Showing posts with label Zianko. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Zianko. Show all posts

Wednesday 18 September 2024








Kaimu spent the rest of that night at the shed. The following morning, rising from his makeshift straw bedding before the crack of dawn, with disgruntled air he washed up, re-entered the cabin and without uttering so much as a word to anyone, plump sat himself at the table. After downing a sizable breakfast ‘as if nothing had happened’, his huge appetite not at all affected by the night's concerns, he then rose to leave for work.  All along he’d observed, on the sly, how his son Yoansu seething in ire, had hardly touched his food.

In fact, having gotten nowhere with his mother the night before, Yoansu was determined to have, if necessary, a violent confrontation with his father when they were both out at sea. Barring all else, he would threaten the old bastard in blatant terms and demand that he lay off his mother, to stop hurting her, or else!

 As father and son both earlier than usual headed out the door, Kaimu suddenly breaking the ice half-turned his head and grumbled his stern instructions to his wife. “We will be returning earlier today, get the supper ready, after which I plan to go see Zianko.”

 He’d detected a faint (dim) light at Zianko’s place couple of night’s prior and again late last night. This telltale sign had assured Kaimu of Zianko’s return. Hmm, but for reasons known only to him, he’s still lying low. Kaimu now mused.

Zianko, he’s back? Fine, the mongrel dog is defiant… For that I shall enjoy killing that churlish fiend in a special, slow way! Yoansu scowled inwardly, guessing only half the reason for his parent’s present discord (dissension).

Ensa meanwhile, with a hung head had remained unresponsive, silent, as though lost in her own private revere.

“Fine have it your way!” Kaimu’s disgruntled words had again fallen on deft ears.

She dejectedly looked up to see Kaimu with indifference shrugging his shoulders and then briskly giving his back to her. Her blank, dispassionate gaze followed the two, with Yoansu in tow, hastening their steps down the slope towards the crevice where the boat was moored (fastened). With a hateful snort she then turned and slammed the door shut behind her.


After the craft was brought out of the protective cove, Yoansu and Kaimu with coordinated effort was about to push it into the water when Kaimu, noting (sighting) from the corner of his eye through the thick morning mist at some distance Zianko’s vigorous advance, abruptly stayed his hand. Yoansu half turned his head to see what had momentarily distracted his father.

This is serendipitous. Things couldn’t have worked out any better than if I’d planned it myself! Kaimu musing beamed, his eyes glued on Zianko.

Zianko’s heart meanwhile had skipped a beat when he’d suddenly looked up straight on ahead and spotted at the far distance Yoansu’s dark countenance bent over working alongside his father. The difficult illicit deal had satisfactorily been completed late last night. At this pre-dawn hour expecting no chance encounter, Zianko had planned to retrieve a well-concealed vital bit of incriminating evidence from the cabin of his boat.  Ceasing this appropriate time he meant to destroy this crucible item; afterwards he’d (intended on) contrived to becoming scarce for another extended period, as he in the interim initiated yet another criminal but unlawfully profitable act. This unwelcome chance meeting left him in a terrible quandary (bind), for he was not yet ready for the dire confrontation with Yoansu; therefore, pretending he’d forgotten something, he’d abruptly turned about face and started heading in the opposite direction towards his dwelling.

You’re not getting away that easily! Kaimu bent on seizing this opportunity however devilishly grinned. “Greetings old mate!” Waving a hand, he bellowed after his pseudo friend, as he threw a side-glance at Yoansu.

Blast! Zianko cursed under his breath.  “Greetings,” Came next, his reluctant loud response. Facing unto the challenge, as Zianko stoically came forward, he threw a cautionary glimpse at Yoansu. “I see your son’s visiting you.”

“And he’s brought with him a wife.” Kaimu jubilantly blabbed (burst).

“You don’t say! Well congratulations!” Zianko feigned joy and gleefully nodded to Yoansu.  Yoansu chewed the corner of his lower lip to constrain his scorn; he was utterly disgusted by this ludicrously amicable, farce exchange.

“But seriously, how have you been, old friend?” Kaimu queried, goading both. “And it’s been so long since we shared a drink last? I was beginning to get tad worried about your prolonged absence?”

“I’m afraid, a queer, bad incidence kept me away.” Zianko with a dark countenance shrugged, purposely avoiding Yoansu’s burning gazes upon him.

“I won’t pry by asking what incidence, but now that you are here… I mean to ask you something.” Kaimu turning a blind eye to the blatant hostility between the other two, as if in afterthought, excitedly injected (put in).  Zianko held his breath in anticipation and waited while Kaimu cleared his throat with a phony cough.

I’m thoroughly enjoying this. Kaimu inwardly laughed. Look at him sweat, in dreaded fear that I would break the news now, in front of that cursed son of mine.

  “You see, I’d detected a light at your abode late last night and so, I’d planned to pay you a courtesy visit at the day’s end. I wished to confer with you further on the matter of our mutual interest, but hey, why don't you come by our place instead for as well, a sumptuous meal this evening. You’ll then have the opportunity to also meet my new daughter-in-law and make her acquaintance. She is a delightful sort. You’d certainly get along. And this time, thanks to Yoansu’s generous gift, I’ll be treating you to a choice brew…Ha, ha, ha.  Yes, do come, for we will certainly have an occasion to toast and celebrate after dinner!”

Yoansu looked away, inwardly fuming at the despicable charade being played out in front of him.

“Don't tell me there is a cause for an added celebration already?” Zianko smirked wryly, emboldened by the seeming sincerity of Kaimu.

   “Not one, but two.” Kaimu promised, as he for emphasis simultaneously held out two fingers before Zianko's face. “The matter of Souko might also be resolved.”

“I suppose I have to suffer the suspense till then.” Zianko tensing answered tautly. His eyes chancing on Yoansu’s, quickly averted those (them) - for that same moment an inexplicable fear and dread had clenched (gripped) his heart and very soul.

