Cold shivers gripped Lu’s heart, and his face contorted with sadness as he recalled the horrific details of so long ago. In his anguish, he bit his lip so hard that blood trickled down his chin and onto his bare chest. He, oblivious to the trail of blood, spoke of the tragic demise of his wife who had been tortured at length and then made to witness as her only son’s life was snuffed (extinguished), all, in order to extract information from her, concerning Lu's whereabouts.
"But how could she tell them anything? I
had left under cover of night without a word to anyone. The mission demanded
absolute secrecy. And for that, she was … (Lu’s tongue froze, for he could not
bring himself to say it,) until... ah, such inconceivable cruelty! To think men
is capable of, could conceive such extreme torment (abuse)!" Lu lamented, shedding more tears, "If
only I had the foresight, I would rather have ended their lives swiftly myself
and spared them such agony."
Realizing the fetters of
providence that linked him with Lu, Nevetsecnuac dropped to his knees and bowed
respectfully to the beggar before him.
"What's come over you, son?” Lu rushing over pulled him to his feet.
"You were one of the
elite guards dispatched by Lord Shonne Gulbrand to deliver Lord Asger Thuxur
Marrog Zhon to safety, were you not?"
"Yes, but how can you
know that?” Lu cried in astonishment. "Clearly you are not what you seem….
Who are you really, sir?"
Svein’s (Nevetsecnuac’s)
reply was cut short by a violent gust of wind that sprang up instantly within
the room, rattling the windows. The flames of the fire grew dim and then rekindled, spewing forth a dense smoke that rolled across the room like a fog to obscure their vision. Nevetsecnuac rubbed his eyes to clear his sight, then, looking up, saw a man's form standing by the scroll. Nevetsecnuac, springing to his feet, called out, "Who's there? Who are you, sir?"
The apparition made no
Fearing a spy, Lu had also
sprung to his feet and, muscles tensed, craned his neck to squint in the
direction Svein was speaking. He saw
nothing. "What is it?” he half turned
and shouted at Svein in alarm.
"Can't you see him?”
Nevetsecnuac pointed, barely able to make out the figure himself now that it
had retreated into the shadows.
"See what?” Lu snapped at Svein, still unable to see anything out of the ordinary. "Your eyes must be playing tricks on
Puzzled, Nevetsecnuac took
a bold step toward the mute ghost, but the phantasm instantly vanished into
thin air. When Nevetsecnuac halted or
took a step back the figure re-emerged. Accordingly, the apparition moved back
and forth, dimmed, and then appeared evasively by the fire.
"Sir, we humbly ask
that you identify yourself. Please make
your wishes known to us.” Nevetsecnuac respectfully bowed to the seemingly
irresolute ghost while his eyes tracked the wavering image.
Tugging at Svein's sleeve,
Lu urged, "Hurry, describe him to me!
What does he look like?"
"He's tall, thin,
fair of hair and dressed in a light blue robe.
Wait a minute, there's an embroidered crest on his garment. It looks
like," again Nevetsecnuac’s head moved to follow the roaming spirit, "yes,
like a golden sword over a coiled black serpent."
"Heavens be
merciful!” Lu's face turned ashen, and tears pricked his eyes. Frantically dropping to his knees in the
direction of the apparition, in supplication he touched his forehead to the
floor repeatedly and implored Lord Shonne Gulbrand to show his countenance to
him also.
In accordance,
Nevetsecnuac prostrated himself also before the Lord's image, expressing
eternal gratitude to him. After
repeating his vow of vengeance upon Zakhertan Yozdek, tears streaming down his
face, he then requested for the reason for the Lord's manifestation, promising
to fulfill any of Lord Shonne Gulbrand's wishes to the best of his ability.
It was after Lu intoned
the same request and bowed his head respectfully that the Lord's image became
visible to him as well.
The apparition, now more
defined, floated towards Nevetsecnuac, riding atop the fluorescent clouds. His distinguished, noble presence awed
Nevetsecnuac but, before he could bow once more, the specter of Shonne Gulbrand
gave a respectful bow to the prince instead.
The ghost's expression, though tired and grim, was affectionate and he
gave an approving nod to Nevetsecnuac as a fleeting smile grazed his lips.
When Nevetsecnuac looked up questioningly to the Lord, he saw a single tear trickle from the apparition's eye to land wetly on Nevetsecnuac’s forehead. Though no words were exchanged, the prince understood just then the reason for the Lord's visitation and touched his head to the floor in obeisance. When he looked up again the figure had disappeared; Nevetsecnuac’ eyes drawn to Lu, beheld the other’s baffled and questioning gaze.
In all these years, Lu had pondered; my Lord has never graced these
premises. What would prompt this visit
now? Who is this youth before me that he
merits such honor and respect from such a High Lord? Unless...
Just then Lu's eyes widened, his face flushed a deep crimson and his
jaw fell-open as he stared at Svein. Could
this be? Is this youth the baby prince
left in Lord Asger Zhon's care?
