his knees and shivering and trembling uncontrollably. His temples throbbed; his chest cavity rose and fell with the quick intake and expulsion of air; meanwhile his eyes remained closed tight as a drum as if to dispel all the horrific imagery he’d just experienced firsthand. Try as he might he could not erase the frightful episodes parading before his mind’s eye that now taunted, haunted him.

The vast, infinite ocean and being trapped in the boundless volume of water; he could not phantom a more terrifying, terrorizing outcome than that!

Oh, but then, despite his terrible fright, he’d gotten such a rich experience from all that…More than he’d bargained for! After a time, when his terror had abated, he gradually began to see the upside of his lush, productive experience that presently fed his fertile imagination. Meanwhile, he could not help marveling at the complexities of human nature and, furthermore, felt envious, certain yearning even, for the vast array of opportunities, good and bad, denied to him, that were so readily available to her. More than ever now, he was determined to remedy this.








At mid-morning with all hands assembled on deck, the captain in an elaborate 

Ceremony sacrificed to the Sea-God, Denizir; then toasted to the eventual success of their voyage.  With the fair winds now in their favor, the sails unfurled in full, the First-mate Jon bellowed out in quick succession the dictates of the captain that set the ship on course towards the island of Luco. 

Soon there was no sign of land mass anywhere for the day’s favorable winds had swiftly carried them off out into the vast open sea. In every direction lay a vast expanse of shimmering, undulating (rolling) silvery waves that tossed up snowy foam and caressed the floating images of sun and moon alternately.

That night Chenko Haken and Teuquob’s cabin echoed and re-echoed with the snores of exhausted sleepers, while a whale-oil lamp suspended from the ceiling shed a faint, flickering, darting light over their slumbering bodies.

“Are you all-right?” Suddenly a hushed, concerned, voice broke the sonority of the air.

Seeing it was useless to feign sleep, she sat up.  Clutching her stomach she confessed in a meek voice, “I’m a bit must be something I... ate.”

“No, it’s not that at all,” Chenko Haken countered, “it’s what’s known as seasickness.  I’m sorry, but there is no cure for this affliction.  Please try to bear it. But just in case you can’t,” he stopped long enough to fetch the small bucket and placed it next to her bedding. Smiling comfortingly, he then added, “And don’t be shy in using it. In a day or two your system will adjust to the motion, and I promise you, you’ll feel much better then.”

“Thank you, I shall bear that in mind.”  She closed her eyes tight, fighting the urge to vomit, to empty her guts out; very much determined instead to get some sleep.

Mindful of how she must be suffering, Chenko Haken wished he could plainly nestle up to her and let his warm embrace ward off all her discomfort- but he did not dare.  Instead, with his empathic gaze on her he reached out and squeezed her hand consolingly.  She did not fight him and quietly submitted to the tender clasp of his hand. Subsequently soothed by his presence, her breathing eased in time and the tension slowly ebbed (abated) from all her muscles. Unfortunately, on his part an uninvited thought and desire had crept in (rather intruded,) to take hold of his heart and mind.

Gradually the touch of her warm, soft skin igniting the fires in his soul, threw him into raptures, deadening all shame!  How could he resist loving this delicate flower? Clearly it was futile, for it was such an excruciating pain, a worst kind of torment being so close; yet he was bound by morality, being forced to curtail all the basic human urges that unbidden, swelled up within him.  Subconsciously in a fit of passion, he’d gripped her hand tighter.

“What ails you, Elder Brother, are you, too, suffering from seasickness?” Opening her eyes, she gazed up at him in all naivetés and queried.

“Ha!”  Chenko Haken was startled from his private reflections.  Quite embarrassed, he felt the red-hot blood surging to his cheeks, and he abruptly (dropped,) let go of her hand.  After few moments of awkward silence, he finally plucked up the courage to reply, “I was thinking of you.”

“But I’ll be all right.”

Her pristine, natural response doused him with inexplicable shame.  How could I even think of tainting such an innocent, pure blossom!   Strongly denouncing the emotions, he had been swept by just then, he silently rose to his feet and after making sure the others were fast asleep, he declared. “I need some fresh air.”  Not waiting for her response, for he did not wish her to be in tow, he swiftly climbed the stairs and emerged outside.