In the thralls (throes) of danger, he’d just then had noted that unmistakable ‘murderous craze’ in Yoansu’s pupils … That infamous look he knew all too well! That alone had conclusively now resolved his prior quandary. Without a serious means of support, why should he stick around to be brutally maimed and butchered? As for Jiense, well that delicacy could wait, till this more pressing matter had been indefinitely resolved!

I’ll doubt he’ll show up for the supper. Good riddance to bad rubbish! Kaimu mused again observing the hostile exchange on the sly and grimaced coldly.

“It’s settled then!” He reached over and (conclusively) elatedly padded Zianko on the shoulder; then having nothing further to say, he turned his attention back on his craft. Hopefully, Yoansu’s influence still carried some weight and no one dared intercept! …Anyhow, the dye (colorant) was cast; fate would now determine the rest.


     Observing for a spell Zianko’s hasty retreat, “Who the devil is Souko?”  Yoansu then abruptly turning- curtly demanded an answer from Kaimu. His question, however, went unheeded by his stubborn old father, who busied himself with the craft.

You can’t intimidate me, curd! Kaimu halted only, to in a grumble ask his son to belay the change of plan to Ensa.

“Do I look like your errand boy?” Yoansu scowled at Kaimu.

“Never mind then,” Kaimu shrugged, “she’ll manage.” And he looked away to hide the satisfactory grin on his lips.

    You’ll get yours all in good time old man! Yoansu inwardly seethed burrowing his contemptuous look (scornful ire) on his father’s back.  Meanwhile I’ll let you fatten the pig, just before the slaughter! Yoansu’s, venomous side-glance before boarding the craft, targeted the diminishing figure of Zianko. Despite the distance, (lengthy span,) it still sent icy chills down Zianko’s (latter’s) spine, and an involuntary shiver passed through him.


Ensa knew all too well that the men would not be back before the dusk fell upon the earth, which gave her the added advantage of time.  For once, she was thankful that her meddling daughter-in-law Tufan would not be rising before mid-morning. She was further relieved to see Zianko on horseback galloping into distance towards town not long after, with the amount of baggage enunciating (indicating, telltale sign, divulging) an extended leave. This, more than anything else, reaffirmed her belief that (‘fate’) ‘Heaven’ was on her side (and what’s more, favorably disposed to her willful aim).

Circumstances being ripe, she had to act now, and act decisively and swiftly… Or else, all would be lost!

Ensa without further due busied herself in the kitchen and quietly made a bundle containing necessary provisions, such as dried rations, baked buns, a pair of straw sandals, some medicinal herbs, a small (earthen) jug of water and anything else she deemed (determined) it would be useful.

Jiense in the interim had been entrusted with the cleanup of dishes and other such tidying up chores. At the conclusion of which, Ensa communicated her desire to Jiense that she should change back into a man’s attire. The feminine garment once neatly folded- was also added to the bundle.

With all the preparations done, Ensa with Jiense then in tow quietly left the cabin. Going to the shed- that was also the makeshift stables, Ensa using sign language first ascertained herself of the fact that Jiense could ride the horse. Ensa knew the loss of a mount would further enrage her husband and her son; but Jiense had to be given all the advantages, if she was to make good her escape.

In a somber mood she carefully fastened the bundle on the harness. The two leading the horse by the bridle then quietly left the premise.


It so happened, in a previous night’s premonitory dream, Ensa’s ‘spirit guide’ had directed (instructed) her onto a precise path. Driven to desperation, but trusting absolutely in ‘Heaven’s protection’, Ensa with resolute steps now led the way.

Of course, Ensa and Jiense’s flight was covertly observed for quite a while by the ever watchful, unseen eyes of spies; meanwhile, Yoansu’s exceptional steed, procured at very high cost, was well known to all. However, such had been the notoriety of Yoansu, that friend or foe, even the contending rival gang members complied without question all these years to the standing order to lay off Ensa and Kaimu. Therefore, on this occasion despite the seeming oddity, though it had baffled many minds, no one dared to intercept her designated course.

Blissfully unaware of this fact, after quickly traversing the vast open, rather vulnerable span, by mid-morning Ensa and Jiense had reached the uneven, rocky, sparsely forested topography. At a specific point, they managed the safe crossing of the tributary of a thunderous, fast flowing river that eventually emptied into the sea, and ascended the section of a steep hill that had been recently stripped bare by a ferocious fire that had started by a lightening. Thankfully, the ensuing relentless rains of the last couple of months had well cooled the grounds. Nevertheless, the stifling air and the number of debris cluttering the uneven ground still took its toll on human and beast’s limbs, forcing their heart and lungs to further labor under the heavy strain. After a somewhat perilous decent, the stout pair reached a clearing whereupon following subsequent period of rest, that night taking advantage of the full-moon and the cloudless sky, they made good progress with their swift ride on a horseback.  At dawn when their path converged with open fields, Ensa from thereon took a particular care for them not to be detected by any prying, unseen eyes. At one point they even strayed from the regular paths and despite the prevalent danger of being permanently lost, guided by her hunches, they followed through instead, the maze of nature born (not man-made), lengthy, winding crevices and seemingly endless gorges that scarred the expansive landscape. This, in order to escape the anticipated invisible army of spies, messengers, carriers, smugglers, bootleggers or highwayman that, (she knew of from hearsay) as she’d been told, periodically thronged the other safer routes regardless of time of day/night or seasons.

At dusk, having successfully emerged from the dangerous labyrinth, they again rode for a while on horseback, the strong beast carrying them both through small-forested region till they reached a clearing.

This would be the parting point; from here on their path would diverge.