"You!” Lu cried out with an alarm and
pointed at Svein. “You!” another cry escaped his Lips, before his throat
constricted and drowned any hope of further utterance.
Nevetsecnuac rushed to
stop the trembling Lu from dropping to his knees and, overriding the old
soldier's protests, picked him up and placed him in the chair by the bed. The prince then prostrating, expressed his gratitude
for the great sacrifices and the hardships Lu had had to endure, all for his
The series of exciting
events, all in the span of but a few hours, had proven too much for Lu. Once he had been a mighty warrior, blessed
with great prowess, but old age, and the ravages and angst of the past two decades
had taken their toll. This sudden shock
made his head throb, then his eyes began to swim, and shortly after he lost all
focus. All his energy drained rapidly
from his body, and he swooned.
Nevetsecnuac reacted swiftly and, reaching
forward, stopped Lu from sliding off of the chair. He then picked Lu up and
gently placed him on the bed.
Assured by his still
strong pulse that the old soldier was still among the living, Nevetsecnuac
thoughtfully covered him with the quilt and then, picking up a cracked cup from the
desk, went outside to collect some rainwater.
Returning when it was full, he wiped Lu's forehead and face with a wet
rag. Gradually the color returned to
Lu's ashen, sallow cheeks and he stirred.
"What happened?” his
eyes partly opening, he groaned. Then,
when his memory became more acute, he strove to rise but Nevetsecnuac’s hand
restrained him.
On Nevetsecnuac's
insistence, he was forced to take things in stride and, with some assistance,
drained the cool rainwater from the cup.
Sometime later when he was more able, he sat up and the two spent until
the small hours of the morning exchanging heartfelt sorrows, greetings,
gratitude, and stories.
It was then that Nevetsecnuac first heard of
the atrocities committed in the past by Zakhertan Yozdek before and after his usurpation of
power and the existence of a (few seconds’) younger, twin to Lord Shonne Gulbrand.
"Identical in
appearance though they may have been,” Lu said, "they could not have been
more different in character. As goodness
and virtue were the qualities of Lord Shonne, the opposite could quite easily
have been said of his twin, born fifteen minutes later, Khronolf, who led a
totally vile, debauched Life.
Coveting the inherited title of the firstborn, Khronolf harbored great jealousy and resentment for Shonne and secretly plotted to have him murdered. Being a weak-willed character though, he delayed carrying out his designs.
The flaws in his character
grew progressively worse with each passing birthday and the worse he became the
more he was shunned by his parents, relatives, peers, and any worthwhile
gentlefolk. Frustration stemming from
these thwarted desires drove Khronolf ever closer to despair until he was
literally consumed by his madness. By
then his cruelty knew no bounds and many unfortunates suffered at his hand. When he finally amassed enough courage to
make, albeit a bungled attempt, on Shonne's life, the plot was easily exposed
and, in exasperation, he turned his sword on his hapless wife, then himself.
"His only surviving
offspring, Dwenng Gulbrand, was away at the time but his heart too, after years
of coaching by his father, was poisoned against Lord Shonne. Nevertheless, after this family tragedy, Lord
Shonne Gulbrand adopted the boy and raised him as his own.
Dwenng Gulbrand was
provided with proper tutelage and every means of luxury, he lacked for
nothing. The ungrateful wretch concealed
his true nature and hid his ill feelings towards his uncle, biding his time
until he had acquired the necessary skills to murder his uncle and usurp his
"Underneath the
pretext of an amiable good nature, Dwenng was as vicious and cunning as any
fanged viper. Trusted by his uncle, he
had accumulated, in due time, the most damaging information about the Lord."
At this point, Nevetsecnuac's thoughts strayed to Hacket Erling, who had adopted similar tactics to gain the trust of Asger and himself and whose fabrications had a strange blend of truth woven through it after all.
"Despite his pure,
perfect, placid crust, Dwenng had failed to control what seemed to be a
seemingly harmless vice, his lechery.”
Lu's voice was steeped in disgust.
"Always on the prowl, he delighted in corrupting then injuring
chaste women by a range of devious or forceful means. Unfortunately, these vile acts went
undetected by Lord Shonne Gulbrand, who was increasingly burdened by state
“Zakhertan Yozdek had by then usurped the
throne and, with the aid of his vast armies, had swiftly and effectively
consolidated his power throughout the Empire.
Unable to reverse this sweeping tide, Lord Shonne had led an underground
campaign against the usurper. His
struggle was still in its infancy when he successfully effected the escape of
Lord Asger Thuxur Marrog Zhon and the infant Prince Nevetsecnuac, which is you,
Your Grace.” Lu took another sip or two from the cup to quench his thirst,
before continuing.
“Now where was I? Oh, yes.