It was out there, under the canopy of heavenly stars and the moon that he swore his solemn silent oath, to resist any impure temptations, to preserve her chastity and to be nothing other than a devoted flesh and blood brother to her.  He returned to the cabin shortly after- not daring to leave her alone down there too long- with his heart cleansed of any sinful desire and quietly laid down his head now riddled with sobering thoughts, on the hard, makeshift pillow.


 Mokak had just about enough fright with all that water, water everywhere!

He could not imagine a worse fate than being trapped in a precarious wooden craft amid that vast ocean.

“All that infinite, abysmal water!” He shivered despite himself and quickly returned his attention, as measure of reprieve, back on Shutizan.

 He was curious to know what befell her, expecting some delightfully riveting (gripping) details. Her registered trace, after several tries having been picked up, Mokak, sat on his posterior (buttocks), in a dark spot of the cave and, leaning his head and back against the cave’s wall, closed his eyes.

On solid landmass of Kontu, Shutizan, after having seen Teuquob off to safety, had successfully returned to her room without being seen, but once there her imagination unleashed, then fearing the dire consequences such as: What if when Teuquob’s absence came to light, herself cracking under torture, she could not help betraying her beloved lady, or worse, Chenko Haken? She’d, hence, rather than risk this, was resolved to end her life.  Despite her advanced years, even Mokak had to agree, she had spunk and was quite a brazen individual. 

Indeed, after quietly making the premise look like there’d been a struggle of sorts, with all the furniture strewn about, therefore throwing the suspicion onto abduction, she’d then stoically taken a potion (poison) that brought on a heart attack, and thus died. Her reasons for suicide had been clear; she’d hoped against hope that this would buy the runaways at least some time, as well, to spare the family from any possibility of persecution.

Her corpse was discovered the following morning when the alarmed servants gained forceful entry into the compound by (ridding the obstruction and) breaking down the barred door.  As it was locked and barricaded from the inside, the authorities when called to the scene, had been puzzled to solve the irregularity in this investigation, the obvious dilemma- as to how the intruders had broken in and despite the signs of struggle, had carried Teuquob off in utter silence during the night. A strict search was made of the compounds gradually extending it to wider circumference, as well, roofs and the outlined walls were scrutinized (by the keen inspectors) for any sign of intrusion, but again to no avail. By that afternoon, however, the merchant ship had already left the harbor.  A subsequent thorough search of the city, its boundaries and port therefore, proved fruitless.  All avenues of exit blocked, the authorities went on board the stranded ships next, imposing a stricter search of the passengers, but since they were avidly looking for a captive young girl in her teens, the difficult trail to the merchant ship was not linked until much later.  When things eventually came to light giving new, incriminating evidence against Shutizan, linking her to Chenko Haken, all the members of the family were immediately arrested, and two swift vessels were promptly launched in hot pursuit of the merchant ship.  Fortunately, their target “Silver Dreams”, itself a fast boat (craft), enjoying good weather and most favorable winds for several days, had ultimately spread an insurmountable (great) distance between them.


 Mokak’s attention had again reverted to the young man Ckenko, who’d sacrificed his family, his future, all to rescue a damsel in distress. And laughable foible (quirk, twist of fate) as it were, despite his best intentions clearly smitten, after curtailing his urges, Chenko’d committed himself to a vow; an earnest pledge that now bound him insufferably to the mode of behavior of an elder sibling.

“How long would the fool last out?” Curiosity getting the better of Mokak, he fought his dread of water and turned to probing her memory once more, about the more private and intriguing adventures at sea. Interestingly enough, by then, Chenko Haken and Teuquob, through numerous adjustments and compromises had alleviated (resolved) most of their difficult circumstances; meanwhile, being ever so vigilant about the aforementioned seedy character, the two fugitives rarely exchanged conversation and certainly never partook of the revelry (the boisterous festivity or entertainment) with their fellow passengers or the crew. 