In a previous night’s dream all these steps, well cloaked in symbolism, had been prophesized to Ensa. Recognizing at once the specific topographical features, right down to the tree, she halted their advance. They sat in the alcove of a rock beside an ancient tree for a well-earned rest and an intake of food. Ahead lay, a vast span (band) of level ground with tall grass that endlessly stretched out before them; and then beyond it, there would be gently undulated hills that were sparsely populated with trees. Well sheltered from the elements, they spent the second night there. At dawn following morning, after breakfasting on their meager rations, with the aid of a stick Ensa drew a diagram, a sort of a map, conveying the following message to Jiense:

A small conciliation, Jiense at least, for the rest of the way, could proceed in full gallop on horseback, cutting across the fields, a sort of shortcut, without any serious hindrance from unlawful sorts, till she met up with the major thoroughfare. This well-traveled bustling route eventually would lead the way to more prosperous town of Reaog. It was a highly profitable commerce center wherewith reputedly, at least under the scrutiny of government officials, some measure of law and order was (observed) adhered. Perhaps chancing on kindhearted, civilized folks, Jiense would fare better than the other lawless towns’ closer by.  It was imperative however that Jiense steered the course to the left at the major junction, for straying to the right or even north might land her on a more dangerous, more treacherous course… that at some point led to the dreaded “Five brothers” foothills.

 Ensa then with sorrowful, tearful (tearstained) eyes, using sign language, as well as being vocal- tried to relay the rest of her intentions to Jiense.

“My dearest daughter,” she sobbed, “I’m being forced to abandon you at this desolate spot (stretch). Unfortunately, the time has come for us to part. I know that you stayed on with us out of perhaps misguided love and obligation to my especially undeserving husband. Oh, how I had hoped that you would be with us till the day I closed my eyes for the final time, but alas this was not to be.” She heaved a deep sigh. “This may seem a cruel recourse to you, but believe me, the precarious fate waiting for you back at home is far worse.  So please do not misjudge me by misinterpreting my well-intentioned reasons and think that I turned you out from lack of love or out of displeasure. Nothing could be further from the truth!”

Then after thoughtfully nodding, she added: “It's fortunate for us that you did not understand the basis of our row (quarrel) last night, for you would have hated us, perhaps even hated me, for I am powerless to stop my stubborn husband's selfish aim. He’s not a bad sort really; but sometimes he gets into his head such strange notions!”

She wiped away the tears cascading down her cheeks onto her sleeve and took in a deep breath, for she was too choked up to speak. Swallowing she tried to desist, the subsequent onrush of tears, then with the aid of serious of hand gestures continued in her mournful tone: “The journey ahead of you may prove perilous; still you are young and pliant, and you have survived comparable, even equivalent ordeal.  I am hopeful that ‘Heaven’ pitying you, would deliver you to a more propitious life.  May your ‘guiding spirit’ show you the way! I’m confident; an immaculate, pure, sweet being such as you will always have strong spiritual protection. Now, go with my blessings dearest and the blessings of ‘Heaven’.  It’s imperative you make good use of the remaining daylight. Spread a good distance between you and would-be pursuers. You must leave me now. I’ll do my best to cover your tracks. Go without delay!”

She urged Jiense thus, tears the size of pearls streaming down her cheeks.  She was soon overcome with grief.  She cupped her face and sobbed uncontrollably.  Jiense, also in tears, hugged Ensa back, which she loved like a real mother, for the last time!

Eventually, prying herself free from Jiense's tight embrace, Ensa helped Jiense mount the horse, and then struck the rump of the beast to make him go. As the steed galloped into the distance, she with a choking voice cried after Jiense.

 “May the ‘Nature spirits’ stand guard over you also my precious… go now and don't look back. I shall pray for you always! I shall always keep you close to my heart! I shall never, ever forget you!”

Ensa had remained rooted to the spot for an undetermined span with her gaze glued to the distance trailing the lone mounted figure appearing then disappearing amidst the thicket of tall, undulating vegetation. She’d looked on with sorrowful eyes and an anxious heart, until Jiense had appeared as little more than a speck on the horizon; then that too had disappeared behind a relatively, minor ridge.







Sunday 15 September 2024







Yoansu seeing that it would be useless to protest, consented to reveal to his father Kaimu, at least the partial truth. “You are quite right father. Tufan is not as I’d previously claimed. She is the niece of a powerful gang boss. I’m ashamed to admit it, but I’d often gambled; and this part of my story was true, on one such occasion, I’d won big! This expectantly landed me in immense trouble. Fortunately, I had the foresight to conceal large chunk of the dosh in a good place. Nevertheless, I was shadowed from that day forth. Even though I took particular care, still, I was abducted and brought before the top boss. I was tortured to reveal the whereabouts of the remainder of the cash. A sudden, unexpected intervention, rather, intrusion by her, somewhat saved my life. From then on, I felt indebted to her. I was to learn later; she’d taken a fancy to me the moment she’d laid her eyes on me. As she’d always brought trouble to the boss’s family, they were glad to be rid of her in this respectable fashion. Behind my back, she struck a deal with her uncle, and I was forced into marrying her; or else lose my life!  The concealed (kept) portion of the sum that I’d won at gambling, was duly confiscated as her dowry.”

“Nevertheless, at the time braving Crime boss’s wrath, I struck a bargain (of my own) with him. I will slave away as a waiter or sort in one of the gambling houses, till the full amount is reached; meanwhile I would be allowed to keep a small portion of it. I’ve brought this amount with me to give it to you so that you can provide a bit more comfortable life for mother.”

“Under the circumstances, I want nothing further to do with her or the money!” Kaimu grumbled clenching a fist. He wanted to add, “you too”, but with admirable reserve, he held his tongue.

“But you can’t be serious!” Yoansu feigned dismay. “I can’t just abandon her…Not till the child is born. Please father; go along with me on this. Besides, it would break mother’s heart, if she knew.”

“Won’t this worthless girl spill the beans about her origins anyhow?” Kaimu looked away, somewhat distracted.

“Not if mom distrusts her. Mom will soon find out for herself, how Tufan is an unreliable shrew and a perpetual liar. Then nothing she claims will ever be taken seriously or believed.” Again, he reasserted. “And soon as I’ve repaid my debt, I shall return, I promise, and be contented to be a fisherman like you. Please father, don’t turn your back on me in my hour of need!” Yoansu with his hidden agenda, utilizing his cunning tongue and half–truths, had striven to buy time.

