Friday 13 September 2024



Tufan Wugan



Overlooking his father’s antics, Yoansu with a renewed zeal resumed his narrative- by now being most anxious also, in reaching the end.  “The next two days in happy anticipation I waited for Mr. Wugan to pay me back, or rather to fail to pay me back, the sum he’d borrowed.  I had already quit my job and moved to a more comfortable lodging. Now having won enough money, in a week or two I planned to start my own business, a lucrative, competitive teahouse that would be frequented by all. Once the money came pouring in, I planned to begin preparations for the journey home.”

He’s such a scoundrel! Kaimu inwardly scoffed. Things should be that easy.

“You mean you have an established business there… you haven’t come home to stay for good?” Ensa morosely interrupted her son.

“I shall stay a while mom. And I promise I’ll frequent you both more often from now on. But I can make a much better living in town. Besides, this way I can also provide for you both all the comforts (extra amenities) of life that up until now you’ve been denied.”

“I meant no offense dad.” Yoansu had quickly added that last part in a placating tone, to allay (pacify, stem) Kaimu’s rising fury.

“We don’t care about material wealth son.” Ensa’s eyes in gratitude had nevertheless, glistened (brimmed) with tears. “I’d rather not miss you so much!”

“Don’t worry mom.” Yoansu added quickly. “My wife and your future grandson shall stay with you both to help you along with your chores. This is a better environment for them. And it will give me cause for frequent visits. Later still, to lessen the inconvenience, I shall engage workman to construct few more additions to this place.” Yoansu promised magnanimously.

 “Now, having gotten ahead of myself, let me see…. I’ll have to retrace some steps in the story.” Yoansu smiled sheepishly at his father.

“Story, hmm, a rather an apt choice of word!” Kaimu mumbled to himself as he grimaced back. Fortunately, no one had paid any heed to his wry skepticism.

 “Well anyhow, I’d left word at my old lodgings as to where I could be reached in case Mr. Yuksul Wugan called.  When it was well past the promised time, and he had not shown up, I decided to call on him instead.  I had asked the whereabouts of his home at the time I had loaned him the money.  Gaining some directions, I found the place without much difficulty.  The house was quite large and stately. Chief Stuart ushered me in. I threaded timidly with my rough sandals over the plush carpet that lined the floors. His wife greeted me at the reception room with a rather cold demeanor.

 Now the interior of the room was most handsomely decorated and it told of finer days when they must have lived in lap of luxury with countless servants running about on errands.  Presently all I could see was but a few servants. After the customary fragrant tea, I was led into an interior studio, where I saw the master of the house, Mr. Yuksul Wugan, resting on a large, canopied sofa.  I found him to be quite sickly in appearance, as though he had aged still more over time.  There was a strained relationship between him and his wife; she obviously did not approve of my being there.  When he had lost badly that night, returning home broken-hearted, he’d confessed to his wife his wager with me.   I later learned that they had argued the whole length of the night and most of the following day over this concern.  She threatened to leave him for good and, by taking his daughter with her, planned to go live with her parents.  How dare he be so heartless as to sell his daughter, for this was exactly what he had done?  She would desert him and let him stew in his own juice for this grievous wrongdoing. By no means was the wagered daughter their only offspring.  They had three others married off to lofty citizens, living in other parts of the country.  This shame would mar them also… A real loss of face this would bring to them all!”

The old Wugan had never done anything like this before.  That night he had lost his head, certain of his good fortune as augured (prophesied) by a soothsayer (seer), that he had made the bet.  Now feeling ever so foolish, he’d been stricken with remorse, especially since he had failed to raise the funds through other means.  A man of his stature, with a certain reputation to uphold, felt obliged to keeping his end of the bargain.  Hence, he’d begged his wife's forgiveness and understanding; swore never to gamble again, then with deep regret asked her to prepare their daughter, on the sure anticipation of my call. Meanwhile the shame and all that emotional turmoil taking its toll on him, he’d fallen ill. When his daughter was told of part of the truth and her imminent departure, she’d wailed bitterly and tried to kill herself. Fortunately, her mother had prevented her from doing so.”

Yoansu oozed in confidence. He knew that the elaborate narrative, with endless intriguing details would eliminate any doubt or wayward questions from their minds.

Expectantly, as the night wore on, with so much information crammed into their brains, the honest, simple folks appeared completely and utterly duped.

At least she comes from a good home. Ensa reflected.  Our grandson is bound to be someone worthy, as long as he does not take after his maternal grandfather.

No wonder she looked down on us.  A highborn girl like that will remain discontented and hard to please.  I’m afraid she will never fit in.

“Now father,” Yoansu continued, “If it were not for the considerable sum that I had loaned him, I would have forgotten about the debt.  Still, moved by sympathy to his affliction, I offered to give him an extension in time, saying he could pay me back at a future date, but he would not hear of it, and did not allow any extension.  Though, as he spoke, he did throw a cautionary look over his shoulder to assure himself his wife had not returned prematurely with the daughter to overhear what was being discussed.”  As if being reminded, Yoansu too, rose from his seat and quietly peeped into their room to reassure himself that his wife had slept through it all.  When he returned, he caught the last bit of his father's words to Ensa, “What a spineless old man, being afraid of a wife!  I suppose men go soft in the towns.”

“Not so loud,” Yoansu hurriedly cautioned him.  Pointing to the room he said, “She might wake up and overhear.”

“Have you gone soft too?” Kaimu sternly admonished his son.  “So, what if she hears me?”  Then looking away mused. “Or do you fear her exposing you!”