Most were aptly deterred by Chenko and his younger sibling Sunse’s cold, aloof manner and eccentric behavior; only intellectually acute (keen) Beko and his newfound friend Ytuke who was a busybody merchant, broke down the barriers and imposed their company from time to time, on the two young brothers. Meanwhile, Beko still felt somewhat indebted to Chenko Haken for bailing him out of the dire predicament he’d found himself in Kontu.  

Beko and Ytuke, although from different parts of the world, almost from the beginning of the journey had become fast friends, as both had similar temperaments, many things in common and corresponding backgrounds. Besides, both shared a curious nature and loved a good mystery which presently, Chenko Haken and his supposed younger brother presented. These two deemed safe merchants- with Beko taking his lead from sly Ytuke and opting to believing in Chenko Haken’s fabricated tale and his subsequent design to find fame and fortune in foreign lands- boasted openly of their own incredible adventures, embellished riches and some attainable opportunities that lay in wait in Luco and the adjacent, well populated, cluster of smaller islands. As worldly men, they also imparted valuable pointers (info) about the hidden (obscure) aspects of law, customs and beliefs that were entrapments for embezzling naïve, unsophisticated foreigners in that part of the world. With their outright, faithful manner, they had done all they could to further win Chenko Haken’s confidence; unfortunately, the latter remained guarded and close-lipped on the private concerns, giving only ambivalent answers to their subtle queries. The silent younger sibling Sunse, a supposed shy introvert, always under the protective, watchful gaze of his elder sibling, had proven even more difficult to reach, let alone break. Despite the temporary annoyance (a snag), it’d nevertheless confirmed Beko and Ytuke’s suspicion about the seriousness of Chenko Haken’s plight. Fortunately, when another development concerning an insubordinate sailor called Tupov drew their attention, for the time being at least, they’d opted to letting things slide with Chenko Haken; after all, they had the luxury of time on this tedious, (tiresomely long) voyage.

The captain’s thorough investigation subsequently had uncovered an undesirable, flourishing, illegal drug trade on board and the vile criminal activity of the mastermind, repugnant Tupov. He was found to moreover, maliciously and spitefully poison the junior navigator, his co-conspirator, after having suspected him of skimming some of the profits. Tupov, the burly sailor in question, defiant to the bitter end, did not go down without a fight.

After an intensive struggle, he’d been cornered and captured alive; then as the only appropriate punishment for his crimes, he’d been subjected to humiliating rounds of abuse, publicly flogged and been made to walk the plank.

This invigorating episode had alleviated Beko and Ytuke’s boredom for a time but not for long. Once more they seemed restless and sought to gain fresh scandal.

During the subsequent days at sea, Beko discreetly observed a devoted elder brother Chenko Haken, to the best of his ability protecting and solicitously tending to all his younger brother’s needs.  He diligently kept Sunse from harm’s way- a difficult feat, as Sunse was extremely attractive, even sensuous in his looks; and shielded the innocence of the young sibling from the corollary rude acts, the verbal exchange (conversation) when the other merchants or sailors engaged in coarse, vile language- oftentimes reminiscing about their sexual exploits, to relieve the humdrum phase of the journey. 

Inseparable as the two fugitives had become, gradually Teuquob had grown quite fond of Chenko Haken, the intensity of her feelings reaching above and beyond that of gratitude. But Chenko Haken’s moral behavior was beyond reproach. He’d put up so many barriers that none, not even Teuquob could transcend it.

  Until that is, the day the prevailing winds of fate had shifted!





Saturday 28 September 2024





Ensuing days traveling alongside him Teuquob felt comforted and surer in reaching her objective. There was however one characteristic foible (small idiosyncrasy) that from the beginning had undeniably perturbed her. Despite his subtle claim of being sworn celibate, his piercing, (almost licentious, hungry) impious gazes on her when he thought she was not looking, and the astute way he studied her every move, every nuance, every gesture; this, compounded with the other inconsistencies, again had disquieted (disturbed) her. At these times as his religious convictions seemed to be wavering, she’d felt inexplicably threatened; nevertheless, she’d fought to dispel her angst in the absence of any concrete, outward transgressions or willful acts of improprieties. Furthermore, as he’d continued being the most valuable companion in protecting, sustaining and entertaining her, all her reservations and inhibitions in due course again lapsed back into the deep recesses of her subconscious mind to eventually be eliminated.