Kaimu sadly shook his head. “He’d heard enough!”

“What do you take me for, an utter, complete imbecile, spinning one yarn after another? I wasn’t born yesterday, you know!” Then lowering his head, he exhaled and grumbled to himself. “What is it about me that everyone thinks they can pull the wool over my eyes? I have no proof, but I know Zianko had arranged the destruction of my boat, to get in on good terms with me.” Then suddenly looked up to ask his baffled, aghast son, “Are you in some ways responsible for the beating he got?”

Yoansu saw no reason to deny it and nodded in the affirmative.

“You are in with a gang?”

Again, Yoansu nodded in assent.  “The old man wasn’t such a fool after all.”

He looked at Kaimu now with renewed respect, his heart somewhat tinged with shame.

 “This crime boss; does he have a name?” Looking away, Kaimu abruptly asked.

Yoansu saw no reason in withholding the name. This far removed from town Kaimu could not possibly make any connection; so, he readily volunteered “Ckarban Kuso”.

“You would have been better off to have relinquished the entire sum of money and have nothing further to do with him or her!” Kaimu’s darkened countenance and his dismal, curt response intrigued Yoansu. What do you know of him? Yoansu wanted to query, but then on second thought, Nee! He’s bluffing! He knows nothing of the latter’s notoriety. He quickly dismissed any such possibility.

Yoansu had of course no way of knowing that once, in the distant past, way before he was born, the vermin Ckarban had been Kaimu’s sworn blood brother. A deep dark secret, so heinous however, had permanently severed the link. To date it had kept the two ardent foes far apart, and would to, till eternity.

“Tufan’s true nature came to light soon enough, but by then,” In contrast to Kaimu, Yoansu’s focus had once more reverted to the present dilemma.  “I’d already been seduced by her, and she claimed she was with child.” Yoansu playing the martyr now fell silent and with his head lowered, he half turned to avoid (averted) looking at his father.

“You are playing with fire!” Kaimu balefully shook his head. And how!!! Even though there was a serious need to forewarn Yoansu about pernicious Ckarban, Kaimu could not bring himself to rehash the malignant past. His mind cast adrift; eventually he’d resolved himself to do the right thing: he would arm Yoansu with the grievous, unpalatable facts, but at a time just before his departure.

In silence with both hands clasped behind his back, Kaimu had walked on. Then abruptly halting his steps at one point, he turned and anew questioned his son.  “I assume you hold a powerful position in that illegal organization, because of her.”

“No need to insult me. Give me some credit!” Yoansu irately protested, no longer surprised by his father’s wit.

“I shall see to it your mom will never know.” After that awkward silence, Kaimu finally promised.

“Thank you, father, you don’t know what this means to me…I mean, having you on my side for once!” Yoansu ejected heartily and rushed to embrace him, but Kaimu (jerked back) pulled away.  “I’m only doing this for your mother.” Kaimu askance looked at his son. “She would never survive the heartbreak. However, I expect you to be gone soon. Two- or three-weeks tops. Make some credible excuse, as you are so good at it. And take your harlot with you!”

As Kaimu turned his back on Yoansu, he’d in sorrow, mumbled to himself.
“ You’re not him; you’ll never be him. I’ve lost a worthy son and now I must contend with the likes of him!”

Yoansu gritted his teeth in sheer rage, wanting to pounce on Kaimu and to strike him dead right there and then. How dare he? After all he’d done for him. How dare he?

“Damn you, old man!” He shouted (cursed) after him. “Damn you to Hell!”

He wanted to shout also, to really hurt Kaimu. You think he died by accident. You are a fool indeed! But he held his tongue. This secret he would take to his grave; however much the old man provoked him.


Kaimu returning to the bedroom plumped his laden, weary body onto the bed. Burdened with exhaustion, resurfaced past grievances, his son’s willful deception, all of it taking its toll on his already tormented soul- the moment his head touched the pillow, he collapsed into a very disturbed asleep.

Meanwhile Yoansu had lingered outside the shed while longer, fuming, cursing the old man under his breath.

Hungry for blood, he then headed straight for that cursed Zianko’s abode.

Earlier in the day Zianko from his spy hole had observed the dreaded son’s arrival. Fearful of further repercussions, he’d quickly packed his gear, intending (of mind) to depart the premises soon as the illicit deal had gone through, in two- or three-day’s time. That night, he’d also observed the distant apparent altercation between father and son (Kaimu and Yoansu). He took a hasty retreat when he saw Yoansu, after his father’s departure, heading his way and quickly hid outside (out of harm’s way).

Yoansu now with certain ferocity pounded on Zianko’s door in the dead of night. When no answer was forthcoming, he violently kicked the door in. Like a madman he rushed in to pulverize Zianko. But it soon became apparent to him that the wretch had flown the coop. (nest).  In his rage he turned things upside down, destroyed anything that came his way, wasted furniture…then his fury partially spent, he left the premise in tatters and retraced his steps back home.




After some passage of time, assured that it was safe for him to do so, Zianko had returned to his abode to assess the damage. The destruction that greeted his eyes infuriated him beyond measure. Wowing revenge he secured the door shut, quickly collected a few scattered, salvageable belongings and tried to restore some sort of order to the place. As bad as things were, he was still (bound) constrained to staying put, because of an expected shipment of contraband goods that was to arrive in a few days’ time. What galled him more is that from here on he would be forced to living in these premises in concealment and in dire fear of further repercussions from Yoansu!


         As it were, after his expanded physical exercise that night, Yoansu still seething in anger and spoiling for a fight, had reluctantly returned to his room. His blood boiling, ready for the next kill, he was nevertheless relieved, to find his crafty wife fast asleep.