Yoansu, in an effort to silence Kaimu, quickly resumed his story, “As I was saying, he did not allow me to spare him from his obligation.  Now, father, I am not a heartless man, and I prepared myself to offer still more insistence on forgetting that part of the deal and deferring payment of cash till later date. But just at that moment her mother had brought her in, and I saw that she was indeed a rare beauty.  She at once captured my heart and stole all contrary words from my mouth.”

At this point Yoansu had paused for a spell as he’d lowered his head in thoughtful air. “Anyway, after seeing her I’d aborted any notion (thought) of calling off the deal.  I could not bring myself to spurn this chance which had come my way.  Still, to rest in good conscience, being brought up so decently by you both, I made the proposal of doing the right thing by her.  This granted, I then formally asked permission from the father to be united with her in lawful matrimony.  Proposing that the loaned sum be considered instead as her dowry; in so doing, I saved them face.  Mr. Yuksul Wugan was so pleased that he readily assented.”

“A shrewd move,” Kaimu interjected, “he had you save his family's honor and still kept his money.”

“But father, I was the fortunate one,” Yoansu countered, “for how else I could have secured myself such a beautiful wife from an affluent and well-respected family?”

“Respectable families do not gamble away their daughters!” Kaimu brusquely responded. 

Yoansu, for the sake of preserving peace, curtailed his disparaging remarks.

The silence was broken by Ensa’s timely intercession. “You did the right thing, my son.  Imagine, so far from home and you still behaved so admirably.  I am very proud of you.”  She had brought him up right. He had moral integrity.  She took a great chunk of that credit and wore it on her breastplate like a medal.

Kaimu glared at his incurably deluded idealistic wife.

Yoansu could not make sense of his father’s indifference. “I had to do the proper thing for them.” He therefore reasserted. “And yes, in case you’re wondering, I had more than enough funds to cover the wedding formalities and travel expenses.”

In an unbroken silence Ensa nodded her approval.  Kaimu looked away, burrowing his angry gaze on the mounted religious plague.

“On that happiest day of my life, they’d staged a generous feast for the ‘Wedding

 Ceremony’ and invited well over thousand guests.” Meanwhile Yoansu had continued. “It was a magnificent affair (social event), one that far exceeded my dreams. I only wished you two could have been there.”

How did they find the means; where did they procure all that money for such an elaborate extravaganza? Kaimu inwardly chewed on the words. Bah! Loopholes, there’s too many loopholes in your story! At this point Kaimu’s mind straying: he pondered on the question of her respectability. Who was she really? What’s with the charade?

 “After the ceremony when we formally became husband and wife, I continued to stay with them until she was fit for the journey.” Yoansu continued, oblivious to Kaimu's inner resentment.

Fit, as in pregnant? Kaimu scoffed under his breath.

“Some of the finer gifts: the silk embroidered cloth, the jeweled hairpin, one of the wines, as well as the sweets are all gifts from the respected ‘in-laws’.  They were very generous to me during my stay with them and never made me feel out of sorts.  Overlooking my crude manners and coarse habits they made me feel as though I belonged to their class (station in life).  I confess, Tufan's mother was still a bit stand-offish towards me,” Yoansu's voice became softer here, “but Mr, Wugan was most understanding and kind. I’d stayed there you see, for Tufan’s sake.” He then quickly added.

At this point Kaimu’s mounting skepticism had turned into sheer rage, and had it not been for Ensa’s timely intercession, directing their attention to the lateness of the hour, Kaimu would have definitely blown his top. 

Kaimu was incensed, having had heard enough prevarication for one night.  Nodding his assent, he rose to go, but Yoansu had no intention of going to sleep and insisted that he was not tired in the least.  He tugged at his father's sleeve to stop him from leaving and said, “Father, let mother go to bed, but let us spend a little more time together.   I've just come home after a long absence and we still have so much ground to cover, we can always sleep later.”  Hurriedly he then poured still more wine into Kaimu's cup and offered it respectfully with both hands in an attempt to coerce him to stay.  He was counting on the fact that Kaimu had the gift of gab when with male companions, whereas he remained closemouthed with females.

He wants something! Now disposed to the idea of staying, Kaimu ordered his wife to stop pestering him and go to bed by herself, adding that he wished to converse with his son in private for a while longer, without a constant harassment (interruption) from a meddling old woman. 

And so, against her better judgment, Ensa was forced to retire.  Yet despite her fatigue she lay awake in bed, waiting for her husband to join her.

Yoansu had an ulterior motive in detaining his father and keeping him from sleep this night. With Ensa out of the way now, Yoansu felt freer to speak his mind. The whole secrecy about Jiense had aroused his curiosity; herbal pouch cast aside, after renewed bouts of drinking and pleasant exchanges of facts, Yoansu artfully then steered the conversation to the point of interest.

“Now, father,” he began with his amiable tone. “I have told you my story in detail; won't you tell me yours?  I am most anxious to learn more about her.”  Pointing at (cocking his head in the direction of) the space behind the straw curtain, he asked in repetition, without a pause. “How did she come by? How is it that all through the night she’s not uttered a single word? She seems dumbfounded when we speak yet anyone can see she is intelligent enough to comprehend mother’s sign language.  Is she partially handicapped?” For what purpose has she been kept? Then again, she is attractive enough and appears most docile…”

Get your mind out of the gutter! Kaimu wanted to bark at his son but lowered his head instead and said coldly, “Your wife must be anxious for you to join her. Why stay away?

 “She is probably fast asleep,” Yoansu protested. “But I will not be, not unless you resolve this mystery.  Please father let me in on the secret!”

 Let me string you along for a change and see how you like it. After his prolonged silence, pretending insobriety (intoxication) and a soft spot for his son, he supposedly reluctantly gave his consent.  “Very well, then...But first let us have some more wine, I feel parched this very night.” 

Kaimu had also wished to test his son’s stamina.




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