At night-time when they bedded down at of course respectable distance from each other in the protective cove or a cave, overcome with sheer exhaustion she could and often did render herself in safe and happy abandon in sleep. She had no way of knowing of course that her companion, who called himself Mokak, never closed his eyes in like fashion, for he had no need of it. Instead, he would pass the night endlessly, restlessly pacing the floor to and for. Periodically, he would pause at length to size her up, to hover over her, before in abrupt haste taking off for the outside. He would always return, however, just before sunrise, with a bounty of food and wake her up.

Once, during an unusually warm, sunny day, on his initiative she’d even embarked on a whimsical adventure with him. It was an experience to be had.

By taking their cue from wild macaques that had singularly appeared on the scene, in a playful imitation they had rolled on the moss-covered ground, trounced around rocks, swung from the high branches and laughed till their lungs would burst. Then, needing sustenance, they’d indulged their appetite on the rare, exotic fruits from the tall ancient trees and experienced much to their delight, quite an extraordinary state of wellbeing and vitality. Intoxicated by the rich fare, they had then danced and made merry all day long.

She’d awakened the following morning only to realize that this delightful episode had been but a vivid dream; nevertheless, she remained grateful long after for this joyful reprieve amid the persistent harsh realities of their journey!

Things back on track, on another relatively insignificant night quite exhausted from the day’s grueling climb, in the depths of a huge cavern no sooner had she nestled to a corner and laid her head down, that typically, she’d collapsed instantaneously into a deep slumber. Same could not be said about Mokak however, who appeared intensely agitated, particularly more so than usual. For shortly after midnight the weather had taken an abrupt turn for the worse; by then howling winds having given way to thunder and lightning, it’d what seemed to be in an endless cycle of violence, persistently ripped open the skies.

He could attest to it without having to go outside that within that wide perimeter all hell was breaking loose. The raging storm, the worst kind yet, was ferociously tearing everything asunder. Nor was it hard for him to fathom that the trashing winds in conjunction with other violent forces of nature had already waylaid much of the weaker habitation to waste as it methodically uprooted young trees and tore-apart ancient trunks or branches.

Akin to his master’s temper, he could almost hear the indifferent explanation of his; it was nature’s way you see, of keeping order/ sort of housekeeping. Meanwhile the persistent downpour had been so intense that the sheets of rainwater resembling iron bars, or a saw tooth of a dreaded predator had in similar fashion, unwittingly imprisoned Mokak inside. Feeling insufferably pent up and asphyxiated, he’d therefore for quite a spell now nervously paced to and for; then going over to the far corner, he squatted down and nervously hugged his knees close to his chest. With lowered head he cursed into the air, his inexplicable fear of water that had yet again gripped his entire being in such a vice. “Blast! Nights are unbearably long as it is!” He hissed, raising his head to glance in her direction.

Look at her, how is it, she can sleep so blissfully…? But he knew the answer to it already; for placed under such a spell, nothing short of divine intervention would wake her up, till the first rays of daylight were manifest.

Oh, I’m terrified and bored… Bored beyond existence! Drat, such a waste! In his irritated mode, he chewed on his upper lip. It was all he could do from pouncing on his prey.

No, you must be patient, remember the ancient recount: ‘Perseverance Furthers.’ He shook his head. You’ve invested too much time in it already. You can’t effort to blow this opportunity; not when there’s a real good chance of it working this time! As it were, it’d been quite by chance that he’d stumbled onto this resolution, this secret; unfortunately, it was the only way of escaping his fate, what persecuted and enslaved him. He’d been luckier than the rest of his kind who stood at no chance of escaping. For centuries now they’d endured this humiliating captivity. The renegade Karn (immortal) had availed Mokak this rare opportunity. Once at the outside, he’d sought and through trickery gained his albeit temporary freedom. Time was of the essence however, requisite blending with a human, any human would give him substance and make him imperceptible to detection- evermore, if memory served him right, quite invincible! So, grinding his teeth, he again inwardly admonished himself to persevere.