In truth, Tufan, not wishing for another ugly confrontation (altercation) had faked the deep sleep. Going along with this pretense, with a wry grimace, Yoansu quickly doffed his clothes and quietly climbed into bed.  As sleep averted him however, for a long time he simply lay there on his back, without motion, with his hands tucked behind his head, his stern, empty gaze affixed on the barely visible ceiling beam.  Once his anger had subsided and his breathing became more regular, shallower, his head then begun to swim in whirls of fanciful clouds, carrying notions of how it would be like to share an intimate love exchange with one as beautiful as Jiense. 

She was truly the most ravishing female he had ever laid eyes on.  He’d been drawn to her enchanting face, those elongated lashes and luscious lips from the moment of first glance.  Though she’d lacked all the false trappings of beauty, like makeup, fine garments, and jewels, moreover, her hair had been plainly held back in a single ponytail, not even in braids- she’d still looked the very vision of loveliness. It seemed to him now that Tufan’s beauty totally paled in comparison, even when the latter was all done up and adorned in her fineries.  But how can she ever hope to compete with a Goddess? To be fair, Jiense’s natural beauty put-to-shame even the sparkles of the rarest jewels or the stars in the cloudless night.

Why should I wait? What am I afraid of? He asked himself anew, as he with burning intensity yearned to possess the one that had been denied to him. But he knew why and pursing his lips submitted begrudgingly to his reasoning mind which every time trounced (trampled) his fervent emotions. He habitually lay awake, this time, with fond vapidity, when suddenly a gyrate of mood overtook him. The number one boss, Ckarban, was a licentious man; if he’d ever caught sight of Jiense, he would not rest till he possessed her. Or worst still, he would lock her up in one of his highly profitable brothels and whenever he so desired, subject her to his avers sexual perversions. To his chagrin, Yoansu had not amassed the necessary manpower to blatantly mount an opposition. Thus far he had achieved (secured) some secret alliances but lacked adequate means (arms) for an eventual successful campaign; and besides, timing was all wrong… It would be more prudent for him, to presently maintain this farce, a subordinate role and the matrimonial relationship, that allowed him the additional inroads. Meanwhile this remote region was an ideal spot for concealing such a beauty, till it became ripe time to pluck… hmmm…but not if Kaimu had set his heart on contrary course. What to do? Hmm! And he mustn’t forget that mongrel dog, Zianko!

He’d turned and tossed the rest of the night hence, beset with such worries, his brain all the while concocting, devising many plausible courses of action and exploring various alternatives. When eventually through exhaustion, sleep overtook him; his subconscious state was then (tormented) harassed with a pernicious nightmare:

 In it Yoansu saw himself as a giant glittering, gilded colored fish, caught in his father's net along with the other basic kind, his father’s face changing alternately into Ckarban, then into Kaimu’s- Yoansu thrashing about and gasping for air, but with no hope, no means of escape!

Destined for his parent’s skillet, Yoansu felt the excruciating pain of his scales being shaved-off, felt the searing ache of being cut up and his guts being violently, mercilessly ripped right out of him by his own mother’s hand.  He suffered the agonizing pangs of being skewered then fried in oil, of being singed (seared) to the marrow!       Finally, placed on big platter, his curses and howls went unheeded by all the gang that was seated at the table. With such eagerness, such gusto they, again turning back into his family, had all rushed in to consume him. He heard his wife then exclaiming in pleasure at the exquisite taste, as she took great chunks of his flesh into her mouth and with such relish, her molars chewed him to a pulp. As she swallowed, he began the frightful descent into the dismal pit of her stomach! NOOOO!


At this point, while trying to escape this terrible predicament, he’d woken up with a start.  He lay in bed, his heart wildly palpitating, his face drenched in pearls of perspiration, when just then he heard the crowing of the cock outside. The very cock he’d brought over, as one of the presents.  His wife, who had slept soundly without stirring through his nightmarish ordeal and anguish, now also missed his resentful, contemptuous glare and the grinding of his teeth as he wished for her absence.


Kaimu also awakened by the cock's crowing, found his head throbbing with pain.

“What the blazes! What’s making that entire racket?” Springing from his bed, with curses on his lips, he rushed outside improperly clad, half-naked. Grabbing hold of a broom, he (threw) hurled it with violent force at the “blasted fowl”.  The bulk of broom’s handle meeting its mark head on; the cock let out a sharp cry swaggered and fell, plump unconscious to the ground.


Ensa, an early riser, was rather engaged, as she remained humped over a stove, busily preparing breakfast at the kitchen area with Jiense.

“If the blasted bird (fowl) is dead,” Kaimu addressed his wife on his return, grumbling, “cook it for lunch.” Then not waiting for her response, he veered to fetch himself some water. In his haste he nearly bumped headlong into Jiense.

Back in his room, as he hastily dressed himself, he sighed repeatedly, murmuring to himself: “What a pity, I wish my elder son had lived; they would have made such a handsome pair; meanwhile Yoansu has gotten exactly what he deserves. The problem is my wife is greatly attached to Jiense; how can I make her understand that the girl, however likeable, can’t stay with us indefinitely…Not with so many wolves on the prowl.”





Friday 13 September 2024




  (PART 7)

 After Yoansu had exited his old room, he quietly went over and seated himself across from his father who’d also had a change of clothing.

Ensa was quick to rush over with a new pot of tea for them, but the old man pushed it aside and asked his wife to bring them the wine instead. “This is a time for celebration!”  He scoffed, “why begrudge us the wine?”

“But husband,” Ensa countered, “you’d drunk the last of it the day before yesterday in company of Zianko. There is not a drop of it left in the house!”

“Oh, I forgot.” Shamefaced Kaimu lowered his head.

Yoansu did not like hearing of his father’s renewed liaison with that vile, loathsome neighbor. Hadn’t Zianko been forewarned to stay away? I guess he needed a stronger incentive!  Inwardly Yoansu made a note, to take care of it personally, at first opportunity.