With such weighty concerns on his mind, is it any wonder that Dwenng's misdeeds
escaped his attention? Meanwhile,
Dwenng's mortified victims fearing reprisals from the wretch dared not bring
forth any charges before the Lord or his courts. But Dwenng's numerous
conquests, over time, had fed his arrogance and he eventually grew
careless. On Spirit’s Day, not unlike
this one, Dwenng happened to cast his cursed eyes on the beautiful wife, Alva,
of Assistant Magistrate Birger at the Ayen Temple. Lusting after her, the charlatan wielded the
power of his position to arrange a secret admission to her home in broad
daylight when Birger was away. Of
course, his intent was to molest Alva.” Lu swallowed hard and shook his head,
still very much incensed.
“Surprising the good woman
in her bed chamber he tried to force his attentions on Alva, daring even to
threaten her when she rejected his forceful advances. If she screamed, she would be found in a most
compromising position, and he would not hesitate to ruin her reputation and
tarnish her husband's good name by claiming she was once his long-standing
mistress. Dwenng would claim that her
heart had only recently turned cold towards him and so she attempted to rid
herself of her pesky lover by playing the part of the virtuous wife who had
been terribly wronged. As a threatening
gesture, a bluff, Dwenng opened his mouth to call out to the servants and make
public this fabricated declaration.” “The poor woman must have been frantic,
according to hearsay; she fell to her knees, pleading with him to show
mercy. Yes, Alva pleaded with him, but
it was in vain, because the wretch could not be deterred. Most of this is part of the court
records." Lu explained, with fire
in his eyes and still Livid, his teeth gnashed together in contempt.
"The villain still
tried to force himself on her and, seeing no way out of it, and seeking a way
to spare her husband from this great humiliation, Alva pretended to accede to
his wishes, if only they could meet elsewhere in secret where they would not be
found out. The cur, with some
reluctance, agreed to be patient until they could spend an entire, intimate
evening together the following fortnight.
He left her side, grinning, and spent the rest of the night drinking and
carousing with his cronies.
"That night Alva
waited until Birger had fallen asleep, quietly kissed him, and then slipped out
from under the covers. Going to the
library Alva wrote to her beloved husband a tragic farewell letter that explained
the circumstances and implored him not to take any action against Dwenng. She begged him to forget her and remarry as
soon as possible to one whose beauty would never cause him such trouble. They found the letter dotted with the stains
of her tears, on the desk in the morning, her cold corpse hanging above it by a
silken cord.
"Yes, in her prime
Alva was cheated out of a happy life.
She was but nineteen and had died because of a lecher! Oh, delicate flower crushed by that...” Lu
bit his lip and turned his head away to hide his pained expression. Despite his attempts of restraint however,
his heart so pained him that, he loosened his clenched fist to now massage his
Observing the play of
emotions, Nevetsecnuac questioned Lu, "Was Alva a close relation to
you? Certainly, you knew her well."
Lu's fleeting smile only
deepened the furrows on his forehead revealing his inner struggle. After some brooding, he nodded, resolved to
admit the truth. With his voice quivering
he said, "Yes, I knew her well. She
was our neighbor's daughter. Oh, how
beautiful she was, so frail yet blessed with such a luminous character." He spoke as if in reverie, "They lived
only a few houses down from us. As
children we used to play together and got along quite well. As an adolescent
(teenager), she was particularly fond of horses and loved riding. Alas, later I left for the Capital to enter
the Royal Military Academy and, when my postings after graduation took me away
on campaigns, we lost touch with each other. “
“I have never forgotten her though,” Lu looked
ill at ease. Regret and pain contorted
his face. As a man of high morals, he
found it hard to admit, to bare his soul to another, that he’d once secretly
and deeply been in love with her, an enduring love that to date still gripped
his heart. Shame, remorse, despair, love
and loneliness entangled him anew and he coughed repeatedly as if to break free
of this constraint.
After a spell of brooding, he resumed his narrative, "After my military service, when I returned home to the service of Lord Gulbrand, my parents brought up the subject of my marriage. With a joyful heart, I expressed my desire to wed Alva, only to have my hopes dashed when I was informed of her engagement to another. It was too late. I cursed my stupidity, my negligence and my oversight and quietly accepted the choice my parents had made for me.”
"Strange", Lu
mumbled to himself," even after all this time, the memory of her loss is
so painful, with the tightness gripping my chest, I can barely breathe, much
less ruminate (dwell on) …."
Then, smiling sheepishly, he turned to
Nevetsecnuac and added in a stammer, "But, of course, I had loved her from
afar, and later, when I wed, I learned to love my dear wife and the pain in my
young heart became but a distant memory."
As if to extricate himself, Lu rattled on about how his wife had been
virtuous and loving, and how much joy their lovely boy she bore him had brought
to his life as he watched him grow till age four. But Lu's forceful repudiations only helped
reinforce the unrequited love he still bore deep in his heart for Birger's wife
Alva, now a ghost.
A ghost, Nevetsecnuac inwardly queried. Could she be the
visiting apparition earlier on?
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