Mokak after avidly watching her for a good while longer from where he was slouched, he slowly rose to his feet and with deliberate strides approached (walked right up to) her. A wry grimace donned on his features as he stood idly over her. Then again, there was another, relatively harmless way to while away the time.

He snorted: Why the heck not? She would not be the wiser. And besides, it might even give him an added insight into her guarded nature for more effective manipulation. Resolute, he sat cross-legged beside her now and touching her forehead at the temples with his extended middle-fingers, focused his mind on penetrating hers.

Though it’d held some interest at first- experiencing events from a different angle, strange point of view- he soon got tired of probing her recent escapades, thoughts and dreams.

Delving deeper still into the recesses of her subconscious part of the brain, he picked her very personal, logged memory….

Aha, there’s something more colorful for the amusement! He therefore focused on the entire event. Eyes closed; he delighted in the unfolding scene in his mind’s eye. The picture expanded till it engulfed him entirely. Now he experienced everything firsthand as if he was there. But then in actuality, he was there! His prolific (productive, fertile) senses had picked up every nuance of experience, every scent, every gradational word and richer still, everyone’s inner thoughts, fears, desires and hopes:

“Hurry up child!” The old nurse tugged at the girl’s sleeve, urging her to keep in step.

The earth was mantled in velvet darkness on this starless night, and most of the lamps had, one by one, been extinguished as many had already settled into deep slumber. Two cloaked figures quietly glided through the servants’ quarters then made their way through the gate to outside. Hugging the shadows, as they rushed down the deserted alleyways the biting, howling wind pummeled their sleeves.

“Oh, what a night to be out! “, the plaintive cry of the old lady rang out after they had reached some measure of safety.

The beautiful girl Teuquob just smiled complacently and picked up the pace. After having been cloistered in private restrictive quarters nearly all her life, everything on the outside world now seen for the first time, had flooded her senses in an inexplicable burst of rapture. She could barely contain her joyful exuberance as she with insatiable thirst assimilated (absorbed) all the strange sights, sounds and smells along the way; meanwhile, remaining quite oblivious to the throbbing pain in her delicate shins and soles cased in luxuriously plush footwear, as it trod with some difficulty or negotiated certain hindrances of the descending, uneven cobble stoned streets.

“All has been arranged.” Suddenly the old nurse’s (Shutizan’s) cautious murmur brought her out of revere to present reality. “It’s just a little way farther dear.”

Subsequently they veered around a corner and entered a quieter, more leveled street where towering, sturdy outer stone-walls and locked iron-gates of pre-eminent mansions flanking both sides discouraged any (wayward) arbitrary visitors. Stopping abruptly before the back-gate of a modest-sized compound, the old nurse lifted the door clapper to announce their arrival, but it fell with a hollow thud as the door suddenly creaked open and a young man’s face peered outside to invite them in.

Following the lead of the youth to the end of a long passageway that bypassed the servants’ quarters and the stables, they then entered a well-groomed courtyard encompassing ingenious miniature landscapes and mountains. Delightful fountains of various sizes amidst rare and exotic vegetation and monumental guardian sculptures that evoked in one both dread and awe dominated the scene.

Reluctant to leave this tranquil scene, they nevertheless followed the anxious youth through many archways and hallways to eventually end up at the private living quarters of the main household.

It was then that the two ladies entered a spacious but dimly lit room which served as the family parlor. Here they were ushered into comfortable seats close to a warm fire.

I do hope your journey here was devoid of incident, Auntie.” The young man, bowing to the old lady inquired politely, and then offered them some tea from an elaborate silver service set by the mantle.

“Yes, fortunately all went well.” The old lady, catching her breath, responded. “Now, having delivered her safely to your hands, I must return to the compound before I’m missed, so I will have to decline your kind offer of tea, son.”

Then turning to Teuquob, she managed to give an encouraging smile. “Now, child, without further ado, I would like to introduce my nephew Chenko Haken, to you. I’ve entrusted him with the responsibility of your safety and wellbeing. Young as he is, he’s unequalled in both courage and integrity. He will see to all your needs from now on.