“Oh, I nearly forgot, I have brought you some, Father.” Yoansu excitedly interjected, suddenly recalling the rare vintage he’d packed as a special gift for Kaimu. “Let me go and fetch it for you.”  So, saying, he went to his room, unfastened a large bundle and removed from it two large jugs of fine wine in very ornate containers, which spoke volumes of their high cost (worth).  He then gingerly carried them one at a time to the table in the living room.  Kaimu opened his eyes wide in happy anticipation, his mouth already watering and saliva gurgling in his throat; he absentmindedly licked his lips.

“You can afford this?”

Gloating, the son simply nodded. “Let me do the honors father.” He then humbly proposed. Upon latter’s consent, Yoansu quickly broke the seal and filled the two cups that Ensa had provided.

“What about you, mother? Please join us too.” Yoansu would have insisted, but she’d waved a hand in dismissal, firmly declining the offer; then rushed off, saying she had multitude of things to do. This put an abrupt end to Yoansu’s scheme of next inviting Jiense.

As the two men toasted to each other’s health, and gulped down the wine, Ensa knowing her husband's greed, had quietly carried off the second jug to a shelf in the kitchen, to be consumed at a later time. 

Kaimu sneered, seeing this from the corner of his eye, while he had raised the cup to his lip, but said nothing.  As his son filled his father's cup repeatedly, the other consumed it with eager frequency. 

Afraid that her husband would get too drunk and misbehave, therefore scaring off their new daughter-in-law so soon after her arrival, Ensa rushed some tidbits for them to consume; then positioning herself behind her husband's back, gave her son a discrete signal “to slow down with his service!”  The son, understanding, affectionately grinned, and nodded his head to her in assent when Kaimu’s attention was diverted to the choice bit of morsel in front of him.

In a very short span of time that they had conversed, father and son had covered most of what had transpired in each other's absence. 

Yoansu spoke of his many hardships till he’d finally reached Kuno town.

               Contented to staying there and travelling no further, his first act had been to seek cheap lodgings, then to gain honest, decent employment.  The first task had been easy enough to attain, but the second had been harder than imaginable.

As Ensa rushed about, she could not help but utter a sigh, for her heart broke hearing of her son's (imagined) endured hardships.  Kaimu ignored Ensa, but the son gave a consoling smile to his mother without breaking his story.

    Wishing to stay on the true moral course, he’d worn down the soles of his feet trying to gain legitimate employment of some worth.  All he could find, however, had been the most demeaning jobs, that of which he’d cared not to extrapolate on.

“I’m proud of you son.” Ensa at this point coming over had padded her son’s cheek. Encouraged by this response, Yoansu then sewed a lengthier yarn.

According to him eventually his perseverance and tenacity had paid off. He’d gained lawful employment at a reputable teahouse, with still more promising prospects. Before long he’d furthered his position, with his diligence, and became an assistant manager.  There he’d stayed adding up his adequate earnings till it amounted to a respectable sum, after which he’d planned to return home with it.

As such, Yoansu took delight in spinning a convincing fabrication and pulling wool over these foolish but nevertheless much beloved parents.

All this time for the sake of peace, Kaimu had masked his growing resentment and mounting anger at this apparent, rather insulting deception. Not at all blinded to his son’s arrogance and other character flaws as Ensa, he’d detected far too many irregularities and numerous inconsistencies in his son’s accounts. Only, out of deference to his wife, he’d kept his tongue.

Yoansu rounding his story, then had steered the conversation to a point where ceasing the opening, the chance, he renewed his inquiry about Jiense. But, once more, Kaimu avoided responding (averted replying) to his son’s question and instead, rather bluntly shepherded (maneuvered) Yoansu’s attention to yet another topic of conversation.

 Though this further intrigued Yoansu, knowing his father's stubborn and temperamental nature he consigned himself to exercising patience.  Ensa and Jiense meanwhile had busied themselves in the kitchen, readying the supper.  Jiense had felt quite uncomfortable at first being inundated under the burning gazes of Yoansu but deeming it to be nothing more than an idle curiosity on the part of the son, she’d dismissed it eventually and gave it no further thought. 

Finally, the new daughter-in-law Tufan made her grand entrance, emerging from the room all refreshed, powdered and rouged- which made her look totally out of place, and even absurd.  Instead of going over to the womenfolk to offer her help, she accepted the man’s polite invitation and brazenly set herself at the table between them, to be waited on. 

Ensa, the most understanding mother-in -law, overlooked Tufan's arrogant indiscretion and thoughtlessness, and bore her no contempt, something that another in her palace most certainly would not have done.

The storage space at the side of the kitchen meanwhile had been hastily prepared as the new designated sleeping quarters for Jiense.  As it were, the entire dwelling consisted of two bedrooms and one big living room, where they did everything: cooking, eating, entertainment, reading, weaving, sawing etc.  When they had company, as means of privacy they pulled at the string, which lowered a straw mat curtain from the ceiling and divided the living room into two, concealing the kitchen.  After further division, it was the makeshift room at the corner of kitchen that now served as Jiense’s sleeping quarters at night.  During the day, her bedding would be folded and placed in the old couple's bedroom for storage. 

All the preparations for dinner completed, the womenfolk sat themselves at the table as well to consume the rich fare that Ensa and Jiense had done their best to produce.  In this happy atmosphere they toasted endlessly to their future happiness, harmonious relationships and long life.  Of course, since Jiense was still considered part of the family, she was included in their celebration at the dinner table, and even came to share a drink or two with them when they proposed a toast to the newlyweds.  The exciting sounds of happy chatter and laughter ensued well into the night. Finally, the young women were allowed to retire, while Ensa seated well off to the side, stayed up to finish her mending tasks.

In this more private atmosphere, Kaimu then broached the more delicate subject, the acquisition of Tufan, with Yoansu.