“Chenko Haken, you may now bow to the young lady in greeting...”

“I’m your devoted servant, ma’am,” the young man slightly flushed from that unexpected high praise, in ready compliance bowed to Teuquob.

Protesting this courtesy, Teuquob stood up and bowed to return his greeting, thanked him for his kindness, then asked him to regard himself as her Elder Brother instead.

“I wouldn’t presume such an honor, my lady.” blushing, Chenko Haken again bowed to her. “I’m satisfied with just being one of your loyal servants.”

“Well spoken!” the old nurse approved, nodding her head, and then smiling warmly added, “Perhaps in the interest of expediency, however, we could dispense with such formalities. Now Chenko Haken, I hope, barring all unforeseen adversities, you will take good care of her Ladyship. And I hope by Heaven’s special favor, despite all the daunting odds that may lie ahead on your path, you will still emerge triumphant. Meanwhile I have every confidence in you my boy, that you will get her through to safety and then devote the rest of your life to serving her well!”

“As one undeserving of such high honor, I shall give you my solemn promise Auntie that I shall not fail in my responsibilities.” Chenko Haken promptly replied, “I shall guard her ladyship’s life with my own.” But then suddenly concern clouded his face and after a momentary pause he meekly injected, “I don’t mean to be disrespectful to your wishes, Auntie, but could I not persuade you to come with us? I would rest so much easier in mind if you just consented to join us on this journey!”

“No. No, that’s out of the question!” The old lady held out a restraining hand in protest. “I must go back… Go back immediately! As it is, you are taking on such an immense risk. I’m advanced in years and in my feeble condition, I’ll only hinder your escape. Besides, I can be of more use here. I’ll stall the ‘would be pursuers’ to enable you two both with bit more time to get away. So, speak no more of my joining you. My mind is made up!” With a stern stance, she adamantly pursed her lips. Catching a glimpse of Teuquob’s concerned look, “Now look how your careless talk has frightened the young lady!” Shaking an index finger, she affectionately chastised her young nephew.

“Don’t pay any heed to him, my child, I’ll be all right.” She then turned to reassure Teuquob and tenderly wiped away the girl’s tears with her handkerchief. “I still have a few tricks up my sleeve. They won’t harm a hair on my head; nor will they be given the slightest chance.” Shunning the somber, questioning gaze of Chenko Haken, she reached forward and cupped Teuquob’s delicate chin into her hand; looking directly into Teuquob’s eyes, she then advised (counseled) her. “Now be mindful of all strangers, exercise due caution, for spies are plentiful and as you well know DFOCA are planted throughout. Remember well all that I’ve told you. However little a measure, the evildoings, the scourging, the afflictions of that villain must somewhat be checked. You can mourn for your mother later, there’s nothing to be gained by you sacrificing your life; it’s imperative you get away first to safety in order to make the appropriate offerings, now you owe her that.”

In obedience the girl assented. “Good child, now dry your eyes completely and preserve your strength for the task at hand; and who knows, maybe, just maybe propitious adventures may lie ahead.” After her hopeful rhetoric, the old nurse impatiently then struck her knees with her palms and stood up. “I must be off. Don’t bother to see me out Chenko Haken, just take good care of her ladyship; she is not used to the outside world, as she’s led such a sheltered life.” Choking back the tears, the old nurse quickly darted out of the room, before the girl could see her grief, and disappeared instantly into the dimly lit hallway.

In truth her heart quaked in fear for their safety. It was a long shot that they will get away… Longer still, that they will survive the hostile world! But perhaps, with Heaven’s help, the unlikely feat would come to pass. She had to try… Try to alter the course of Teuquob’s tragic fate, that of which it would surely come to pass, had she stayed there. She had to pry her from the clutches of her dire, cruel predicament so that she would not suffer her mother’s calamitous end!

How brave and selfless her young nephew was! She was forfeiting (sacrificing) him also by casting him into this perilous role. But perhaps it would not be all in vain. Miracles did happen from time to time. She had to try. Now the rest was up to Heaven.

“May Gods be merciful?” She’d murmured a soft prayer as she hastened her steps away.