“You see, in the same street, at the opposite corner from this teahouse, there was another business establishment, which had many customers streaming in and out of it all the time.” Yoansu now, without abandon, relinquished the rest of the story.  “This place livened up at night, and the most exciting sounds of music, happy chatter and laughter emanated endlessly from it until dawn.  The vitality of this place kept me both curious and sleepless many a night, despite my exhausted state.”

“My discreet inquiries revealed that this place was what was known as ‘House of Pleasure’.  A section of it was reserved for gamblers.” Yoansu leaning forward in a softer voice added. “And another section was earmarked (assigned, apportioned) for the customers to pass their time in the company of loose women, ones that have abandoned all moral conduct and offer services of the most intimate kind to men for a specified price.” Then continuing in a low voice, Yoansu could not resist, in teasing the old man’ with his elaboration of tantalizing accounts and shocking specifics.

Despite his mounting interest, Kaimu all through it all had maintained his stiff composure, and assuming high moral air, now and then, even showed a frown on his face. “I was appalled!  I mean I had heard that cities contained such places, but I had no idea that this town contained one as well.”

Yoansu wanted to roar out loud but playing along, he stifled his laughter. Then feigning modesty, he quickly added, “But I digress.”

Ensa had cocked her ears, trying to overhear the soft-spoken words of Yoansu, but to her chagrin, she’d still missed most of it.  Now she wondered to what “such places” her son was referring.

“Since my curiosity had been aroused,” the son continued, “I don't know how, but, despite my prior resolution, one day I found myself in the interior.”

Overlooking his son’s indiscretions and wanting to ease his mounting apprehension, Kaimu at this point hastily interjected: “Well, I hope you went to the section where only the men congregated.”  He could not bring himself however to say, and I hope you are not leading to the fact that this girl you brought home as your wife came from such a place! 

Surmising this, Yoansu gave a wry smile and shook his head in the negative (from side to side). Leaning back, he then continued, “There, at first, I remained as an observer, buying only a drink or two so that I would be inconspicuous, and watched over their shoulders the strange gambling games they played.  These, I later learned, were slap-yurkin, sondure, and dap-gurken games.  Of course, it was far more sophisticated in form than the kind played in remote areas.  However, over time, I was drawn to the games and took part in them myself.” Yoansu feigning shame admitted.

“Soon I’d become addicted and played frequently, always gambling my day's or week's wages, and even going without food.”

What an innocent account.” Kaimu mused. “I could almost believe him.”

“Tisk, tisk, tisk,” Ensa was heard expressing her disapproval and disappointment as she shook her head.

“Be quiet, woman!” Kaimu snapped.  “Instead of eavesdropping, why don't you go to bed?”

Though angered, she’d restrained her retort and not wishing to break harmony, she’d simply lowered her head.

Some things never change! Yoansu shook his head, then throwing a sad look at his mother, inwardly asked. Why do you put up with his antics (insults)?

“You always provoke me, making me look (appear) the villain!” Kaimu (surmising this) grumbled plaintively.

“As I was saying,” Yoansu, for the sake of peace, quickly resumed his tale. “My addiction to gambling of course gave me serious concern. But I kept telling myself that one good win was all I was aiming for; then I would quit, take all my winnings and go home.”

What a good son!  Ensa could not help but praise him inwardly. 

Kaimu averted his son’s eyes, to hide his skepticism. Yeah right, wolf in sheep’s clothing!

“Well, father, my fortune came in twofold, in the same night!”

At this point the old fisherman donned a strange expression and a broad smile across his face.  He then turning to his wife winked. “Imagine that!  Two-fold fortune must run in this family's stars!” 

When Yoansu asked what he had meant by that, Kaimu waved a hand in dismissal, saying, “Never mind...Get on with the rest of your story.”

“All right,” Yoansu conceded, “As I was saying, one night I was on a lucky streak.  It was like I couldn't lose, I kept on winning greater and greater sums.”

 Ensa gasped, as if enraptured by the same anticipatory feeling of this spoken moment. 

“In a very short time I had amassed quite a fortune, and before me was a huge pile of (money) funds that I could not have earned in ten years of hard work.  I became deliriously happy, beyond any imagination.”  Yoansu exhaling reached for his drink.

“And no one accosted you! No one tried to steal it from you?” Ensa could not hold back.

Yoansu smirked. “Of course, there’s always that danger mother, but not if one handles things right. First of all, as added insurance, one should offer a reasonable portion of one’s winnings to the proprietor of that place, in order to gain his protection. That will enable you the right to have the ‘so-called’ bodyguards. This is the unwritten law. It was these bodyguards that escorted my wife and me most of the way; being relieved of their duty only a short distance from here. How else do you think we got here in safety, in one piece and with this entire luggage too?”

I forgot there’s an honor system among the crooks! Kaimu inwardly scoffed. 

Filled with a grand vision of all that money, Kaimu rubbed his hands together in a jovial mood.  Surely his son must have brought a good chunk of it with him, home! Why else would he be crowing about this fact?

 In the past proud Kaimu’s long standing policy had been to reject any sort of help. Co-dependency on anyone, especially on this “no good son” would have been unthinkable. But then again, things had changed! Now a pragmatist, “survival” being paramount, he would not scoff at this present boon opportunity. 

 Yes, all this talk had to be a prelude to a great gift.  Kaimu had already made up his mind to accepting the money. That way after a brief visit, Yoansu in good conscience could return to his chosen lifestyle.

A frightening thought just then, however, crossed Kaimu’s mind. He knit his brows as the deep frown etched itself across his face.  What if Yoansu had spent most of the money on a dowry and other worthless stuff for this woman (Tufan), which her sophisticated kind always craved; not knowing there was a free wife waiting for him at home?  What if Yoansu’s intent all along had been (was) to dispose of this burdensome creature on them, knowing their desperation for a grandchild?

Since Kaimu had quickly shifted his gaze from Jiense’s direction to their son’s room, Ensa, who’d been idly rocking her body back and forth, noticed this sudden change and abruptly halted (stayed).  She held her breath in fearful anticipation of the consequences. But Kaimu, displaying unusual patience and self-control, maintained his composure and continued to listen.

In all this time Yoansu had been lost in his own private revere, paying no heed to the gravity of ensued silence. After placing his half-emptied cup down, he resumed his narration.  “At another table an old customer of the house had suffered heavy losses, and was asking for an extension on his credit, insisting that he was good for it.  Being their regular customer, he claimed, no demanded, they owed him this courtesy. His request, however, was flatly denied and he was politely asked to take his leave.  Not only did he refuse but also growing indignant, he then raised quite a row, hurling abuses at the proprietor.  He had lots of supporters, you see, and the proprietor was put in a bind.  On behalf of the gentleman, they demanded that he be given another chance, one final deal in order to recover his losses. The gentleman meanwhile reasserted that he felt his luck would change.”

'What a fool!” Kaimu interjected hotly.

Yoansu’s face flushed red, but continued nonetheless, without rebuking or giving any credence to this rude interruption. “I had picked up my pile and was on my way out, when his eyes spotted me.  Coming right over, he then very politely introduced himself as Yuksul Wugan then asked to borrow some of my winnings.  I tell you, father, I was dumbfounded.  Not because of his request, but that such a fine gentleman would condescend in public to ask me for money.”

“And why not,” Kaimu at this point exploded.  “I hope you did not lend him a zukon!”  Angrily he added, “Imagine that the gall!” 

What if he’d been wrong, and most of the proposed amount had been squandered on her, as the means of acquisition/ barter/dowry? Kaimu inwardly asked. It had suddenly occurred to him, that the gentleman's family name was the same as their new daughter-in-law.

In response to Kaimu’s outburst, Yoansu had grimaced and lowered his eyes to conceal his amusement. After clearing his throat, he resumed his narration. “Now, I hesitated since he was a stranger and all... I mean, he wasn't family.”

“Quite right,” Ensa was heard heaving a deep sigh. Their relief, however, was short lived.

“But Mr. Yuksul Wugan, calling on his friends to bear witness, made me an oath that he would pay his debt to me in full, plus interest by this time tomorrow or he would forfeit his daughter to me in its stead.”

I knew it! Kaimu scoffed inwardly.

“I remained silent, partly out of shock.  I had never heard of such a thing; I mean, throwing one’s own child into the barter as easily as that!  Not something a respectable family would do surely, yet he did not look to be one from a poor family.”

Ensa shook her head, echoing her husband’s silent disapproval.

“Still hesitant, I sought to get away, to ponder on the concern.  But his friends, by then encircling me rushed forth with persuasive arguments to hasten my decision. They assured me that I had no reason to fear any loss, saying that he was as good as his word and that his daughter, a rare beauty, should be more than enough collateral. Therefore, I was a fool to even be hesitating.”

“Aiyyyahh, I’ve never heard such a thing!” Ensa could not hold her peace, while Kaimu's face darkened.

“So enticed, I complied with his wishes and loaned him the required sum.” Yoansu quickly added.

“So, they bamboozled (hoodwinked) you into giving them the money… But not the entire tally (tot), I hope?” Kaimu grumbled.

“No, only a small portion of it was spent on that.” Yoansu lied.

 “Well after I loaned him the amount, I made my way through the crowds and left the premises quickly, disappointing all those that tried to persuade me to stay and to participate in the game, or at least watch to see how Mr.Yuksul Wugan fared. You see, father, I remembered your good advice that the best time to quit anything was while the going was still good.  That's why I sought to leave prematurely.  I could not trust myself to remain objective and not be coerced back into another game.”

“In another words, you kept your wits about you.” Kaimu ejected sternly, not at all impressed.

“That night, I am ashamed to say, I entertained fanciful thoughts,” Yoansu blushed, admitting this: “I’d hoped he would lose still more and be unable to cover his debt. Then I would gain myself a wife.  It did not matter if she was ugly, a wife was a wife!”

Kaimu appeared saddened and seemingly agitated. He rose from his seat and giving an excuse of needing to relieve himself, he darted outside. 

Even Ensa had guessed the rest.  “Imagine; losing good money for a wife when there was no need for it!  But how was he to know?” 

“What a worthless son I have!” Kaimu grumbled under the blanket of stars. His mind then reverting to Jiense, his eyes upturned to the sky, he hissed. “So, my good fortune was a sham.  The Gods have had a good joke and are now laughing at me; he ground his teeth anew as he went about doing his business. 

When he returned with a blank expression, his wife surmising his thoughts remained fearful lest her foolhardy husband unleash his terrible temper and ruin this otherwise joyous union.

Yoansu had also sensed that something was amiss but chose instead to disregard it. Besides, he was thoroughly enjoying himself and he thought himself to be quite clever with his rather convincing spun yarn. But how could he be an offspring of such a gullible pair?  During that respite (brief interval), he’d once more inwardly questioned himself, as he’d done dozens of times… even though his arrogant self knew the answer all too well.

Nevertheless, ironically, he was bound to them out of filial piety and love.  He was the prisoner of his affections, and the deep bond of love that existed between him and more precisely his mother- which could never be disputed or broken! Thus far, he’d been the invisible force of protection that had enabled them their long, relatively untroubled life. Admittedly, his was a dangerous line of work. But he shuddered to think what might have befallen his parents, had he not taken this recourse. If only this proud fool of a father knew how much he owed his son! One day, Yoansu made self-promise, when in private and away from Ensa’s hearing range, he will let him know! Then let him be so smug!

Yoansu with indifference had watched Kaimu walk across the room with a lowered face, fetch his chewing herbs (contained in a pouch) and then begrudgingly settle himself in the chair across from his son. He popped a dried piece into his mouth and offered the same to Yoansu.

Yoansu never liked the bitter taste anyhow; he simply shook his head.

“Suit yourself.” Kaimu shrugged, accepting the spittoon that his wife had provided for him.

 “Well, let’s hear the rest of it.” He intoned with cold irony as he leaned back.